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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Easier & quicker if you just download a diploma of said, and photoshop it. The get 'contact' cards made ... and you're a Doc. Even throw a Ph'd behind name if wanting. I'm what I always was, a smiling idiot who invest in RE, sideline in firearms, stocks. Salaried jobs didn't provide much, besides being temp jobs basically, so meaningless. Or I could go with photographer, drone operator. Best from past life ... pool boy toy, who will even clean your pool, if you have one Wife just calls me ... Sugar Daddy w/bennies
  2. edit: Concede, (reported on Ch 23) might be real, but really poor journalism, why I don't bother reading Thaiger.
  3. Solar now ... 👍 When I was there, only 1 resort on the 1 bay, and he had a diesel genny, the got shut down at night time. One of the best weeks I had in TH on holiday. Owner picked us up (during supply run), and returned us to Ranong, no ferry ride. Food (excellent) & beer cheap. Evening skinny dips w/fluorescents in the water, way too cool. Big A$$ crabs everywhere, sea eagles overheard ... pure Bliss. I think there are like 10 resorts on the bay now
  4. Gmail is the way to go if want to be fairly incognito on the internet. I have 1 hotmail opened decades ago, that I use for my broker in USA, and everything else uses other accounts (gmail/yahoo) that are all false information & NO PH# required. I Google my legal names and nothing. Even my FB accounts are BS. My dog & dead father even have FB that I use for uploading & saving things
  5. Far from a high roller, but a bit more than enough, and that works just fine. Days of investing are over, though wish I got in on bitcoin way back when. At 69, I'm low/no risk. RE, stocks (Y2K, pennies/options) got me where I am. For you youngins out there, unless a brainiac, and well compensated for it, get self employed. Pay yourself what you're worth, since, nobody else will.
  6. That's recent enough tech. I know folks love their Leicas ... Good Luck
  7. I followed him early on, got his early CDs when released, and saw him a couple times. Christian now, so not sure he's still singing the blues. Kenny Wayne Shepperd is another, all of 20 yrs old maybe, back then, got airplay and noticed about the same time as Lang. Both put on very nice shows.
  8. If you happen to strike out, or they want too much to fix, how old is the Leica ? I have an Sony @6000 mirrorless (released 2014/15), I picked up new, Xmas 2018, I'd be willing to let go rather inexpensive.. Gets little to no use now, since I have two Sony @6400 bodies, that I have my 2 main lenses on. The @6000 has the kit lens (16-50mm) and a zoom (55-210mm) which is sharp enough in the 70-190mm range. Also 2 other manual lens (35 & 12mm), F1.7 & F2 or 2.8, I think, Photos on pages 7-8-9-10 with the @6000 body & lenses, mostly I think, and very little editing, as not having any good software back then. https://www.flickr.com/photos/56481061@N02/with/49332255677
  9. All it takes is 1 eaten card to learn that lesson (been there, done that), a few decades ago. Most should know that by now, and experienced it, at our ages. I've had to go in the branches here/TH and retrieve a few here in the past 20+ yrs. Another reason you should carry your PP with you.
  10. Agree, and I've ignored or violated a few traffic laws myself. simply for convenience, but with extreme caution. While endorsing people should follow the law, at least the 2 main ones I follow; speed limit & helmet Probably the cause of most accidents & deaths. Was he wearing a helmet, don't know, as no mentioned, but there really is no excuse not to wear a helmet. Stupidity to the max, and way beyond common sense. One thing not mention, 'on the police enforcement' issue, those not familiar with the Chalong circle. It is a notorious spot to cite foreigner, for what ever. Last time there, approaching circle in our car, 2 officers (unofficial stop) and they pulled over the first farangs on a scooter to come by, while we were waiting to proceed into the circle. Way too obvious, they were profiled, as more than a few locals were driving by without helmets. The farang couple had helmets, and I didn't notice any probable cause to wave the over except to get a bit of tea money. Embarrassing actually. Wife even took notice of it. With that thought, did the Iranian take the underpass to avoid just that scenario ?
  11. 25kg is definitely going to restrict you. Ibis has a 10kg limit, and we use them quite a bit @ Krung Thep. When not there, use booking.com to find pet friendly in an area, and get lucky a few times. But most of our bookings are guesthouses/bungalow not on that site, but from Gmap. Kudos to the wife for all the effort she puts forward when planning an O&A. We'll easily call 10-15 places sometimes, the night before, when getting ready to move on. We haven't needed to use this option yet, but with the EV, she, the dog, not the wife, could sleep in the car, mozzy free in AC comfort, as it uses very little in 'idle'. We tried camping in the EV one night locally as a tester, and it 'worked'. But we also didn't have half the house with us, as usual, so not sure how that would go if actually O&A. Happy Travels
  12. Probably more than 10 times, but hey, what do I know. He's probably driven more times than myself, since been here since at least April 2023: Opened end of May 2019, so yea, I've driven through it more than a few times, since southern part of the island is a favorite area:
  13. That's one opinion ... but I found it well marked, well lit, calling it a curve is a stretch, more than wide enough for our SUV (bit wider than scooter). His fault, we agree on. Contributing factors, we'll have to agree to disagree.
  14. Uncommon common sense .... don't use stand along machines, or branch ATMs, outside of banking hours. Simple solutions to simple problems.
  15. Doom & Gloom sells ... who writes this crap. Things are so much better than before. Better educational & employment opportunities. So much more awareness/wokeness, on how to raise children. Social media exposing all the wrongs of the past. They have unlimited access to information they never had before. Actually have to attend school now. Universal health care.
  16. Just a guess, but that stretch of tunnel, probably has less accidents than the same stretch above ground. I don't think a scooter need that much room. More than enough lighting own there, and his headlight was probably on, and it's not exactly a hairpin curve, and at 50 kph ... you guys are killing me. The tunnel, the signage ... wasn't the cause of his death. I guess if he was Thai, it would have been his fault, because they all drive recklessly, like idiots, and never wear a helmet. But it's a foreigner, so it's got to be TH's fault. Mind boggling. Mirror mirror on the wall .. ... Y'all have a nice day
  17. Then simply drive the speed limit & wear a helmet. As I stated early, been in that underpass, and consider it the 'safest' stretch of road on Phuket, if not all TH. Since most people are driving slow & pay attention when in the tunnel. 50 kph is pretty darn slow ... try it next time out. Single vehicle accidents are usually the fault of 1 person. Which sadly comes down to not using common sense, usually. R I P
  18. I could have sworn there was an airport there ... Winter @ MHS ... NO Thanks 😷😷😷 smog was so bad in 2009, they closed the airport when we were there There it is, told you ...
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