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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not seeing on their menu ... when last time you were there ? Not seeing anything inexpensive in that place, but agree, looks like a dump. BeerLao during happy hour 110/150 ...
  2. Patts has train service to BKK, not sure how convenient, times & station are. HH station (old) is very convenient and walking distance to surfside and most things city wise that interst. Patts even has a rapid train on weekends, or use to. Worth checking out.
  3. operating any machined transportation defeats your moral compass. Even a horse driven one is questionable, as has to be broken. Moral compass ... Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
  4. That sounds terrible. Wife used Ritz for a crust/bottom once, forget, Apple or CheeseCake, and didn't work. Vanilla cookies do, in a pinch. Mrs Smith's pies are available at some vendors, or use to be (Udon Thani), Villa Market, and Top's in expat areas. Silly priced, but if have to have. Really is too easy to make. Crust is easy, but have to use frozen shaved butter. If you fail at that, then an Apple (any fruit) crumb is quite easy, and really hard to screw up. Easier solution is Apple turnover/Danish using store bought puff pastry. Icing is simply confection sugar and few drops of milk & vanilla. Just don't buy the pie filling in a can, if you actually want apples in you pie, as they are most thick syrup. Apples, sugar, cinnamon, flour butter and you have your pie ingredients. They even sell pre-made pie crusts.
  5. When oil producers, PTT/TH and others start diversifying into building EVs & batteries, that should tell what direction things are going. CH big oil diversifying is writing on the wall. It's there, just accept it. No problems with EVs. although your ICEVs for personal use are on borrowed time. Maybe not in our lifetime, but will be phased out.
  6. I agree & disagree, depending on someone's research skill & risk. Buffet himself says he regrets not getting into bitcoin/crypto. I remember my brother found a stock, for subscription gay TV/news, before it was main stream. Being ignorant & Christian he had 2nd thoughts and asked me. I'm like, who cares, it's a niche market in demand, buy. Turned out to be one of our best ROI. Same with an early universal health tracking software, now being used to record everyone health history. Unheard of at the time, another buy & good ROI. 2000, Cheney/Bush2 appointed, OK, no brainer. Oil stocks. Only regret, didn't buy into defense contractor's stock, for moral reason, but definitely regret it, as simply don't care any more. If people are that stupid ... oh well. People need to be current in politics and follow the big boys. Any wonder the pipeline got shut down. Couldn't be that Buffet is heavily invested in train lines and non pipeline transport of oil. Always need to look at the big $$$ picture behind the MSM BS spin.
  7. @glegolo18 You may want to ring him up, and ask if he goes anywhere else, KK maybe, as closer to UR. He just offered UT, knowing we lived there, and not knowing we no longer do. Hopefully someplace more convenient for you.
  8. Not the locations you mention, BUT ... does go to Udon Thani on occasion, though no set monthly schedule like he use to have. His regular office/home, is located at Uban Ratchathani. Ph # 085 306 7123 speaks English Info is current as wife just called to verify. We've used him years ago when he use to visit UT monthly. We even popped into his home office once when in the area.
  9. in 10 yrs ... I thought the end was suppose to be happening already. Was expecting Philly to be beachfront, with the caps melting (almost 10 yrs overdue ... oops), and New Jersey, USA would be underwater. But then again, all those elites telling us to change our ways, for climate change, rising seas, all seem to be buying and living in beachfront properties ... hmm.
  10. Thank you, as I don't see Putin saying anything like that. Only real stat presented is well over 1 year old. MSM BS IMHO
  11. Think you're asking the wrong people. And for you ma/pa, hospital 30 mins away, kms ?, 50 maybe, then that would be about 20% battery needed, and you shouldn't take it down that far anyway, we don't, and usually never below 50%, since we charge with solar. We charge when we can, and your parents would do the same. Obviously if they drive quite a bit, then 2-3 day without electric would be a problem. Though guessing they have a generator, so could simply charge off that if really needed, same as for the house. Another problem solved with common sense ... go figure. And you drive 1400 kms at a time, guessing you're not in Thailand, as T21/Asok to Phuket is 800 kms & 12 hrs. I'd wouldn't want to drive that without an overnight, now. I have in the past, non stop (overnight) & with multiple stops. Needed not matter what car you drive. They have EVs now that match the range of our ICEVs back then, and they were only good for 400+ kms. Think 600 kms range is available in TH now. I've driven Udon Thani to Phuket, and that's not even 1400 kms, and I certainly wouldn't do that now without a couple overnights. All these 'what if' either are silly, or have solutions and possible to have an EV. Just say you don't want an EV, no explanation needed, as most aren't applicable anyway. HINT: EVs aren't for everyone Somehow we can repeat it, but some people just don't hear it.
