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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. About 21% (14.6M) of TH's population (69.6M) lives @ Krung Thep metro area ... nuff said Daughter enjoys living there, past 6+ yrs, from Udon Thani (18 yrs), and we're at PKK, which is too boring for her. Wants nothing to do with UT, and never visits. She's popping down here/PKK for a long weekend. I always enjoy visiting, more for her now, and less so, since hotels are getting a bit silly priced sometimes. Could easily live there, I think, though never spend a smog season there. So maybe not. Main negative, it's not dog friendly.
  2. Got to have the tools, or cooking isn't nearly as enjoyable. I could easily live with just an eat in kitchen & 1 bedroom house. Which is basically what our is. No dining room, or living room, with eat in kitchen being the largest room. We have too many (redundant) appliance, and since I'm not a fan of bending over (in either a good or a bad way), everything is counter top, which is a challenge. One constant ... Cast Iron ROCKS:
  3. Unfortunately, not sure I'd trust anything coming from FBI, or any agency any more. They've proved themselves to be a bit too corrupt. Be funny if half the list was redacted ... Mixed thoughts either way, as sure a few maybe didn't even know what epstein was up to, or found out after visiting. Maxwell chickie, whatever her name is, even stated that the photo of Pr. Philip and the chickie the royals paid, was a fake. That was a surprise.
  4. That's about the only good thing about the alphabet club getting lots of 'exposure'. No real stigma attached to one's sexuality any more. At least the latest generation, as seems the 'in thing' is to claim you are non binary/letter of some sort. Think I saw 1 survey where 15ish% or so of the youngins, don't identify as straight.
  5. Never a fan, and surely wouldn't want to see him, or anyone really at 83 yrs old. That said, his voice is still OK, though not exactly known for, or needs much of a range for his songs. I don't think. If having fun, good for him:
  6. Strange that isn't the standard, though guess it will be in the not to distant future, if not obsolete itself in 5 years with some new tech, soon to be mass produce, within 5 yrs. 50 yrs of driving, and don't think I've ever broken anything under the car, that wasn't just wear & tear. Ex: tie-rods & U-joints or strut once in TH.
  7. Good endorsement of an Ora Good Cat purchase "Not an isolate case many reports on youtube" ... or just repetitive YTs of the same report. As so many of the same other BS vids I've seen. Example .... .... the guy who bought a POS Tesla to blow up on his channel ... false reports of dumped EV (graveyard) to jack up sales #s, when actually poor business decision by a couple rent a car companies.
  8. Whistleblower exposes yet another legacy auto maker ... I don't trust any of them. "Toyota's Daihatsu to halt all vehicle shipments as safety scandal widens TOKYO (Reuters) -Toyota Motor's Daihatsu unit will halt shipments of all vehicles both overseas and in Japan, it said on Wednesday, after an investigation into a safety scandal found issues at some 64 models, including 22 sold under the Toyota brand."
  9. Certainly contradicts the 'no value' statement of the article. Depending on that agreement, to the manufacturers, it's only a matter of time before they will be of value to 2nd hand market, when developed to repurpose the battery banks, whether in a vehicle or on a solar system, in TH. Believe 2nd hand market already there in USA & Europe. For the article to state no value, is simply wrong. Author either very ignorant, or very bias.
  10. Agree, and millions enter TH every year, legally & contribute, or at least follow the rules. Same w/USA, being a melting pot of immigrants. ALL WELCOME ... LEGALLY
  11. PEA power outage tomorrow, all 'day', guessing running a new transformer for the building lots, someone started construction on down the road a bit. Maybe 2 days if not finished. If not having solar, could plug into the EV, w/E-MB still available for transport, if was needed. Freezers/frigs are full up most of the time ... prepped for the zombie apocalypse. Where's the outlet on the ICEVs ?
  12. I experienced it on Ko Phayam ... pretty cool. Flat surf, but they lit up with your every movement. Nice midnight skinny dips, with stars lighting the sky & fluorescents in the water ... amazing nature. Good to be alive Now if we only had aurora borealis here
  13. I can only laugh ... That an intelligent person even thinks any part of that statement is a reality. Part of, 100%, 13th or any other silly thing about the Constitution you can think of, can be suspended. Stop ... seriously, stop, don't bother, as you're now on my ignore list. Replied too many times already. Apparently 'have a nice day' & 'bye bye' wasn't enough of a clue.
