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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Also have an amazing memory, though selective at times. Something about numbers & prices, and it sticks. I'll notice the slightest increases week to week, month to month. I still remember my PA, USA driver license # from 30+ yrs ago. Use to know my CC #s. Can't explain it, things just stick. Be damned if I can remember half my passwords though Although now when I reset them, I use my past house address #s, and yea, I remember all of them.
  2. Agree 100%. Never really was 'car person' myself, although I did have my favorites. Most were simply practical purchases, to get from A to B, as comfy & economical as possible. EV is and will be the only choice for myself, now that they produce quality at affordable prices. Just common sense to me, and more than enough choices already for everyone's taste & budget. If you've never test drove or leased one for a day so, then you really shouldn't comment negatively, as simply shows your ignorance.
  3. 'curing Alkys' ... it's not disease, so there is no cure IMHO ... you can't do anything, they have to do ... simple addiction, and easy to quit if anyone wants to and have enough self respect for themselves ... if not ... oh well, just hope they don't drive Why that drug is even legal is a head scratcher.
  4. 60 tabs (81) only 50 baht at local pharmacy.
  5. Freedom of the Press / internet is the enemy of the Deep State. Don't be surprised if Musk has an oops or X is shut down. They must need him a lot, or he'd be dead already.
  6. Me PC ... I'm all for legal immigration. After all, USA is a melting pot of immigrants, legal immigrants. Illegal immigrations ... oh I don't know ... ... finish the damn wall ... shoot to kill adult ... send the kids back ... or arrest & imprison all in work camps, for life ... old style prison, chain gangs & self sufficiency, no work, no eat That should be clear enough. Cross the border illegally, your risk you life and or your freedom, for life. Let that hit the headlines south of the border, and they'll stop coming. We could halt all trade with Mexico also, until they stop letting them travel 3200 kms through the country to the border.
  7. Someone more techie is going to need to answer that one. I'm assuming they are on a different pitch, and the roof crown is at the 3m mark. Our strings, 2, face due S & W. I wanted to put some on E pitched veranda roof, but installer was skeptical about the added weight. So we lose about 2 hours max of more production. The roofs has a very slight pitch, so S starts producing more than using about 0730 hrs. By 0800, and we got both ACs running, and still sending some to the ESS. Not looked, but I think around 0800 hrs, or earlier and W panels probably are fully exposed to the sun. Unless over cast, or charging the EV, ESS are topped usually before 1000 - 1100 hrs. Here's a day of sunshine in March, while O&A, slow till about 0800, then increases quite fast. So guessing both strings exposed by then. Since not home, ESS top up fast. Just 2 frigs & 1 light on. 14 hours of non production, and <5kWh produced, and <4kWhh used for just them, when not home.
  8. Numbers, numbers, numbers ... ... just open your eyes Wife had noted quite some time ago, I stopped pointed out EVs as they drove by. There's so many now ... so no longer hears ... ... Tesla ... another Atto 3 .. BYD ... Meow ... finally another ZS ... an orange MG4 ... a blue MG4 ... look a Neta V in front of us, and a Tesla behind us
  9. 1. Late night comics will have endless new material to work with. 2. You'll never see her if appointed president. good for that hate to see a reminder who is making life hard. Maybe she'll treat the WH like the border, and never show up. One can only hope. Do the puppeteers really need a puppet. Anyone seen biden since he's been given his ice cream & sent to his room, to let the adults talk
  10. That's a scary future, with here leading. I guess she isn't going to run on her record. CA Senator 2017-2021, and how's CA doing lately. A state with human poop warning apps .. nuff said. Along with the rest of the country since in the WH & Border Czar ... how's that working out for people, highest inflation in 30+ years ... ... That was rhetorical
  11. Pretty hard having that 'exhilaration in a motorcycle drive' on the reasonably priced MC/small scooters in TH, especially if buying for 51k as implied in OP. Good for scooting around town and through congestion. On highway, or playing, I would need a least a 750cc. But nothing, little scooters, I'd feel comfy doing top speed on or pushing the limits of bike & road, on Thai roads. A bit unpredictable & dangerous. A larger bike able to actually go fast ... that's suicidal here. I'll stick with the SUV, especially for anywhere over 1 hour drive. Heat, dust & diesel exhaust doesn't make for a pleasant experience. Even short drives on MC and I feel the need to shower when back home. No EV listed, so a bunch of under performing vehicles ... so 20th Century
  12. Both, and have both, though think I retired the glass one. The air fryer, half the size of the glass one 4.5L (?) vs 12L is pretty handy, and OK for 2 people. Only cost 990 baht. Think they're 1600 now.
  13. Or crisp the bottom up an a griddle/fry pan, then transfer to finish the top in the air fryer. Actually what I do when making pizza, but in the oven, as air fryer is really too small for my pizzas. Although ... have made pizza 'rolls or bread' in the air fryer, and a lot easier and tasty also.
  14. Used my air fryer for pork tenderloins tonight. Hot & fast, since little fat, and no need to slow cook. Came out perfect, and for those with limited space or budget, a small footprint on counter & wallet
  15. Had a tub is 2nd house, might of used it 3X in 7 yrs. Total waste of space and money. Things I can't go without ... my cast iron cookware.
  16. Suzuki Ciaz ... is that a new EV available in TH ???
  17. I saw that, or a version of, and had it in my had a few times. Then saw something else new that caught my eye. Though not a fan of Indian, I do want to give it a try. Next time O&A for sure. Think I've sampled just about everything else that interests me. Most I'd buy again. Also haven't sample more than I tried, as just don't interest me, especially if rice is the dominant ingredient. Do consider, they are 45-69/79 baht items. But, many as good or better than rolling the dice elsewhere. Consistent & convenient when O&A, and sometimes, the only game in town worth the effort ... location dependent
  18. Freedom & independence ... hate being dependent or relying on anybody, thing, govt, company, anything. Not a big fan of schedules, having to do or be anywhere at any special time, including routines.
  19. Just Google ... ... illegal migrant kills or rapes ... undocumented migrant kills or rapes And you'll have plenty of reading all day. Biden/Harris administration halted Trump's policy of immigrant applicants stay in Mexico till entry approved. Definitely got blood on their hands.
  20. and what planet would that be
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