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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I got 1 in 2010 (Oct), and 6 in 2011 at Udon Thani. Did they give you a reason? Only 2 at PKK
  2. Very nice ... bit pricey for the specs, but it's a BMW (if same one) My ghetto DECO SUSU is spec'd about the same, not nearly as sleek looking, but also <70k baht And has a seat for the wife & dog, that may be a negative for some folks w/wife/gf
  3. I use this site for a ball park idea of air quality, or used to. Been paying attention so long, I can guess close to what the AQI/PM2.5 is by how clear the headlands at the bay are from the house, or the hills to Myanmar in the opposite direction. Actually not a local AQI station here, or consistently online. But between Sam Roi Yot and Chumphon, gives me a ball park idea if wanting. Have my own meter, so can know what it is at the house. Site is good for when planning O&A, as came in handy recently when heading over to East coast of the Gulf, Trat area. Windy is pretty good also, for all things.
  4. When we bought the MG ZS, we sampled 3 grades; 91, E20 & E85 (which car was designed for). Performed a wee bit better on E85, very wee bit, and at the time, it was 28% cheaper than 91. kpL suffered, 11 vs 14, but price difference made up for it, and cost about the same baht per 100 kms. Fast forward, and now they are almost identical in price, so if still having the ICE ZS, we'd just use 91, as no real advantage.
  5. Didn't see to OP for an obvious reason, and saw the title & last couple replies (TBL), who replied to, which were about cars. Since your reply followed mine, thought I'd peek. Hence explained. On topic, I understand gogoro is very successful, unless something change since last time I read about them. DECO already has removeable batteries in a select number of there motorcycles here/TH, but don't think any plan to open swapping stations. If I was into distance scooter driving, I'd get one of their dual battery scooters, & 2 extra batteries. That would be way more hours on a motorcycle than I'd ever want to be on. Simply charge back up at the hotel over night. Simply problems w/simply solutions:
  6. Can't really remember last time I got scammed. After the first few times, I'm a quick learner. Those simply vendors, overcharging, all folks or farang price. Easily & quickly sorted to avoid reoccurring. Do things correct & legal, usually keeps you free from being scammed, from 'officials', if that was the case. All you suggestions of 'getting back' simply makes you a scammer of the innocents. Pretty sad state actually. Might want to check you morality gauge, as running a bit low I think.
  7. I really don't see the practicality of H for personal cars. Maybe long haul trucking to replace diesel till something better comes along, electric wise.
  8. Would think it's going to by proprietary to brand, and how many will actually be needed. Swapped out battery will be put into 'charging' rotation, and when full, simply placed in the 'swap' rotation. How many Nio s are going to show up within 1 hrs time to swap a battery out ? Probably just those O&A, or who can't charge at home. Basically a 'subscription' base product, so they know the inventory & turn over that would be needed. If it only takes 5 mins to swap one out, then can only do about 10 per hr any way. At most, 8 or 9 (per bay) would need to be on site. First one swapped would be charged up before the 8th or 9th car came in for a swap. Let's not over think it. Seems to be quite the success in CH, so not seeing a problem, except for fear of the unknown from ignorant people. As we see simply from the replies & threads about EVs that are filled with misinformation and silliness from the anti EV / CH folks. Definitely fills a niche in the market for impatient people or people that can't charge at home. Steers them right to their product line, and excellent marketing. Win Win all around.
  9. I wouldn't support the gf's or wife's family in USA, so why would I support them here. They didn't need it before they met me. That's just silly. In my case, they, wife's family, should be supporting me, as think most are better off than myself. So some people not only rent the wife, they rent the whole family here ... If that's the case, I can see why some pay to have the chickies or dudes leave in the morning. A lot cheaper than supporting the whole family.
  10. Mind boggling ... ... some of the posts and ignorance exhibited in this thread. And from a couple folks I had a bit more 'respect' for. Oh well Non EV owners discussing something they obviously are completely ignorant about. Sad really. Why would you not buy one in BKK ? City is perfect place for one. And enough with issues outside of TH, as the EV owners on the forum, are mostly, if not all, living in TH. Nothing outside of TH is very relevant. Like stating the UK will have a coup if Torries (whatever is the minority party) take over the next election ... pure silliness.
  11. Using that logic, my false virtue signaling went in flames when I ... ... wouldn't buy another (3rd) Vios ... or another Mazda 2 ... or even another MG ZS ICE, only car I ever sold for an upgrade ... see the wife in 15-20 years, and see if she buys another EV, as it will be my last car, unless I live to about 85 yrs old.
