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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You don't want to get bit by the one in the OP. I've only encountered one a long time ago. First house being build, and some young kids <7 yrs old were playing over by a stack of our cinder blocks when I saw them all back up ... hmm, snake, scorpion or centipede. Same damn krait, but in slow mo. Cool season and quite chilly, and guessing they woke him up. Wasn't moving so slow, or fast, after I saw it. Living rural, we've seen our share. Couple cobras, more than a few Malay/Russel pit vipers. Which I'll kill if get the opportunity to. Had a family of Golden Tree snakes at 2nd house, and they got a pass. Actually enjoyed having them around. Gave the ones I know aren't venomous a pass. Daughter & dog take priority over snakes.
  2. Maybe you shouldn't have done so much Did you not see this part of my post ... "if used responsibly"
  3. Do they even sell halogens here/TH or anywhere, any more. Mine, Otto type brand, glass bowled air fryer have always been a steel heating element & fan. And perform identical to the other, smaller, common air fryer. Advantage to the glass Otto type, you can see the food, and much larger. A disadvantage if counter space & electric bill is concern.
  4. Need to get out more, as my daughter's condo, had good size kitchen/prep area. Hobs, microwave, and counter space for more appliances (oven/air fryer). All building/condo dependent. 30m² or less, yea, you're limited. A bit larger and not impossible though, if designed correctly. You always get what you pay for. If busy, working couple, then dining out, take away & microwave may be all you need or want.
  5. Yep, Trump had a deal to leave that un-winnable conflict, without more losses to USA military personal, or leaving everything behind in tack. Signed Feb 2020 Leave date May 2021 Everything after Feb 2021 is blood on biden & harris's hands Biden ignored & extended that till Aug, and made a clusterF out of it. Trumps decision to pull out ASAP was long overdue, as Afghan gov't & military couldn't be trusted, as infiltrated by too many Taliban & al queda. Should have never been there in the first place. Thank you Pres cheney ... may you die a long, horrible & painful death.
  6. 3 year anniversary with 'military parade' dominated by USA military hardware Good job Joe ... Only took 20 years and trillions of $$$ to get give Afghanistan back to the Taliban
  7. Sweet tooth cheat from my healthy low carb/sugar normal munching. Hey, I did use 3 XL eggs, and about a cup of store bought mix (Imperial) for my Pandan Pancakes. Topped with butter, and hopefully the added fat & protein will help with that sugar spike ... well, that's what I'm telling myself
  8. On the subject of Xiaomi products (I'm a fan of), there are plenty of 'MI' stores in TH Many concentrate on phone sales, so best to call first. For TH Xiaomi online partners, use this link for LAZ link for Shopee
  9. People need to realize an AF (air fryer) is nothing more than a compact CO (convection oven), usually, possibly, with a more powerful fan. Convenient for what they are, most being 6L or under (glass ones average around 12L), if wanting a small foot print on you counter, conserve energy, not heat up the whole kitchen/room, and usually quite inexpensive, and easily found for 1000 baht or less. Personally, I need our 56L CO, also labeled as AF, but does have 3 powerful fans. Takes up more space, uses more energy, and heats up the kitchen. But there isn't much that can't be cooked in it, an quite a bit at one time. Mandatory for baking my bread & cheesecake, as simply wouldn't fit in AF, or get good results. Smaller than 56L won't work for our needs, and our 70L that crapped out, was overkill and didn't need, hence the small one when replaced. They do make 40-30-25L CO, though anything smaller probably fall under toaster over, unless having strong fans, such as one, 15L, pictured earlier by myself I use ours/AF as previously stated, but it really is a redundant appliance for us. Could easily do without it. But, couldn't do with our 56L CO. Happy Cooking
  10. Hey ... what up with that Give me a gas hob/cast iron skillet & my 56L convection oven/air fryer, and I can whip up anything. Though will admit, I do use the 4.5L air fryer for some protein cooking. A couple salmon filets, pork belly, chicken and did 2 small pork tenderloins the other day. A bit of tin foil and easy clean up with fast cooking.
  11. OP did mention the use of a 'steamer' for side dishes 👍 So has a ball park idea of moving forward. @KannikaP Though I'd go for a more conventional 15L convection oven/air fryer, if not larger, instead of the OTTO mentioned. Something with a lower & upper heating element, if planning on doing any baking (bread, deserts, pizza). Seen a few square-ish looking units with glass doors. Example of:
  12. That's why it's good for inexperience people to ask such a question on a forum, before moving forward. Not everyone is a savvy or knowledgeable in the kitchen or about appliances. You watch the promos and they show full meals. Something you're not going to get or be able to do, as implied, with any 'mini' air fryer/convection oven. I could prep a full meal in our 12L glass air fryer, but 3+ times larger than the one the OP is peeking at. Though still a bit cramped, but doable in 12L size.