  14. OK, now it's 'part' of the Constitution. Again, if not ignorant, you know how silly saying, or even thinking that would be a reality is. One can only hope. And you actually waste your time reading such op-eds ... and then post as a 'what if' scenario ... This is why the world is the way it is, because 'some folks'(to be kind) actually believe all these divisionary op-eds, read, believe, and are distracted by, while what they should be worried about and thinking about, happens right in front of them. Can't be bothered with your next silly scenario ... BYE BYE
  15. Whoever thinks that is extremely ignorant. Unless there's an EV battery dumping site here that we don't know about. Where do people think the write offs are going ? Surely there's a market for the batteries. Nothing that valuable, is tossed in the bin. We just aren't privy to them. Would think the insurance companies and selling the wrecks/battery packs to manufacturers of, to be utilized somewhere, somehow. As soon as 3rd party solar/EV brainiacs make it an easy DIY to add to home solar systems, a new market will emerge to the public. They're being utilized outside of TH, which gives pause to the research done for the article, and extremely misinformed or ignorance of the writer, if not knowing their reuse outside of TH.
  16. suspending the Constitution ... ... stop, you're killing me. That's right up there with GW/MMCC and them rising seas. Next I'll be avoiding rain puddles and speed bumps in my EVs if I believed half the stuff some of y'all read and believe. & post about. Why I usually avoid these threads. But thanks for the chuckle. Suspend the Constitution ... good one. And yet, when I mention WEF, Davos, Bilderburg , and their puppeteers, I'm called a conspiracy nutter ... go figure. You're obviously not a Yank, or completely ignorant to how the USA (3 branches of govt) or the world works. Have a nice day.
  17. To the title ... same as everyone else. If illegal, hopefully sorted out, again, same as everyone else.
  18. I usually ignore such stuff, reported in tabloid rags, and simply googled, the 'Act', which came up with this on 'wiki' ... "On June 1, 2020, President Donald Trump warned that he would invoke the Act in response to the George Floyd protests following the murder of George Floyd. In his official statement, Trump urged "every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers" to re-establish civil law and order "until the violence has been quelled". Federal officials talked Trump out of invoking the Insurrection Act. The National Guard were called during the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, but not active-duty military." You did get the one part correct ... I don't care
  19. I came through DMK (when BKK) one time stocked up with favorite shampoo & conditioner (yea I know), not declaring, checked ... she asked 'one for me', and helped herself to a shampoo. Gentleman that I am, offered the conditioner to go along with her shampoo choice ...
  20. Global hub ... ... more like educational, learning tool what not to do. First visit for me, 1999, and the main road from the airport now, wasn't even finished, still a few small stretches just gravel, and hard surface not laid yet, or maybe just expanding it. Patong was actually nice. Thought Bangla rd was a bit of overkill back than Though I was never a sextourist, so apparently extremely ignorant to the world of. Live & learn
  21. I decided to to actually read the OP, and stopped at this part ... nuff said "The Washington Post, The Atlantic and The New York Times each published stories referencing a “Trump dictatorship” in recent days, At least they got the 'stories' part correct ... ... story time today, maybe "Winnie the Pooh" or "Curious George" Is that the same as reading stories in MGN's rags, if living in the UK: Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The Sunday People ... etc etc ?
  22. Surely it happens, maybe not to the scale that it does here (low level criminals), as other countries may be a bit more discreet, or it goes higher up the chain, as I read 'human trafficking' is a billion $$$ business. Large scale illegal immigration operations can only operate with corrupt official, ground level, and up. You really cant traffic that many people, if #s are even close to accurate, without more than a few people turning a blind eye, with the hand out, collecting big bucks. Back to TH, IF not for so many willing to part with their money to support the Imm corruption here via use of agents, maybe the corruption wouldn't be so rampant. You do need both the supply & demand for it to prevail. A self supporting business by criminals on both sides of the equation. Why I'm totally against the use of agents at Imm, unless simply for convenience sake, of simply not Q'ing up, then fine. But to skirt the requirement, then no, but yet, so many forum members support it, even recommend it. But surely against it in their home country. Hypocrites
  23. Guess it wouldn't hurt to wait. He apparently doesn't want anyone looking to close at his affairs ... or simply putting you off, till he can hide his affairs better. Filing won't get you money any faster.
  24. Even if he could (he can't) how would that allow him to ban future election and stay in office longer than 1 more term. It would mean the military would agree with his decision, which they wouldn't. All these 'what ifs' are so ridiculous, I find it hard to believe semi intelligent people even consider them as a possibility. Trump suggested it's use to stop the BLM riots that swept the country, and never as a way for a president to stay in power. Agree with that, since the Dem city/state let they riot. Ask the locals if they wanted protecting that the left local govts weren't providing. Don't think you'd be surprised of the answer. Never let the facts get in the way of a good spin.
  25. Obviously travel in different circles, as I don't know any. I know a few that couldn't make the financials to stay like they wanted, and TH is better off without them ... IMHO
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