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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. The insurance allows what ever drivers you tell them will be using, You, wife, and even anyone (not need to list), unless you know nobody ever will drive it, which may lower the premium a bit. I always had the 'anyone' can drive, in case some would be driving when having an oops, and not be listed on the policy. If you know just you & wife will only be the drivers, simply tell them that, and you may save a few baht. Use to be me, wife, daughter had access to the cars, and if daughter had, and was out, and a friend, say , went to 7-11 because daughter too lazy, and had an oops, it would be covered.
  2. Coal can be burned cleaner, if done right. And the issue is low, street level local air pollution. Even if electric generated with, do we really need to burn more,, especially the usual choice, diesel again to run the buses. Who knows, the bus companies may be using solar all day, charging and or feeding the grid, to lower their cost. Passing on savings to customer and supplementing the grid, so less fossil fuel is needed to sustain the grid. How can BEVs be a bad thing, considering the diesel alternatives they would use instead. Big oil has some of y'all so brainwashed it's unbelievable. When I was driving down out of the parking garage at Future Park Mall (Rangsit), I saw nothing but solar panels on almost all the roofs. Surely that takes a bg bite out of the pollution made to power the malls, and obviously saves the millions of baht, or they wouldn't have bothered. Again, people complain about the pollutions, when all they do is contribute to it, instead of alleviating some of it with simple solar system installations. Continue being the problem, instead of the solution. Roofs @ Future Park complex ...
  3. Don't know about CC, but why would I pay someone at least 5k to sit in a chair for about 1 hour, as that's all an agent would save me from doing. I still am the one that needs to get the bank paperwork. What does an agent do except give you fake financials if you can't show enough income yourself. Am I missing something ? Especially if I still need to go to the Imm office. If so, then I can pay myself 5k or more, to read the internet on my phone for an hour, or less. Although if I had to file at some of the horror story (that I don't believe) Imm offices, I might use an agent.
  4. NOW also gets good quality scores from 3rd party testers. I take their Magnesium, and noticeable effect. For K & K2, we make our own kefir & natto, and lean toward a Keto ish diet, which seems to provide quite a bit also. Natto also available at Makro, and guessing other chains & online. D is too easy, outdoors in TH, 15-30 minutes, and hard to have a deficiency.
  5. I think Sturgis opened their eyes all the way. They have apparently waken up from being woke. Harley-Davidson is dropping diversity initiatives paraphrased from link above ... "Harley-Davidson joins Tractor Supply and John Deere to backtrack on policies following pressure campaigns led by Starbuck. Tractor Supply recently announced it was eliminating jobs and goals focused on diversity, equity and inclusion; withdrawing its carbon emission reduction goals; and ending sponsorships for LGBTQ+ Pride festivals and voting campaigns. John Deere announced it will no longer sponsor “social or cultural awareness” events and would audit all its training materials. The company added that “we have not operated a DEI function since April 2024, and we do not have a DEI function today. We do not have hiring quotas and we no longer have supplier diversity spend goals.” But the company said it would review all sponsorships and outside organizations the company affiliates with, and the company will establish a central clearinghouse for approvals of those relationships. It also suggested it would drop some sponsorships, including LGBTQ+ Pride festivals, saying the brand going forward would focus exclusively on growing the sport of motorcycling. Harley-Davidson, based in Milwaukee, had previously been a longtime corporate member of the Wisconsin LBGT Chamber of Commerce. The company also said it would end its relationship with the Human Rights Campaign, a leading LGBTQ+ advocacy group."