  13. Not sure there's new owners. More like agency he was paying, dealing with, wasn't forwarding his payments to the owner/or condo management, which ever applicable. The question is, who actually changed the locks. A scammer or owner/condo management authorized ? Could be a scam we don't know about. Someone get access to condo building, changes a few locks with a note 'now send the rent to us" ... nice scam and surely some idiots would fall for it. Lock 500 baht Rent received 5k baht & UP Times how many locks changed, and how many months pass before found out.
  14. OP did state, family of 3. I do understand that many live out of a box room and basically don't cook for themselves. Their idea of full kitchen appliances is a microwave & frig large enough to hold 6 beers & leftovers from last night.
  15. Can't recommend anything you're looking for (heart check up) as not going that complete. Though I will be getting one shortly, and I believe the heart test you want is CAC scan. I've had CT & MRI scans, and had no issue, but I'm not claustphobic. You could use eye mask and headphones (though they will play music, if available) to be relaxed during the procedures. Out of sight, out of mind Options abound in Bangkok, along with wide range of pricing. I've had check ups at Camillian Hosp. (Thong Lo) every year or so, before moving to PKK. But not the CAC scan or heart check up (stress test). Well priced check ups, and you'll have all your cancer marker #s for future comparison, if doing yearly or every so often. They're not much help for first time, unless way off the charts, then you might want some further test. Need to do a short fast (15 ish hrs) before check up, including avoiding sex, couple days before.
  16. @bondjames007 Agree, and I would change the locks no matter. Only Buddha knows who installed or has keys to.
  17. That's rich coming from you and the other EV trolls. You obviously missed this part in the OP: ... "This is a discussion about EVs available or coming to Thailand. Not private imports but cars supported here with a dealer network. Are you interested in an EV as your next car if so which one and why? Do you know of any breaking news about EVs in Thailand? If so post here. "
  18. They can be fun ... if used responsibly. Depends on the age of the kids and intelligence level. I was doing drugs at about 14 yr old I think. Some daily, some weekly, some monthly, some yearly, now, not even once a month. At times, yearly breaks from some drugs, as simply boring or energy/motivation sapping. Treat it as a hobby, and no issues. Very hard for most people though, and most fail miserably. Why they all should be illegal, including alcohol & tobacco ... IMHO
  19. Read your lease, though a bit late now, as that is null & void obviously, if note is accurate. Also contact the Condo management, and get contact info of the condo owner, and ignore everyone else, since you really don't know who to trust. If you can't deal direct with the owner, I think I'd be moving.
  20. Ask yourself if & when you become attached to said cat, and someone reports you, can you deal with losing that cat in the end, when you are told you can't have. Why we own a detached house, I'd never give up my dog. I'd leave TH before that happened. My dog/therapist is #1 in my life. Shh ... don't tell the kid or wife.
  21. @KannikaP 3.5L would be too small to prepare meal for 3. You'd need microwave to reheat the other dishes after the last is prepared in the air fryer, assuming that's all you're using. Ours is 4.5L (at 1/2 the Xiaomi price) and good for 1 dish, usually the protein, if using at all. If using just 1 appliance, I'd go for our Electrolux 56L convection oven/air fryer (actually labeled AF, has strong fan motors), as has space for complete meal, and large enough for anything. Air fryer are handy & convenient, but limited ability to prepare a full meal.
  22. I've had ICEV as old as 25 yrs (1950 in 1975), though most were 10-15 years old, as al I could afford, before the died or I killed them. None had 100k miles them, so there's that. We all know electric motors basically run forever, and with new battery tech/chemistry, expect our EV to last 20-25 yrs at least. Along with saving us the cost of a new car, with the savings from petrol over that time period. So instead of costing us the price of a car to operate & maintain, then paying for a new ICEV next time, out EV will basically bank that expense, and theoretically, next EV will be 'free' ... I love playing the long game ... And get to drive a superior vehicle while doing so 👍 We all have options ... UP2U
  23. Fact check ... you're wrong as usual. Our warranty is 8 yrs / 180 k kms 4 other models of the same brand (MG) are lifetime, for past, present or future owner, which you know, but fail to acknowledge as doesn't fit your spin.
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