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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Rolling the dice .... sushi dinner. Actually the shop is spotless, and sushi, small amount out at any time, sitting on chilled plate, I think. Tasty stuff
  2. Yea, I'm not getting all the SUV designations. Not exactly what I'd call SUVs. Even our MG ZS is silly to be called an SUV. Love the extra head room (not needed), and imagined roominess. But reality, the EP so similarly spec'd it's silly for most to pay the premium 170k difference in price, when ZS not on sale, or 50-100k more when is on sale. Plus of ZS is driver's door, getting in & out with a mediocre back. Higher seating to look down on the little people Shorter for easier parking. More glass and visibility. but less cargo space than EP as ZS is taller, but EP is longer, so does squeeze in more, though 1 pc sizing may be an issue.
  3. Did you get the ticket in the same province the car is registered ?
  4. Did something change, as I've had cars registered in my name, and no different than if in wife or Thai's name, buying or selling. Last 3 were in wife's name, simply easier if I crap out, and she'll avoid any 'death tax' if there is one. First 2 in my name, 2003 & 2008.
  5. If or when the BEV ever dies .... nothing goes to waste. Add to the Solar system. Here's a couple lithium drone batteries repurposed as a power bank ...
  6. I'm going down South again and converting. You bleeding heart Christians and your 'woman's rights'. Y'all really screwed the pooch there ... DUMB ASSES On topic ... yes, still hold the wife's hand, every now & then, when the mood strikes. Though not as much as ex GFs/wives in USA. Hot ... damn hot, and sweaty hands are uncomfortable. I don't do P4P ... so N/A to OP. Get strange looks when holding daughter's hand 😂
  7. I still peek in the toilet, to make sure nothing waiting, out of habit. Even knowing the sceptic tanks are sealed and no real entry points. The house is fairly snake proof. The walled yard, not so much, even after the OTT effort and mod to the gates & doors. They still manage to get in, to the point I'll do a walk around before letting the dog out for a sniff. For a quick P, she's on the leash, so not to run around ... a leash in your own yard 🙄
  8. Don't think I've ever had. Not sure I'd like that. We always have a couple jars of pickles going, and some sauerkraut (not cooked).
  9. Boredom ... how many times do you need to repeat the same history, English, math, physics, geography. How often am I going to use Latin or Spanish. Never considered myself more intelligent than anyone, but other students would take note, study at home, and do no better on tests than I did, by simply sitting there and paying attention when they covered something new. Most teachers go over what's going to be on a major test, the day before. Pay attention, and they basically gave you all the answers to the test. One teacher would tell me, you need to be here, this day, as test the next day That was Spanish, which I didn't even need to be there before the test, as already had 2 yrs of Latin. More about conjugation of verbs (had in Latin) & such, and obviously less about vocabulary memory. I was actually surprised the lack of memory most student exhibited. Really ... 1776, 1787/88/89, how do you forget that. We live in Philly FFS. Can't remember a simple Algebra formula. Refresher after refresher after refresher ...
  10. Stop buying silly priced pickles ...
  11. It was encouraged, I just didn't care. Principle called me in one day and pointed out he didn't need to graduate me, as I didn't meet the required time of attendance already, and was only at mid terms of the year, and not even close to the minimum. Told him I didn't care, and let me know now, so I don't waste any more time coming to class. Grades are way better than average, teachers like me, so let me know if I should quit now, and I'd simply get a GED. It was a short meeting. Except for Chemistry, I'd say the last 2 years of high school were a total waste of time. Hindsight, had I known, I would have quit and simply got the GED a few years earlier.
  12. USA MSM pretty much ignores TH politics. Most Yanks probably couldn't find it on a map.
  13. 20+ of R&D, and pushing it ... with pretty much -0- results ... nuff said.
  14. They better up the education system if they want to attempt that. Pretty much the whole world can't compete with CH's business dominance, direct or indirectly.
  15. Yep, covid proved that, even to a blind person, as they took down all the warnings. Many from medical professionals & virologist. Lots of factual stuff about the test, vaccine (safe & effective ) mask BS, and more importantly, the dangers of spike proteins. Literally killed and still killing people .... IMHO
  16. Actually I did, with quite decent grades, even though I missed 25% of the last school year, with 40 days absent ... Equates to a 3 day weekend every week Didn't attend the graduation ceremony & not photo of me in the year book. Had better things to do. I used to give my subjects books back at the final exams. Teachers were like, "hold on, we have a few more days of school" ... "yea, you do, I don't, I'm done".
  17. So nothing new, the lies & misconception continue as usually. Guess he didn't state inflation during his tenure is the highest it's ever been since the Carter administration. Social Security COLA point that out, not that I'm complaining. Just an observation, this century ... Trump vs Biden administration ...
  18. What's the point, it's not there, as you'll surely ask me for proof or a link. Then 10 posts will follow, all negative. I don't play those games any more. Have a nice day.
  19. Left 24 years ago, when the USA started invading & occupying sovereign countries for no reason, except profiteering. That was inevitable (war was coming) when Pres cheney got appointed. The rest is history, and embarrassing at that. Great country, crap govt & special interest groups pushing their PC agenda. RTnews is the only one I read, with large grain of salt of course, but much better than MSM. MSM is just an insult to your intelligence. And yes, it' ALL bad IMHO, don't think anything has actually changed, since I was a youngin', and use to watch the BS & lies spewed about the Vietnam War. Just 50+ years of the same BS.
  20. Just a reminder why I don't bother. vanilla, chocolate, strawberry
  21. Makes sense, as most content is anti RU. USA isn't much different, as they censor so much of the content, on most all platforms. Add Google to that also. Amazing what is scrubbed from G search also, which I've seen and knew was there before. Doing your 'own research' is next to impossible of late. Just about all info is controlled now, all platforms. X being the last fairly open platform, without govt censorship. So much misinformation on the internet, I really don't bother much any more. Which is fine by me, as more quality time with wife & dog.
  22. Are you near water, maybe an otter, if not a mongoose... otter mongoose some other options ...
  23. Yea ... what's a weekend, except a few more people out & about shopping and eating. I only take note of, so not to go to Makro on the weekend.
  24. Holy crap ... you do have to wonder. Then the govt charges you a carbon tax, for just about everything, for climate change and how good they are saving the planet for you and your children ... As long as they get their kickbacks, screw the public ... freakin' embarrassing.
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