  12. Older units, and not my electric. Just let the AC decide when to kick in the compressor. A little chill never never hurts the snuggling.
  13. Couldn't say, as I really don't notice nationalities, when on Phuket or at Hua Hin. I don't do bars, so I wouldn't hear them speaking. I go to restaurants that cater to locals. Can't say I've notice many, at the Bluport or Market Village malls @ HH. Haven't been to Patts in well over a decade. Just came back from Chanthaburi & Trat, and made a special point to bypass Patts. Though faster routing bypassed it anyway. Nothing there that would interest me, except maybe the 'worlds largest 7-11', and from the photos, it's just a tad bigger, with a big A$$ boat design. Largest part simply comes from the 2nd floor dining area. Not worth the extra hour it would have taken ...
  14. Gay is not the proper word now ? Gay = homosexual in my dictionary. Did I not get the memo ?
  15. That's definitely location dependent. In TH, not really that important, as the cost to drive 20k kms a year, (local driving) charging/using MEA/PEA at home, is less than ฿13,000 @ ฿5/kWh, which most wouldn't pay that rate. <฿13k vs ฿48.5 for petrol (91 @ ฿34/L) *** Still very nice savings, ฿35k over petrol. Another ฿13k is nice if having solar. *** actual numbers from MG ZS EV vs ICE as we owned both. Saw that news-blip about AU, pretty cool. Here in TH, we average about 80 kph, on the highways, when out & about, keeping to 90-110 kph, when possible. Very few real roadways without traffic signals & cross traffic.
  16. I drive to Krung Thep at least once a month, and 35 has never gone down to one lane, or restricted to the frontage road. There are those 4 ish lanes going down to 2 at times. And of course the interchange at hwy 9 usually sucks. Came back through just last week, from Trat, and no real problems. Slow going in some spots. Timing is everything, and using Gmaps, helps, as occasionally will suggest frontage rd vs main 35. 35 will never be free of construction. People need to accept that. The elevated expressway is years away from completion. If not needing your vehicle then bus or train may be a better, more relaxed option as suggested. If I lived at Krung Thep or Patts, I don't think there is anything at HH that would motivate me to visit. If you do, consider using hwy #4 to bypass #35, though again, timing is everything, and it as its own congestion & construction going on. Though time wise may be the same, and moving a a faster pace, but more kms.
  17. I think the EV fanboys on the forum, simply want to give advice, (no preaching) and let people know, that there is a better option for 'most' ICEV owners next time they buy. People can simply accept our experienced advice or not. But instead, all they do is put forth false narratives that never existed, or that no longer exist. When the false narrative are disproved, then they turn to silly 'what if' scenarios. Setting aside all facts that are provided. Simply take our advice, or not, but please, just STFU with all your silliness.
  18. Barstool BS. The ferry failed because it wasn't practical, and misrun. Don't even think it had a refund policy for it's multiple cancellations. Wasn't inexpensive and simply took too long. Piers being an issue also. Really no market as who lives in Patts, and wants to visit HH, and visa versa. Two completely different markets.
  19. 50-1000%. I don't think I sold anything <25%, after the Y2K scam. I held most of those for about 1.5 yrs. They'd split every 3-6 months. Used that to chip away at the market and build my account. Then sold my RE, and funds to the market. Switched to pennies & options after 2000. Speculative oil after Cheney/Bush2 got appointed. Along with a bit of inside trading. Took less then 3 yrs to build my retirement/oops fund. Wish I had known all this in my 20s, instead of my late 40s. Would have retired at 30, instead of 45.
  20. Yep ... and tells you exactly who is in control. It certainly isn't the people or the govt. They sell 100w or brighter, powered by solar. Probably cheaper and less expensive to install & maintain. The whole system is a joke. A tropical country should be powered by solar, for most of it's energy needs.
  21. KhunLA

    Car rental

    Google would tell you that, for current info. I'd take the optional full -0- deductible insurance. I would think most forum members own, or use public trans while at BKK. I use public trans when at BKK, even though I self drive to BKK.
  22. Give me a quality movie with gay characters, I'll watch and enjoy it. Seen more than a few. Some of the better known: Crying Game Imitation Game Philadelphia The Ritz Bird Cage My Own Private Idaho
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