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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Nothing prejudice about not liking romance movies, as most gay themed movies are. Or coming out, diversity struggle, whatever the plot line, it simply doesn't interest me. Same with any coming of age movie, or sexual, ethnic struggle for recognition, acceptance. You want to make a gay Bond, John Wick, Neo/Matrix main character, then that's fine. I can fast forward past the sex scenes, if having. Arthur or Pretty Woman as gay themed, just wouldn't work with me. I don't want theirs or any sexuality to be the plot line. Just have not interest in watching. That gays used to be stuck watching predominantly straight romances probably sucked for then, not in a good way. But it's marketing to the masses. What sells. Look at the violent gun movies, for the massed that make 100's of millions, when the world wants to stop gun violence, but willing to shell out big bucks to watch. Go figure. I'd rather watch a good conspiracy, anti establish movie, and if main character is gay, bi or straight, I could care less, just give me a thought provoking plotline or good sci-fi fantasy movie.
  2. If it's something I wanted to watch, I won't turn it off, but I'll fast forward past it. I actually do the same with most sex scenes, as they really don't interest me, add nothing to the plot line, than simply entering the bedroom, and closing the door behind them won't accomplish. They are usually totally ridiculous, unrealistic scenes, and I actually find it degrading to the actors to have to perform them, as can't be pleasant for them either. I'd rather just see a semi or nude shot of them, if they are going to include it, and takes <15 secs to add to movie. I can't watch any 'gay themed' movies, same as many themed movies, as just don't interest me or can't relate to it.
  3. They took a LFP battery from -45C water tank to a 1000C fire, and then placed it in a car ...
  4. Last page has a few of the EV fanboys lined up. You'd have a hard time convincing us, we made the wrong decision buying an EV, after we've been driving for a while. It's a learning process. Are they perfect, of course not. But the best thing on offer at the moment. The future should even be better. Think most of us, wouldn't even consider buying another ICEV in the future, I know I certainly wouldn't. Those that still have, doubt will be replacing with another ICEV. That's a bit telling in itself. Hopefully those EV trucks will hit the market the next 5 years.
  5. Or they say ... 'I enjoy the experience of true driving' ... the vroom & vibration of the engine. No thanks. If performance is your goal, then you're an idiot for not having an EV. Power & torque is impressive, and I don't get impressed easily. If you must have a truck, I'll buy that reason ... for now
  6. I can't stand the BS reasons / excuses for not owning an EV. Range ... sure, you can drive maybe 5-600 kms in you car, or even 1000 kms in your large fuel tanked diesel truck ... BUT ... do you really ? 500 kms = 6-7 hrs on Thai roads, and I hope you don't expect anyone to believe you are driving that far, without stopping. Make the wife & kids P in a jar. Sometimes I have to stop within the first hour of leaving the house, and actually did the last trip, as emergency toilet stop. Note to self, don't eat & drink coffee before heading out next time. Then wife decided she needed a toilet stop 20 kms down the road Charging takes too long. After 3+ hours, you're stopping anyway, if not sooner. 30 minutes to top up EV, all of maybe 20 more minutes than a petrol stop, and that's without a browse and or munch, pick up a snack. Need to kill time while charging, troll on AN, that's time consumer. Don't forget the 1000 baht you saved by not buying petrol. And yet, you have no problem, Q'ing up every week at the petrol station for 10 mins, but don't consider those times an inconvenience. 10 times 52 or 26 times a year, adds up. Much more than my 30 seconds of plug in/out at the house once a week. EVs cost more to buy ... that's BS now, and the savings of operating & maintaining, and time saved from going to the dealer/shop to have done. Yea ... nuff said Fire hazard ... proven BS Battery replacement ... more BS Depreciation ... unknown & more BS, make/model dependent 2 real reason; ... you just don't want one ... can't charge at home, marginal reason, but understandable, especially if you rack up the kms.