  6. You know ..... .... I really enjoy cooking, healthy, less expensive, and turns out much better than the slop they serve elsewhere ......... usually .... not the case today Wife screwed up the yogurt, timing mostly, which means I screwed up the flatbread. Oh yea, suppose to be Gyros 🙄 Not enough baking powder to compensate for all the extra flour I had to add, to compensate for using kefir instead of yogurt. Started too late to actually make yeast bread. So it ended up with, to be kind, mediocre Gyro salad, and not entirely bad. She never lets to food win, and managed something that at least looked like a gyro. Then .... you got 3 different mixing bowls, 3 different pans, cutting boards, and misc, to clean up & wash. An easy hour+ of effort, to prep & cook, rewarded with a mess to clean up. You sure can't knock 7-11, for convenience and ease, and probably only 2 or 3X the cost for a full up meal. Sadly today, would have been a more satisfying munch. Did have a nice slice of homemade Apple Pie though. To be single and living out of that backpack. "Honey, can we sell the ZS and get that spiffy MG E-van. Minor conversion, and life is free & easy" ... Twist 'em up .... Party on 😎
  7. From Wiki ... ... "The BYD F3 sedan entered production on April 16, 2005, with an affordable price tag of CN¥73,000 (approximately US$10,000). Bearing resemblance to the Toyota Corolla with a lower price, the F3 quickly gained popularity, becoming a successful model with over 63,000 units sold that year. The 100,000th unit rolled off the assembly line on June 18, 2007, just 20 months after production began. Following this success, the larger BYD F6 sedan entered production in August 2007, which was modelled after the Honda Accord. Initially, BYD cars are equipped with Chinese-built Mitsubishi Motors older engines, but within a few years, BYD Auto created its own engines by improving Mitsubishi Motors engine blueprints By 2008, BYD Auto owned two vehicle assembly manufacturing plants in Xi'an and in Shenzhen with a production capacity of 300,000 units per year, an R&D and testing center in Shanghai, and a moulding plant in Beijing" Then they scaled back, and concentrated on who they are today. A force to be reconded with. You think electric vehicles & cutting edge battery technology, and what's the first company that comes to your mind .... nuff said
  8. When we lived there, it seemed like every other month, a bar or restaurant/bar, was opening, closing, or changing owners / management. Only 2 or 3 lasted the whole time we were there. Some had a good run, some didn't last 6 months to a year.
  9. Don't really need AI to alter the perception. News agencies do this, as a photography can simple change lens or settings on camera, to make a crowd look larger or smaller, but where the focus is, or focal length, lens & settings used. Same with wide angle lens, if wanting to make something look larger. Real estate agent use these, sometimes just to squeeze everything in, or to be deceptive, make that 25m² room look like 35m². No AI needed just setting or filter adjustments.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/PNQcdhSUeqC79BiZ/
  11. Something like this .... that grumpy guy via app or filters or take it a step further ... off to posting jail ...that's almost AI in itself Sometimes not ... or, more proof the lunar landing was fake Trolled my Hog riding friends with this, today, after reading the news ... One from a long time ago ... Unless I see or hear it myself, I don't believe anything I see or hear.
  12. I think they covered, relaxing, stress reliever, and or possible pain relief. May make you more receptive or enjoy music, or a comedy or sci fi movie. I'll burn one if getting ready to watch sci fi some times, or ding dong comedy. Sadly doesn't help the new crap they're putting out. Days past, great to relax and have sex while stoned, and always seemed a bit better, whether imagined or not, worked for me. Definitely helps women relax, well, the like minded ones I enjoyed.
  13. I think you / CM, have had E-tuk tuks for a few years now. Do you actually use public trans ? Chiang Mai Uni has been using E-buses & songthaews. Red truck why be using electric soon, if not already. It's a work in progress. Actually impressive for a 3rd world country ... IMHO I hope folks complaining about not enough E-public trans are driving diesels or ICEVs
  14. ... and the service just started ....... "The service began today, August 20" ......
  15. Only place I've seen so far, that might be iffy, is if going to the falls at Umphang. Although I didn't check all the apps. Of course, you could always find a guesthouse that would allow you to charge there overnight on your granny charger. Northwest border down to Mae Sot via MHS, may take a bit of planning. But the North is covered with enough. NE surprisingly (just looked) has more than enough. Along with the South. I've been in some remote areas, and yet to have any issues, or 'need' to use guesthouse/hotel to charge. I have once or twice, just for convenience. That's just DC fast chargers we're talking about. Doesn't include the slower 22w that a lot of malls, hotels and other vendors offer.