  12. Not defending anything, as quite happy with our purchase. Just trying to correct the BS, as there may actually be people reading who are considering an EV. Shame if they are turned off the idea by a bunch of anti EV/CH folks spewing a bunch of BS. All these stupid A$$ what if scenarios, or false and or exaggerated claims of EV problems. Are they/EVs perfect, probably not. Are they for everyone, probably not Would they fit most people's lifestyle and save them money over the life of the vehicle, while probably performing better ... probably YES Would EV owners buy another ICEV ... probably NOT ... that's a bit telling right there People can take the advice, recommendation of experienced EV owners, or sift through the BS of non-EV owners ... hmm, which would be more credible Anyone else wonder why anti EV'ers start a lot of statements with 'if'
  13. Owned 2 Vios, and certainly would never buy another, or a Yaris, since same thing, and Vios is discontinued here. Same with Mazda 2, as owned that also, or any ICEV I'd take Neta V over any entry level JP badged car 'made in TH' Our MG ZS EV has an expected (low end) life span (battery & motor) of about 900k kms, with -0- energy (fuel) cost, since have solar, for the life of the car. Saving us the price of the car over a 16 yr period if driving 20k kms a year. Or ~40k baht a year, if having to charge at home BEAT THAT A petrol car will cost the price of the car, over 16 yr period to operate, just fueling. Then have to shell out the full price for another. We'll (wife) just use our petrol saving for any new purchase down the road. Depreciation is something I've never worried about. Why would I sell a perfectly good car, something I've only done once, as was leaving the USA permanently. Our MG will probably our last car, or if not, given to our daughter. Any car 10+ yrs old will be more valuable as a gift to someone, than selling.
  14. I have to confess, I don't sleep well, and stay awake thinking about the grid crashing, and then ... ... the sun no longer shines. All those wasted solar panels I'm starting to miss bignok's silly threads. At least he asked some rational questions before people attacked him. Anti EV'er & fanboys ... what a divide Goys - Straights Dems - Reps Torries - ???? (I'm clueless on UK politics) Brexit'er - Remainer 👍 Carnivores - Vegans Red - Yellow shirts Haves - Have Nots Vax'd - Un Vax'd W T F over
  15. 99+% of our LAZ experiences have been positive. When an oops, it happens, they've been resolved quickly. As stated earlier, if a low value item, they don't even want returned. If buying from 'flagship' or 'LAZMALL' store, many times we got the refund, when picked up/scanned, and not after some inspection. Part of the 'no question refunds', even if simply changing your mind. Shopee pretty much the same, though I prefer LAZ.
  16. I can charge another EV off my car, in an emergency situation, as many cars can. Abet, would take some time, but available in your hypothetical silliness. What if (even more silliness) ... the grid goes down for a month or permanently. Solar & EVs ... oops, you didn't buy in ... oh well
  17. More than 1 CS vendor on the roads, and more than enough. If the grid is down, you won't be getting any petrol pumped either.
  18. No remorse here, and Lovin' It Picked up the perfect EV for us, at just the right time. Size, range, specs, price (govt incentive) all the stars line up perfectly, and already had solar to top it off. Could have waited 2 years for the E-MB purchase, as had a slight upgrade and govt incentive, so actually 10k baht cheaper. But then would have missed out on 2 yrs of driving fun + savings. Actually feel sorry for the ignorant people who can, but aren't taking advantage of EVs now. Whether 4 wheel cars, MB, or just a ebike. We have all 3 and all serve their purpose. Can have something that performs better, cost less to operate and maintain, but won't even consider due to pure ignorance, borderline stupidity. You can't fix stupid
  19. I treat social media much the same as people in real life. Simply ignore, or try to, as don't have that much respect for mankind. Only good thing about social media, gives introverts an avenue to the outside world. Those that can't deal with real people.
  20. Describe 'CH built' Project overseen by engineers from CH ? Using local labor. Using material from CH isn't strange, as most of the world's grid uses material from CH. But if same as TH-ITA building overpasses & highways in TH, surely aren't built by workers from IT. CH built anything certainly isn't a bad thing, as they seem to excel in most things infrastructure wise. Even everyday product wise, if have a choice where something is made, I'll always pick CH over USA, UK/EU or TH.
  21. And if frozen, helps with hemorrhoid relief ... so I read
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