  7. "The US Department of Justice have been investigating Tesla over its claims relating to its assisted driving features since January." This is what happens when you buy X/Twitter, and allow free speech....you get investigated
  8. Hated slate roofs, and scared the hell out of me. Same with wood, especially if wet. Santa definitely had choices, as did one place on main line, had 5 damn chimneys. Rich people ... good day for me though.
  9. Was over there last week, Laem Sing area, and surprised didn't need long sleeve shirts or the AC at night. Though did use the AC, try to knock the humidity down a bit. Expected a bit cooler temps.
  10. I guess that's location dependent, as had a bit of very cool weather for us down here a while back, and it's pretty cool now overnight. Low 20s and cooler than I remember the past few years while living here/PKK. Daytime temps seem to be about normal though, touching mid 30s. Definitely better than high 30s or breaking 40. Liking this climate change, as rainy season was a bit longer than usual, though did start a bit later than usual. End of May instead of beginning of. Definitely not a hot or dry El Nino, and quite the opposite.
  11. Describe long term, and for who ? EVs are for me, the next 10 years if lucky enough. Also for my wife, the next 20 yrs, if not longer, as she won't need another car, if ever, as expect the present one to last 20+ years for the amount of driving she'll be doing, once I'm gone. I've owned cars not made as good, and were older. Who knows what we'll be driving in 20+ years, if even allowed to in some countries. And the savings of owning our present EV, will pay for anything the future holds. Saved 40-50+k last year, if driving 20k kms a year, depending how energized. Times that by 20+ years. That's a long term transport solution for us.
  12. Best bet would be vacation (short) rental at maybe Sichon or Khanom area. Don't think short time rentals (3 bdrm) is a thing here/TH, outside of tourist areas. Google ... "short term rental nakhon si thammarat" and you get some links, though I didn't peek at any
  13. What's not normal ... ... gay people existing ? ... gay people having sex ? ... gay people kissing ? I know a few gay folks, and they all seem normal to me. What ever normal is ? Act and relate to each other the same as non gays. Suggestion ... change the channel.
  14. List of mass shootings in the United Kingdom "in the year ending September 2022, a total of 6,369 firearm offences were reported in the United Kingdom"
  15. 4th times a charm ... well, for me anyway
  16. I'm good for about 3 hrs, and on Thai roads, that's only about 250-275 kms, if lucky. Then it's a welcomed stop, half hour +/-, along with top up back to 80-90%, and a much. Though rare we make it to 3 hrs without wife, dog or myself needing a stop.
  17. those small salary increases don't help, when you can't afford to buy a house and start to build equity for your future. Being a slave to rent & car payments isn't progress, and quite the opposite. Biden's economy putting citizens prime true investment, equity builder out of reach for most. source
  18. I remember most of them, born 1954. Not a fan of; Patty Duke Daniel Boone Liked Mission Impossible & Man from UNCLE. I Spy was good also, though bias since from Philly. Outer Limits & Twilight Zone. So many; Zorro Saint Hogan Heroes McHale's Navy Star Trek Dark Shadows Voyage to the Bottom of Sea, until a silly creature every week Sea Hunt, actually got me interested in diving.
  19. And here I thought we were talking about politicians. So I won't mention of those leftist dems that supported those peaceful demonstration of BLM though out the USA
  20. Since you obviously don't use CSs or don't live in TH, then you wouldn't know that most/many of the DC machines, have 2 'fast' charging cables. Almost all that I've used anyway, and that a fair amount countrywide, to come to my conclusion of 'most/many' having 2 per 'locaiton'. Slow charger, as you can see, usually only have 1, though TBH, don't really pay attention to them. But this is the standard info at most on the road charging stations ....
  21. And that's one scary A$$ thought, considering her warmongering father. Anyone else seeing the 1st female president and WW III to follow if her star wasn't shot down.
  22. How would that be different than killing & eating plants ? Simply because they're not cute and furry, feathered or possibly more intelligent to plants. Or maybe since you can't hear the frequency of their distress when killed, it's somehow more humane.
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