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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Maybe not an inconvenience owning, just asking for suggestions to make more convenient, when at the condo. How inconvenient is it to top up a 12kWh battery while at the market. Even Lotus's are installing CS, and most large malls now have them. On a slow 50kWh cable, that all of 15 minutes, or 30 minutes on a slower 22kWh cable. Y'all seem to read too much in to everything.
  2. It eventually will be added to the amenities offered, for the better class of condos on offer. ... same as number of parking spaces available, usually to larger units ... same as having a gym, or how many gyms in the complex ... same as offering pool, one or more pools to be enjoyed ... in house restaurant or market Or you can buy that 28m² box room, and simply enjoy not paying rent. Options abound, to meet you desires or bank account . Nothing more than a selling point for those that want, or can afford. Prices always dictated by location, and amenities offered. EV charging will simply be another on the list to market & advertise. If I was looking for a condo, I wouldn't consider one that didn't have EV charging, and in the future, I'm guessing there's going to be more than a few more with the same mindset. EV are here to stay, and more coming everyday. I've already seen condo adverts mentioning EV charger available. If the fossils want to use fossil fuel, we're OK with that, just remember, slower traffic to the left. DISCLAIMER: This and many posts of mine are PSAs or entertainment, you decide. OK, I do drive the speed limit, for full disclosure, but not in a Celerio
  3. No idea how the partnerships work, if so, share install cost & profits, as charge 7-8 baht a kWh, while themselves paying less.
  4. Typical multi millionaire, and simply hasn't done any food shopping in year. Maids/cook/house staff probably does any food/dry good shopping that isn't delivered to his mansion. Most, including many politicians are out of touch with reality of everyday living of common folks.
  5. Really ... nobody uses google any more Plug in Hybrid EV Battery EV Full Hybrid EV
  6. Do you know if there are others driving hybrids or BEV owners at the complex. Also is the parking area 'open' to public or guarded. Elexa will install charging station at vendors, condos. If 'open' parking, then anyone could use, would be a plus, and no cost the the condo owners themselves. We've stopped at coffee shops that have Elexa charging cables while O&A.
  7. Yep, that corporate greed thingy slipped in and made it part of 'their' bottom line. Remember working in restaurant for $1 hour when in high school, and actually a 40+ hr (illegal) work week. Bussing tables, and portion of pay was from a portion of the waitresses' tips. When min. wage at the time was: So tips matter. Back then it did ensure good service, though not so much any more, as they expect a certain % as a tip. Good service has slipped, or so I read. Before TH, I ate in restaurants a lot, and tipping always added 20% to the cost of a meal. Even the IRS got in on the act now, and tax 'tip wage salaries' on what they feel you should be getting, whether you actually get that on not. Now that's F'd up.
  8. THANKS, have to give them a test, as part of the 'rest stop' after driving a few hours. Addicted to Wings Zap when O&A. I could live off some PTT Park stations: KFC, 7-11, food court, 5 Star chicken, aside from the rest and charging the car Same even have Black Canyons if want to sit and have a cheap steak dinner Try to avoid all of them when at the home front, as knowing I'll get my share of, when out on the road. Early days here 7-11 used to have shrimp burgers, not sure if shrimp, but was a decent fish sandwich, although think they changed vendors as not the same as days past.
  9. That's a lot easier than changing Mazda 2 fod's battery ...
  10. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1565594577612886
  11. click on link already provide, usually works for my sources As pointed out, you lack a source for you 'awarded millions' as that was adjusted on appeal. Do you need a source, see above
  12. Never miss an opportunity to Yank bash, even though it was an Euro tradition picked up by Yanks visiting Europe, days past, as already pointed out. Do try to keep up, and know your history
  13. Doesn't the CC charge the vendor, this raising their overheard, which costs are passed onto the customers, all customers, even us cash only folks. Thanks
  14. Wonder if the power bank was simply dodgy POS. Or was it in use, charging a phone, in which case, 'user error' being in the seat pocket, and heat couldn't dissipate. You can't fix stupid
  15. I won't do cashless transactions. Usually don't tip either, if not expected, and isn't from most vendors we frequent. Leave paying to the Mrs, since I'm a Yank, and worked in restaurants & bars, I used to be a good tipper, days past. Although since that work history, I'm critical of the universally poor service most places provide. TH not being a tip driven salary workplace, and low pay of staff, the poor service is almost understandable. Probably why locally, we are repeat customers at family owned & run vendors, and service s always excellent Few to none get that 10% service charge, and simply a scam IMHO, so avoid vendors, when possible, that apply it.
  16. So right on par with most AN members DICLAIMER: NOT an attempt to troll, just an observation IMHO Proof of non-trolling will be, no reply of mine to any reply made to this post.
  17. It's not that simple. As if the docs (especially OBYGNs) didn't have enough to worry about being sued in civil court for a decision they make in a high risk surgery, so now they need to worry if it will carry a criminal offense of manslaughter or worse. It's not about performing abortion of convenience, already banned since 2022, (appeal pending). Do try to keep up ... From above ... link: "About 62% of ob-gyns and 59.3% of general surgeons had been sued in their careers to date, compared to 7% allergists/immunologists and 8% of hematologists/oncologists who are at lowest risk. Even before age 55, 43.9% of general surgeons and 47.2% of ob-gyns had already been sued."
  18. It isn't ... try to keep up. WW III, nukes, nuke winter = climate change, just a different spin on it. Just another end of days scenario that's not going to happen, same as your OP, who will TH align with Title: "How Safe Are You - Living in Thailand?"
  19. And neither have the people I reply to ... we're all broken records. Just because they repeat it, doesn't make it true. Another 100 years, and both sides of the argument will probably be stating the same thing. Same as the last 100 years, when the doom & gloom climate alarmist predicted we'd be in a dire climate state already/now, or worse, already dead & gone due to climate. Still waiting ... Same with nukes ... remember the bomb drills & fear prompting some to have bomb shelters Pure entertainment brought to you by MSM, and the profiting puppeteers. How many times are y'all going to fall for the same BS ... WAKE UP
  20. You're still here aren't you ? Yes, the climate will change. Because of humans ... NO. Anything humans can do to prevent climate change ... NO Will climate change affect human existence ... NO Will climate change end the life on the planet ... NO Will scare mongering make a lot of money for the climate change alarmist ... YES
  21. Something TH will never have to worry about. They'll always get a free pass from the USA, which means the rest of the west. Teflon Thailand Case in point, Military Coup & Martial Law = no USA foreign aid, so they renamed, initiated the ISA No foreign aid interruption.
  22. As silly as this 'what if' / WW III, nuke apocalypses thread / scenario is, when someone adds or mentions climate change, well, thanks, as always good for an additional laugh ... Read some of the links I posted above, as lots of 'end of days', and many are climate change disasters that didn't happen.
  23. Salmon & onions, kraut, roasted peppers & tater salad, prepped already except for salmon. Feeling lazy. Quick hot weather dinner.
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