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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Why & where where I go anywhere ? If the world went to sh!t, I have water, food, energy right here. Everything I need. Leaving and I wouldn't have any of that guaranteed any place else, as I'd be dependent on others or govt to supply. They've failed miserably at that in that past.
  2. Classic, and remembers this some 60 yrs later, of a nobody at the time. She wouldn't be registered dem, would she ? Quick check, both daughters are dem ... More distractions from the left media. When are they going to start talking and asking about the economy, the open border, the infrastructure, the debt, and continued borrowing to give it away to foreign countries.
  3. Think you'd better place me on yours. As I only have 2 on that list. You might actually post something of value, and I'd hate to miss it. I've gotten good at ignoring 'people'. Did take a lot of will power. Besides, some are good for comic relief every now & then. As this was, hence the chuckle you have
  4. Think I've had DD for 3 or 4 years now, and they are consistent, arrive on the 3rd of the month. Never an issue or delay, even if and during any govt shutdown, as those programs are on auto pilot, and unaffected. Comes directly from the Fed Reserve, which the BBL/BkkBank uses the info for you 'Credit Advise', and one of the docs you need. Allow at least one week for paper work process at bank. Best if your extension / visa date is near the end of the money, and oops, and you have couple weeks to correct. Really is too easy & convenient.
  5. If can find old CH stock, I think they are 409k. My opinion of Celerio, has changed drastically after that post. And as stated, the Celerio AT was about same price as the Neta V. More reading about the Celerio, and it really is a 'get what you pay for' car / POS. As stated. it did look a lot nicer than I expected, and much improved over earlier models. At the time, if that's all you could afford and need a car, guess it would work. I would buy any JP badged car made in TH. And the starting & top end prices are just silly. Only owned the Vios s & Mazda2, as cheap, ~550k, and could sell fast & cheap, walking away with little regret. Once decided to stay in TH, bought what I actually wanted, MG ZS, and major upgrade for basically pocket change more.
  6. TBH, if I had to pay the fares they asked, and sit in the back, I'd never had flown on a plane. First 3 airlines I worked for, flights were free, I think, and next to it. Last airlines, NWA, it was $10 or $20 for 1st class, one way. International flights, <$200 for 1st class R/T. Yea, I used the hell out of those bennies. Especially the last 10 ish years working for NWA, as usually only worked 2 days a week, and able to take weeks off at a time. They had very lacks work rules, and even those got bent.
  7. 2023 ... I wouldn't mind seeing a breakdown of those, and guessing, many, like the OP, were user error. All the abuse I put my LiPo s (lithium batteries) through, I've yet to have an oops with them. From overcharging, overheating, to crashing/hard impacts, and they just keep on ticking, after a massive kicking.
  8. The Dinosaurs didn't evolve either, look what happen to them
  9. Break dancing is now a sport at the olympics ? No wonder I stopped watching decades ago. Watching someone have an epileptic fit on a mat, isn't entertainment or a sport. What next, pole dancing 😎 Not sure I stopped watching because of all the doping, or professionals were allowed to compete. Or simply realized it was just another divisive distraction to advance nationalism. I'm amazed people still watch and it's profitable to even put the games on. They're getting more embarrassing with every new olympics.
  10. If you buy another POS of Nssan's, I believe comes along with that nice buyback. Lot of that buyback revolved around the POS Leaf from days past. Kudos for them acknowledging their POS, and at least trying to compensate folks. Better than most auto makers 👍👍
  11. Only an idiot goes by what the salesperson says. Depends how much I'm spending, but I want to see it in writing if I can dispose of it without regret.
  12. Never said 'don't fly again', just that you may not want to, in the back of the bus, after you realize, you deserve the comforts you may not be able to afford all the time after flying 1st Class. One trip in comfort instead of 10 in the sardine can, for too many hours, may not be an easy adjustment for many. Especially the sex tourist, as would limit their smile factor. 17 yrs working for airlines, and I'm traveled out, as I used the hell out of them flight bennys. Every month, every other week, every week, I was going somewhere. Alternative ... when not working for the airlines, I explored locally, or a bit further. USA is a big place, and almost impossible to see it all in one lifetime. Though I hung out along the Caribbean beaches & islands mostly. Locally, USA, PA (home state), NJ, NY, MD, DE, all stone's throw away. Lived in MI, FL, TN, so some intense exploring there. Be amazed what's available locally if not seeking it out. TH, it's a bit small, so actually winding down on my O&A after almost 24 years. Still find some interesting things, more like nice journeys & views. Destination leave a bit to be desired of late, except Krung Thep, as always something going on there, though the congestion is a bit of a turn off. I don't see the desire / attraction of repeat holidays in TH, when many people never really explored locally. And those that think Patts, Phuket, Ao Nang, CM or Hua Hin is all TH has to offer or been to, are missing a lot. Especially if they only travel during smog season. Still a lot of National Parks in USA I never made it to, along with a few states. Alaska for one, would be first stop if ever returned to for a visit. Guess everything is location and finance dependent.
  13. You can't change the climate, or stop the climate. MMCC is a marketing tool for businesses for profits, and govt for tax revenue. Human impact of the climate is so minute, it's not worth mentioning. None of the science is based on facts IMHO, just a bunch of paid scientist/lobbyist for the bottom line.