  16. Heading far North or Northwest ... no anxiety here ... and that's the very not all inclusive G maps Better knowledge = less anxiety
  17. Prior Velho, Portugal While initial reports suggested it started from an electric vehicle, the Civil Protection has not confirmed this https://aviation.direct/en/major-fire-in-parking-garage-near-Lisbon-airport
  18. Disagree ... it's completely irrelevant and off topic. EVs in TH, read the F'g OP Not about anything outside of TH. Start a new thread ... PLEASE, as you basically ruin every EV thread with your silliness. Here you go ... "ICEV & EV Fires ... worldwide" I come here for info about 'EVs in TH', not very often since you joined. Not here for world events. I have Google for that. If I want to know about EV fires in Portugal or Korea, I'll search for them. News Flash ... sh!t catches on fire at time. Thanks, I would have never guessed. Now you have threads for .... ... fires .... ICEV vs EV ... CS ... Owners PLEASE use them
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 154 seconds  
  20. Too cool. See if you can borrow it for a hour or 2, and take a cruise. Lots or people have insurance for non dedicated drivers. I think I do, and always have. I've only seen them at charging stations, lots of them, as Neta V & Atto 3 seem to be the most we see. Daughter wasn't impressed with it, but she's driven ours. She went with the Atto 3, and minor styling difference aside, and they're , ZS & A3 are pretty much the same.
  21. They still had a few new ones from CH, listed for 409k, and I'm like ... 'honey...." She's like ... 'WTF ... you nuts. What you going to do with 2 cars?' Something wrong with me, I collect sh!t ... I had 30 drones at one time, 5 of them, I built from scratch, before they started selling nicer ones for less, so then I bought a bunch of them 😎 In the USA, it was firearms 🙄 I apparently have issues.
  22. We charge up at the 250-275 kms mark. Depending where and how long in the car already. Have taken to 325, but didn't leave much for margin of error, like 18% left. And damn if the one station was inop. Just went to the next one down the road, and think it was 12% left. That was a bit scary, and won't make that mistake again. 275 is 3-4 hours in the car, and we really need a break by then. Long drives are days past with me, and impossible with the wife & dog. Even I want out after 3 hours. Usually hungry and or got to P anyway. I use to drive a truck, have done 20 hrs, took a nap, and returned for 20 more. ZS has a 46.3kWh (usable) battery of 50.3kWh, NEDC range 403, very rare to get that WLTP RANGE 320, constantly exceed that. 360 per charge is about average, but like 50-75kms reserve, at least. We go pretty rural when O&A. More than enough stations for most not to even think about charging. Only if you go way off the beaten track, may need to plan a bit.
  23. 2022 MG ZS D model Had the ICE version before that, and got low market price for it. Only 2 yrs old & 40k kms. 2nd hand folks offered 400k, think that was insured value or 390k. Rather sell to a private person, and did get 400k for it. Quick sale (motivated seller ), and buyers market (covid), along with smalls-ville market. 450k was the high end market price Someone from Hua Hin bought it, 100 kms away. Which is where we bought the EV version anyway, as local MG dealer wasn't here yet. Opened about a year later.
  24. They were private sales, I think. Yours have lower kms than all I saw. Saw couple on one2car, or whatever that site is, for 300+K Some of the private sales were at the 300+k mark also. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/106581732707976/search?query=2012 toyota prerunner We trading in our 1 Vios, and 2nd hand folks gave us a decent price, like 10% about insured value. 2nd Vios, had to people bidding on it, don't know why they wanted, but got a good price for that. Mazda 2 nobody wanted it, so gave it to daughter, who squeezed 3+ years out of it, before it started crapping out, with <200k kms on it. She was happy to get 70k for it.
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