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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Topic is NETA V, but whatever. Owning both Mazda2 and Vios (basically a Yaris), I wouldn't own either again, or recommend to anyone. Overpriced & underperforming compared to NETA V, besides cost to operate & maintain.
  2. Holy Buddha .... Celerio ... oh HELL NO If on budget, low buy in & operating/maintenance cost ... NETA V @ 429k, extreme budget restricted MG4 @ 699k (life time battery warranty) BYD's ATTO 3 @ 799.9k if needing more room Don't waste your money on underperforming ICE, that's just stupid. If driving 20k kms locally, and charging at home, you save about 40k baht a year by not paying for petrol. No more oil changes & tune-ups. This isn't rocket science, simple math, and in 10 ish year, the NETA V basically pays for itself, instead of costing the price of a new one, just to own and operate it, with petrol & maintenance costs of an ICEV. Who knows how long Suzuki is going to be around, as they just pulled production out of TH. This is sad, cost extra every week to drive a POS ... Celerio's 998 cc Petrol engine generates a power of 65.71bhp@5500rpm and a torque of 89Nm@3500rpm NETA V's instant performance (no 5500 rpm BS) NETA V comes with a 95hp electric motor with 150 Nm of torque.
  3. Depends how much the cut the price. I disabled the ADAS, as simply annoying when driving. Constant steering adjustment and warnings. ACC ... seem to not use it nearly as much, so no loss either. As rarely an open stretch of road here that I don't need to touch the brakes when using. Along with it disengages the regen, so would rather use that for slowing down. ACC off, I rarely touch the brakes. I does help me keep at the speed limit, when traffic is moving fast, as I'll catch myself exceeding the speed limit quite often. Not good with the proliferation of speed cameras, and actually surprised I haven't been cited on last few O&A. Most people knocking around town really don't need either. Maybe if you're a total airhead.
  4. That's quite the telling statement, aside from buy in price & low operating cost 👍 Couldn't agree more, and don't see any reason to buy an ICE
  5. Geez ... easy to understand why he needed a holiday from that lot. A 27 yr old out enjoying himself. Finally had some peace & quiet for for couple weeks ...
  6. She's all over the internet also, though not allowed to post. Between her word salads & cackling, not sure to laugh or cry, if this is all the dems can come up with. They really are hilarious. Even Willie Brown is probably thinking ... "Oh GOD, what have I done ? "
  7. @atpeace I would expect 20-25kWh on a good sunny day. On a crap day <10kWh wouldn't be a surprise. We use 3-4kWh overnight (14 hrs), and on a crap, batteries barely make it back to 100%, and that's being conservative use of electric during the day. We have 18 X .540w panels, and have produced 50kWh on a sunny day, with an 8kWh inverter. Using Deye as an example, their invert specs (5kW first column)
  8. And it is lower ... Sit corrected ... and seems Systolic is the more telling # ...
  9. Interesting .... 'Shield Test' ECLIPSE study demonstrates efficacy of Shield blood-based test for colorectal cancer screening
  10. Don't know which is which (US/UK) but the green one make no sense. As little movement in the Diastolic #s, and I think those are the more important ones. Actually not much movement in the Systolic side either. edit: blue is EU (Oxford) I guess the USA wants to put you on BP meds ASAP $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Mine just now, and not bad at all for the end of the day, and just got done cooking & eating. It will probably be lower in 15 minutes.
  11. Probably why he advises to avoid it... or not. edit: quick Google and don't see it banned anywhere. Sold as 'Equal Saccharin', Sweet 'N Low, Sweet Twin, and Necta Sweet . Originally banned in 1981, then deemed ''not hazardous in 2011"
  12. Don't know, never researched it, as avoid most soft drinks, and artificial flavorings, the last 40+ yrs. One guy I follow who tests his blood sugar spikes after eating & drinking foods with a CGM, tested Coke Zero, and those were his thought, stick with aspartame and avoid the others. He's into all that, so assume he researched it.
  13. Thought the first 2 seasons were very good, and looked forward to the 3rd. Which unfortunately, turned into the Ellen/Elliot Page show. After 2 eps, I quite watching. She's an actor, not need to mirror and bring her real life into the storyline, as didn't fit at all.
  14. Left wing title ... "Trump folds" 🙄 Right wing title ... "Harris still too scared for hard questions" 😎
  15. Don't do it, you'll never fly again. Worked for an airlines, and usually only flew 1st Class. Talk about being spoiled and turned into a snob. I dread flying in the back of the bus now, and one of main reasons I don't travel international any more. That an the silly 3 hr check time. Nothing to see or do worth that silliness. Economy, even what they call business class now, is just too degrading
  16. Knee deep water, and the other dude didn't think to help him out, instead of looking for assistance ...
  17. Sounds to me, like that he doesn't want to be found. So he was never missing in TH. Left a public area, an airport, obviously not under duress or threat of life, as no weapons allowed, and he's not a small person. He'll be found when he wants to be ... IMHO
  18. Getting rid of, cutting way back on sugars, starches, grains, carbs, non fibrous veggies. Realize the food pyramid sold to us, is completely false and unhealthy. From personal experience, when younger eating everything and anything, a lot considered unhealthy. Yet blood work always excellent. Then eating healthy, low fat, more carbs, and having the negative effects of. Blood work on the high end toward not so good. Now going back to eating 'true' healthy, and ignoring all the BS we were told. Supposedly unhealthy fats were replaced with very unhealthy sugar, carbs, starches, grains & seed oils, jury still mixed, but I avoid the latter. More Keto ish diet being implemented. Carnivore diet is a bit much for me. Learning what, when & how to eat has been eye opening. Mainly eating homemade, from 'whole foods' (things without labels), and little to no processed foods. Though have been doing that for years. Just cutting all of it out, the few I still use to eat. Things like Ritz cracker, Pringle, Doritos, when reading the 'whole' label, what's in it, and their idea of a serving size, it's about as unhealthy as you can get. Nobody eats 1 or 2 servings, more like 5-10 serving at any one sitting. If you have to read the label to see what the ingredients are in a product, you probably shouldn't be eating it. Still have my treats, as made another cheesecake yesterday. Cut the sugar by 1/3, and calculate only 16 gr of sugar in a slice. Probably the healthies desert I can think of that I eat. Trying to stick the cheese cake when needing a fix. High in fat/calories, but way better than high in sugar, starch, grains. Cream cheese, heavy cream, ... but 5 eggs and protein from them Dog takes me for a couple walks everyday, and intermittent fasting (overnight) helps maintain a good weight.
  19. Overall glacier mass is shrinking. The balance sheet isn't as bad as the alarmist want you to think. Some glaciers are actually gaining mass, but that doesn't fit the spin. An example, a few glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range along the India-China-Pakistan border are gaining mass. It's called climate change for a reason. Accurate info about glacier and ice sheets is very limited, as only done the last 30 ish years. You also won't hear about the glaciers in S. America, as don't fit the spin either. A lot more research needed there.
  20. I do now, although at first peak at wiki, thought a good choice for her. wiki is very left though, so should have expected the right wing nut to expose his flaws rather soon, which they did. I always do my own research. Out of curiosity, as I don't vote, so my opinion and or vote, doesn't matter. I just like to know who's posting BS out their butt and try not to be ignorant myself.
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