  14. If actually interested in buying an EV or MG, I would assume said customer would actually enter a dealer & ask. Goes for all and any warranty for any vehicle. I know I have and do, and know exactly what is covered or not before buying. That uncommon common sense of better research = happy customer.
  15. USA Soc Sec in not taxable, per tax treaty for USA citizen. I believe all govt issued pension, ex: military are also exempt ... BUT ... don't quote me, due diligence on your part required if receiving. Company pensions, I'm pretty sure are considered income, and taxable. Although, if looking at the TH Tax rate & exemptions, if married, they do cover quite a lot, and I think IF I had to pay a tax (I don't) I figured I had something like 670k baht worth of exempt income (if married w/kid), and 120k I think is exempt/below taxable income (?), so that wouldn't leave much to be taxed. Depending how much you bring in. Having direct deposit is quite convenient, and also gives you your paperwork with ease at extension time. No need to go through NY or USA brank, as SS will deposit straight to TH bank account. I use BBL/BkkBank.
  16. Reading comprehension ... I was referring to HPV vaccine I don't need a shingles vaccine, as already had, and very rare to have a 2nd outbreak. Quality vaccine wasn't available then, not that I would get any vaccine for shingles, and any new offerings big pharma are pushing now. Never regretted not getting a vaccine, but there are 10s of 1000's that have regretted getting a vaccine. VAERS is few of unhappy customers, well, those that didn't die from a vaccine.
  17. Yep ... another 'user error' oops with an EV. Coming up on 3 years of owning our DECO SUSU model, and still lovin' it. If in the market for a new MC, and top end speed or range isn't a necessity, strongly recommend taking a peek at DECO line up, as qualify for govt incentive program @ 18k baht off.
  18. This thread is obviously not about TH only. Just ICE vs EV. I left it open, as surely most posts would be off topic if it was only about TH. If you trolls can't keep it to 'TH' for a thread that is about 'TH' (EV in TH), then what would be the point of restricted this thread to TH. Carry on ....
  19. Actually I use ฿8 / kWh, and probably the highest charge at a CS. Don't think we've ever paid that yet. Surely rates will go up, but now I think we pay ฿5.5-6.5-7.5 /kWh. Certainly not going to fret over half or one baht, or even search out a PEA/Bangchak on the weekend, just to save ฿2. I've never Q'd at a CS, and we're O&A a lot. As stated, I use petrol numbers I know, for car I owned. PEA starts at ฿5.5, off peak hours, discounted, same as if owning a TOU meter (though not as cheap), nights & weekends (when many people travel) And we only use fast charging cables. I like the car to be done, before we are when we stop. Some malls charge ฿60 per hour, but that is 22kWh, so slow, but, that's a pretty cheap rate, if you load up 20kWh in that hour. And you're at the mall anyway, which many are on a weekly basis, for an hour or 2, so the 'I can't charge at home' isn't really a good reason not own an EV, unless rural, in which case, you probably can charge at home. Ignorance is Bliss .... Be Happy When you actually know what you're talking about, feel free to jump back in the conversation.
  20. My #s are for vehicles I owned/own, as I can believe them. YMMV If you're getting 20kpl, then it would cost you ~฿680 vs ฿370 to got 360 kms in that small un-comfy, under performing ICEV. Long distance in the Vios & Mazda 2 was almost tolerable, I couldn't do it in a Celerio, or anything smaller than a SUV (B class). I'll leave it at that, as not to offend.
  21. Also balance that hour of extra charging, if there actually is, against all the weekly or monthly petrol stops, that add up to well over any stops while O&A, that most take just a few times a year.. 10 mins times 12 (month) or 24 (2X a month) or 52 times (if weekly) of topping up your petrol car, vs 30 seconds to pug in/out at home. Posted this earlier, but here's the short version ... "we don't stop to charge, simply charge when we stop"
  22. Apparently they are, since everyone is Q'ing up for it, before offer expires. A few 'user errors', wrong charger. I'm too impatient to wait to charge. Even when O&A, when we get to the <100 kms range left, the wife will look for next charging stations within 50 kms, and If full, we'll just continue to the next. To me, makes not sense to Q up when there are so many CS. Much faster to top back up to 90+%, or even 80-85% 2X, than wait for an open slot, or to top up to 100%. That last 5% takes too long for me, unless I'm still eating or searching for a hotel. We don't plan much, as change too often in route. We're going stop anyway along the way, if on the road for 2-3+ hrs, so simply take the option that's are open and no waiting. PTTs (EV Station Pluz) have everything MG has everything (free coffee, water, snacks) PEA / BangChak has toilets / everything Elexa may be at a coffee shop, market or PT station Options abound We really don't stop 'to charge', and simply charge while we are stopped when O&A. Somehow that doesn't sink in with the anti EV'ers. Charging adds very little, if any extra time to our journeys, except the actual plugging in/out 🙄 If y'all like driving 3-6-9-12hr at a stretch, good luck with that. Feel sorry for you passengers, 'pass the bottle, have to P'. I'm not in hurry, at least one of us (3) will need to P. I need to stretch my legs, get a coffee and or snack. At my age, sitting too long isn't good, so I try avoid DVT, same as if on a plane for hours. As always, YMMV & UP2U
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