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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Try one ... they're a culinary masterpiece tic toc tic toc
  2. I pretty much stick with egg noodles now, hopefully more protein, even for 'Italian' dishes. Cutting as much wheat grain out of my diet as possible. Might even try making my own, with bread flour, as guessing semolina flour here is probably silly priced. Saw a couple recipes that state subbing out with bread flour works best.
  3. Ours enjoy indoor AC comfort also. Really should get a smoke detector. We sleep with bedroom closed, since AC on, all on one floor. Door about 10m away from battery packs. Toxic fumes being the main issue of course, as don't think any flames would prevent us from leaving the house. Hmm ... over to LAZ
  4. Not a fan of loud MB, MC, any vehicle (no longer a youngin'), but will admit, for idiots that don't know how to pay attention while driving or crossing the street, they probably do save lives. Being heard is a plus, and airheads are lucking they are used. Along with spooking the hell out of me when they blow by, when I'm not paying attention.
  5. Kite festival held on weekend, in conjunction with surfside weekend market. If never been, it stretches for about 500 meters, with 2 rows of vendors. Quite nice the first few times visiting. After 1700 hrs, most in the shade, with sitting on the wall available, in not taking away. Walking distance from surfside hotels, or anything really. Town really isn't that big. End of vid, can see the line of vendor stretching down along surfside. Not my vid ...
  6. Going with 'Spanish Omelet Wrap' aka leftovers ...
  7. @Michaelaway I actually used this recipe yesterday, but for some reason, it was a sticky mess, not even a shaggy ball of dough when done mixing in the food processor. Not sure what I did wrong. Had to add quite a bit of flour to be able to handle it. Grilled up and tasted fine though when done ... go figure. I've used both recipes, good results, usually consistent 🙄 The one posted already, and this one ... Here's another one I've used... though cut and roll out smaller. I actually prefer flatbread, which when I know I'm going to use/want, just cut out what I need from my bread recipe, when making. Since my usually loaf weighs about 870 grams, I'll cut 400gr off for 4 flatbreads, then just stick the rest in a small bread pan, for a smaller loaf. Use olive oil instead of flour when rolling out, as easier to work with, and avoid the extra flour on the grill/griddle from burning, needing to be brushed off. Since a yeast recipe, it does take longer, but I make bread a couple times a week. Wife wanted tortilla yesterday. This is simplest and best recipe I use for bread. I use a stand mixer, but same results. Just one loaf instead of banquettes. @ 7:58 of the vid . Watching that vid, I see what I did wrong yesterday, I used the wrong blade in the processor. If you don't have food processor or stand mixer, all can be done by hand, just takes longer. For flatbread, after the first rise, I cut what I want for a loaf, then shape in pan for 2nd rise. Then the 400gr for flat bread, I'll do four 100gr balls, give them a coating of olive oil, let them rise on the table (covered) for 20-30 minutes, then roll out using oil to avoid sticking to table or rolling pin, to about 1 cm or shy of 1/2 inch, then place on griddle.
  8. He's definitely a dude, as saw a vid, and his short were a bit revealing. That was no camel toe. If we're thinking of the same person.
  9. Nice scam ... too bad she was dumb enough to get caught.
  10. To the title ... ... people actually think location is going to make a difference ? That's some funny sh!t. Like minded consenting sex partners = lots of smiles, no matter the location. If you can't get your freak on, where ever you are ... it's not the location
  11. Big boys are coming with big money to spread around. Good, as I'd like to see casinos in TH. Great generator of tax revenue. Will ensure the VAT stays at 7%, instead of 10%, and continued no RE taxes. Two major pluses of living in TH. More job opportunities 👍👍
  12. Seriously ... but UP2U It's annoying enough to post for solution. Spend a few baht, and you have water & pressure every time you turn on the facet. It can ba done as cheaply or expensive as you choose. Super cheap, extreme native ... big trash can & scoop. Many people who rent (self included) have that, for those days of low pressure. Don't want to scoop, trash can & sump pump. Make sure house is properly grounded. Our village water was so low at one house, the first tank had to be in the ground, as not enough pressure to go up 2+ meters (tank height), as line to the house from the main was already on an upward pitch, and 100+ meters away. Then it pumped from that tank, to the tank on the 2nd floor, in case the electric was out, then we at least had gravity feed.
  13. Testing ... seriously people Drop your pants or skirt ... ... penis - men's sports ... no penis - women's sports Geez ... that was hard. Want privacy, get one of those machines at the airport, and everyone gets a scan. Testing done.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/reel/965103368422746
  15. Just had 1st meal, pork & veggie soup. Along with a few pieces of Sushi. Tacos later, as just made the tortilla. Made the salsa yesterday. Must be Taco Tu ... oops ... Mexican Monday
  16. They could easily fall under 'user error' A fire in an ebike shop. ... did it have anything to do with the ebikes ... were they charging, left unattended (user error) ... how many plugged in, if charging, and could the wiring handle it (user error) Same applies to non commercial owners with ebikes indoors. If an ebike, EV doesn't simply spontaneously combust, for not apparent reason, then they are no more dangerous than any other product misused or mishandled. Common sense rules
  17. One dominant, common quality in harris introductions to speak ... ... she's a woman & ... she's black ... will fight for 'her' people 13% of population, and the other 87% ??? ... Just think if they introduced Trump as ... ... a man ... and white And they call him the sexist and racist 😎
  18. Nice clutch ... hope you have a nice pair of pumps to go with that 😎
  19. @edwinchester Damn, you rack up some kms. I was doing 70+ kms when at Udon Thani, and thought that was a lot, for the same, school run alone, 6 days a week. Turns into one of your most expensive monthly bills, right there with electric. If owning both house & car, then solar really does cut quite a bit of the monthly expenses. Better spent elsewhere I'll never understand why people buy ICEV now or in the future. Guess they just enjoy throwing money away for an under performing vehicle. Can only advise anyone in the market for a new car, or want to upgrade, test drive an EV, lease one for a few days or a week. Pretty sure you won't be buying an ICEV next time at the dealers. Happy Motoring
  20. And when the bands done playing, the people start leaving, without staying to hear anything she says ... Better news sources = better information Wisconsin performer - Don Iver (not harris) Atlanta performer - Megan Three Stallion (not harris) I remember a free concert, headliner, James Taylor (1980). Oh yea, John Anderson showed up for about 2 minutes before the show. I remember his all inspiring talk, and went something like this ... "I'll be short, as you didn't come here to see me, don't forget to vote ... and now, James Taylor" James Taylor had a few nice words, but importantly, emphasized the need for more than a 2 party system ... then put on an excellent free show.
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