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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Very possibly him. So many other acclaimed, acknowledged other docs spoke out against the testing & vaccine, then almost immediately, demonized and 'under investigation' ... though we never got the results of the investigations. Of course their online accounts were banned/disable/shut down. One good thing about Musk taking over X / twitter.
  2. Protein spike ... not a good thing for many: https://eurjmedres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40001-023-00992-0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9494717/#s0010title
  3. Early on, the ex-CEO (Pfizer) came out against the silliness of testing, (that's what woke me up) and the vaccines before even released. Can't find his vids anymore on the internet. He was a virologist for 20 some years and the CEO before covid hit. My niece has privileges at 3 hospital at Philly, PA, USA and she advised my to stay clear of the vaccines. That's enough for me.
  4. At least he is following his training when cut off ... quick 'thank you & exit' Good Boy ... here's your treat we'll keep Hunter out of jail till you pardon him Good Boy
  5. Yea, the houses in Udon Thani 1 had, worm my butt out, 1 rai, then 2 rai, as if I didn't learn my lesson with the 1st one. Good exercise, but after 15 yrs, enough already. We'd go O&A during rainy season for couple weeks, and come home to jungle, and would take a week to catch up cutting the grass & trimming again. So this house 100 tw and most of that is house & carport. She has the garden & green house, but also only 100 tw. And I get 'free' figs ???????? Condos for me, way too expensive per m², but if single and wanting to own, little option, and beats renting IF, happy to live there 20 years.
  6. You won't see this on MSM ... ... eventually you will, but what if real news didn't post it first ... and RTnews is fake news ... ???? https://www.rt.com/news/582722-biden-confused-press-conference/
  7. Spike proteins are a problem. I read warnings back when vaccines being developed, and since used, have cause problems. Need to dig a bit to find the info, as they really do try to hide anything negative about the vaccines. It amazes me they even used them in the vaccines. It snooze time, will follow up tomorrow.
  8. Years of experience. As pop used to say, it's all going the same place, who cares what it looks like, as long as it taste good.
  9. TH ... how many generations living in same house, sharing transport ? Unskilled single person, trying to live on their own is near impossible, while trying to save money to better themselves. Not a whole lot different from myself, as first apartment, was shared with a friend, and first house I bought, even had a boarder to free up some funds for investing in my future. That crawl before you walk thingy, before being independent.
  10. If you saw that I already posted, why are you asking ? I did state 'maybe a couple'. I've even posted the Fomm One, 'on' water, cruising around a pond, somewhere on AN. I won't be driving mine through water, or more than 10cm deep, if even that, not matter who says I can. So your post was a troll post, since already knowing what I said and posted before ... hmm Why do you bother ? Do you enjoy getting put on people's ignore list ?
  11. Here's the last one I made. Dough not much different than my bread recipe, except olive oil, and 1 ferment/proof over night in frig, instead of 2 on table top, right after mixing. Then next day, lube up hand to work the dough since a bit sticky. No wood oven, so bottom gets cooked on gas hob, with cast iron griddle, then in the oven 230C w/fans, under top element. Tom. sauce, cheeses and homemade sausage (since already cooked, under the cheese). 2 step cooking, faster & easier for me to control even cooking.
  12. It is with me ... wink wink ... more energy & testosterone, early, then things slow down toward & after dinner. Give me my 6 hrs of NREM stage 3 & REM, then UP at sunrise, full power & energized again ????
  13. I would think that would be almost expected, as they were submerged in salt water. Water (pure) does not conduct electricity, but salt certainly does. A flooded battery bank, you might as well lay wires across all the terminals, as the salt is quite capable of causing a short. If not, then corrode the connections, so a future problem may be inevitable. Nobody claims EVs are waterproof (maybe a couple), especially if submerged. Or expects owners to allow their cars to get flooded/submerged. Who expects any car to survive being submerged in salt water for a couple days, or less. Or last much longer after wards. Why I wouldn't buy a 2nd hand car in Krung Thep, as the place simply floods too often. Do people really need to be told to not let their cars get flooded/submerged, especially EVs, and any electrical appliance? Definitely scratch those up to user error.
  14. +1 ... slow start, but you knew it was going to go somewhere interesting, and agree, better use of flashbacks to fill you in, than most other series try using.
  15. Final thoughts ... ... Sugar ... the Empty Calorie food ... ???? And that would be the white sugar. Other's listed earlier, have some nutritional value. Not much, but some. Don't know how much sugar y'all are eating, and in comparison, as I stated, may be healthier per gram, as I don't think people eat that much, gr for gr, than many other foods; high fat/bad cholesterol, alcoho/carbs that turn into sugar when digested. That burger is 200gr, alone, add bread & unhealthy sauce, yea. Do you put 200gr / 1 cup, of sugar on or in anything. That's enough sugar to make a tray of brownies, and do you plan on eating the whole tray in one sitting ? So put that sugar in prospective to all the other crap you eat. 33gr of sugar in 12 fl oz/368gr of Cola. You using that for your Rum & Coke. I put 5 gr in my cup of coffee (200-250ml), yes, empty calories, but, all of 20 calories, for those keeping score. Same as every other carb, and it provides energy, your body needs. I must burn most of it off, as I've been the same weight for year. "Sugar, like all carbohydrates, contains food energy. Every gram of carbohydrate has about 4 calories. One teaspoon of sugar has about 5 grams of carbohydrate, and 20 calories. One tablespoon of sugar has about 15 grams of carbohydrate, and 60 calories." If your washing down your large slice of apple pie or brownie, both al a mode of course, with vanilla ice cream, with a sugar drink, everyday, sitting on the sofa, on AN everyday, then yes. Your sugar intake for the day, may start to be an issue ???? Especially if having a whiskey and or a few beers at & after sunset, or sunrise, or noon with lunch. Getting that KFC, Big Mac or Whopper delivered to your LPOS butt, 3-4-5 nights a week. Get your full English in on the weekend, and Sunday Roast. Washed down with some more carbs. Don't forget that bag of crisp or tube of Pringle you're munchin on while watching that movie or footy of TV. Washed down with another beer/carb drink, whether containing sugar or not, as it's converted to sugar, once in your body. You can cut that pastry al a mode out of your diet, (my demon food) and you're still going to end up being a fat unhealthy fck. You are what you eat, but first you have to know what you're eating. You're 50-60-70 yrs old, do you really need to be told what's healthy at this stage in your life. Is your chest still larger than your waist ? Can you run 100 meters, and stop huffing & puffing within 30 seconds when you finish ? Do take a tuk tuk, bolt, grab, scooter taxi, baht bus or self drive if the walk is 500 meters, and all of 1 km round trip to the 7-11 or bar ? Have a pleasant evening ... ????
  16. Yes, I was agreeing with you ... verifying, informing, what you suspect, I think. don't let it go to your head ???? "I am not from the USA, I have no idea what they have on the table..."
  17. Natural sugar is better than white (processed) sugar. Honey even better. Maple syrup (real) is way too expensive for my CC butt. Stevia supposed to be best sweetener, but as stated, not a fan at all. Real depends how much consumed, obviously, especially if on a daily basis. And in conjunction, as a total intake, and sugars already in the other foods you eat. Majority of sugar I eat, probably from fruit & pasty or ice cream. Try to limit myself to 1 serving a day. White sugar, I'll add 5-10 grams to my coffee, depending if 1 or 2 cup for the day (5gr per 200ml coffee). Don't add sugar to my bread, though I may start adding 10 grs of sugar or honey, to a 350gr (flour) loaf, as a tester. Well below any amount that yeast won't eat all, so won't taste. Most foods eaten are home cooked, easily 95% of our diet, most made from scratch. Rarely sugar added, or very little to anything. Maybe pasta sauce, depending on the tomatoes and if needed, rare.
  18. If lump sum ... yes, or 1 or more accounts with a total balance of 10k at any 1 time. But not 65-80k a month being deposited, as long as balance stays below 10k during the year.
  19. I'm a Yank, and I've never seen a sugar 'shaker' on any restaurant table. You will see a sugar 'dispenser' in most coffee shops, but I wouldn't try to sprinkle sugar on food with it, as that would be a mess. This type, with a very wide hole, not for sprinkling:
  20. No I didn't. MGs pre CH were chap ... IMHO, well, USA versions back in 70/80s anyway. Have to plead ignorance about anything other years or location. I changed my mind by actually looking at & test driving, along with a bit a research of the NEW models out of CH. Nothing any forum member suggested. I don't put a whole lot of stock in forum members advice, unless I respect their opinion, and TBH, not many that I do. Spending more than 1000 baht, and I'm researching the hell out of it.
  21. Wrong, that is for a total 'balance' amount of $10k in accounts. Not if 10k or more has gone through the accounts, only if balance of accounts hit the 10k mark. My 800+k DD for ret. visa does not have to be reported. Unless I leave it in there to hit that 10k mark, which I don't and make a withdrawal every 3rd or 4th month. Only a few times have I needed to file FBAR, when using the lump sum amount for visa.
  22. Far from the majority ... "By comparison, 2.6 billion people worldwide (38 percent of the population) were overweight or obese in 2020." - 2020 Washington Post Op-Ed. WP source
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