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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Reality check ... me & wife don't walk together at fresh / local markets, locally or out & about. If I see something I like, then I'll ask her to price it first. I'm always a few paces ahead or behind her....nuff said. 2 reasons really, 1-pricing, 2-she lingers. I can do a whole mall, while she's still on 1 floor. If I'm out by myself, I'll linger at a vendor and see what they charge a local, simply say I want the same, and always ask 'how much' in Thai. Makes it hard to 'add on' to the price when they know I just saw a transaction. It's not just the obvious things; parks, hosp & menus.
  2. Same with USA, plenty of inexpensive (relative) rural land for sale. Actually you can still buy houses fairly cheap, if not prejudice, as my brother just sold his house for $55k USD. Was really happy to get that, for townhouse, low taxes, but sh!t school district, Philly metro. Same house I owned for about 15 yrs, that I paid $22k for in 1985. Easy access to everything a large metro has, not out in the middle of nowhere. I'd equate that to standard 2 story shophouse here, but better, and with a small yard. Same as I'm renting here, but a bit better there, and cheaper. This rental is probably ฿2 mill. Only advantage here, 1.5 km to surf, but nothing else. Don't believe everything you read - Average home price Philly metro $250k
  3. Yep, if something goes wrong down the line, I have no desire to live a few years longer, but not mobile or coherent. Don't want to be a burden, waste money for couple c r a p p y years in discomfort. If I can't take care of myself, I'll take matter into my own hands. Simple and painless enough. Wife already has instruction if major oops along the way. She an Atheist also, so no conflict.
  4. Discount for locals (USA) would be something like Disney, use to offer to FL folks, for repeat visits. Good motivation, as seriously, how many times do you really want to visit in a year. If you live local, once or twice of any tourist attraction is more than enough. Same with 'memberships' for museums. But Asian Floridians, aren't charged 2-5-10 times as much ... that's just wrong. Local restaurant here gives a VIP card (for all) to local residents. Good repeat business motivator. No problem with those type of discounts. What's done in Thailand, to non Thais is just plain wrong. More expensive medical service, expat surcharge ... W T F National Parks Museums Amusement Parks And we're not talking 10% ... 2 to 20 X the Thai price. Welcome to Disney, that's $100 a day per person ... Oh wait, you're Thai, that's $200 for you Welcome to our restaurant, here's the 'black' menu ... let the riot & looting begin ???? Most don't affect me, as don't do Nat Parks, most aren't worth the Thai price. Museums & Amusement Parks also, and simply not worth Thai price, or if free, I probably wouldn't bother unless really bored. Just the principle of it, it's wrong.
  5. It's going to be interesting to see how things 'evolve' if Russia defaults in May on their loan obligations. More so, how the financial markets will use that to screw the rest of the world. Except providing energy to EU, Russia is a big nothing in the grand scheme of things. But the slightest MSM hysteria will be milked for all it can.
  6. I've never seen dual pricing in the USA. Seen discounts for locals, and justified, more for repeat visits. And higher prices ... across the board ... for higher overheard, that's not dual pricing. Charged different because of race and or nationality, that just ain't right. I'll usually avoid such places, or do a work around.
  7. As stated, look at your 'insured' value, and you'll should get 10 or 15% +/- above or below that, depending on condition & kms. 15k-20k kms per year is about average, many drive less, but most warranties figure 20k a year. Our car came with 5yr/100k kms warranty. We average a bit less than that per year, with no commutes, but lots of out & abouts to make up for it. Agree, anything over 600k seems very optimistic.
  8. We have at least 2 locally (as in, next door), lovely bird ... ???? I'm an early riser, so doesn't bother me. But does seem to wake before the sun most days, and yea, they're a bit noisy.
  9. Car (new) only weighs 820 kg, how much torque does he (on ignore list) think you need ???? Power 67 bhp @ 6000 RPM Torque 90 Nm @ 3500 RPM The ZS squeezes out 150 Nm ... BUT ... also weighs 1290 kgs, and we've been on some damn steep inclines, and loaded up, so surely the Celerio does fine. One of the steepest, and 4X4 ... oh please ... learn how to drive ????
  10. Rare, but we've been in restaurants with 2 different priced menus. Usually find out when wife goes in, while I'm parking, then I'll arrive and pick out or be give an English menu .... oops. We just order off the Thai menu, pointing to & keeping the menu, until the bill comes, IF we actually stay. Last time was during the 'situation' above Kanchanaburi, and we stayed, as few other options.
  11. To the title, that's why I didn't retire there ... typhoons, now landslides ... no thanks.
  12. Haven't a clue, but don't remember replacing my batteries within 2 or 3 yrs in the USA, and lived in Memphis, TN area last 5 yrs, (two 2nd hand cars) and don't remember replacing a battery there. Temps half the year well about 30C and easily saw 35C for a solid month in the summer. 25+ of driving in USA, and I know I haven't bought near 10 new batteries there, and all but 1 were 2nd hand vehicle. I worked on all my vehicles, so tip top shape, and no unnecessary stress on them. First couple cars I bought here didn't even have maintenance free batteries. That's silly. If I can squeeze another 6 months / 10k kms out of this battery, that's OK then. Only 3k to replace, and a bit better CCA.
  13. Nothing wrong with having 2 residents, then you're simply Hi-so, and no need to inform them of any changes that will affect your visa. UP2U of course, but what you don't offer, may make things easier at extension time. Or simply get the retirement visa. I'll be getting that next time, even though happily married, just for convenience of less paperwork, and no need for a witness, as Imm office is 100 km away. My DD now meets the 65k month. Have done in the past, but not a big fan of lump summing it.
  14. Yes, 1 acre is about 2.5 rai. Building lots are usually not less than 100 tw (1/4 rai / 400m²)
  15. So the brakes didn't actually fail, they just failed to stop the truck before it overturned.???? Thai Brake failure = driving too fast for condition, in the real world ... shh
  16. Yep, the sky is falling. Until it does, I ignore all the BS, and live as nothing will happen. As 20+ years here, all he naysayers, and not 1 has come true. I'm not scared to live happy. People should spend more time smiling, instead of worrying about nothing.
  17. Why not, as until you are divorced, you are still married. Only you can tell them different. All you are telling imm is you are married, you support her (help) and are living together. They don't care if you're in a happy blissful relationship.
  18. That actually depends where, how much you pay, and how long your stay, if buying vs renting. I would avoid renting, if possible, if knowing you'll live somewhere for 5 yrs. You never recoup renting. I've basically stayed 22 years in Thailand, 'rent' / housing free, buy building, selling when moving. Actually quite profitable. Selling, you get all your money back, and then some, means your lived 'rent' free. Condos, probably not a lucrative. And yea, do need a wife or trusting partner for home 'ownership'.
  19. Why would you report anything, until a divorce is final ? As long as she don't mind going to Imm during extension time. A nice day out, meal, relax, maybe even a nice 'ending' to the day. Actually good friends with a couple of my relationships afterwards, once not living together. Still talk to wife #2 on FB. TECHNICALLY, yea, your supposed to report any address changes, but .... UP2U / her. I'd wait till you got your retirement visa requirements all lined up, 800k / 2 or 3 months or DDs for the year.
  20. It's as good as the low tech batteries are in Thailand. Got 30k kms / 18 months, and still starts the car, quickly, with no problem. MG simply advised it's on borrowed time. If they didn't point it out, you'd not notice. Push the button, and it turns instantly. I'll wait till it doesn't before replacing. Hopefully another 10-30k kms from it. Batteries here are c r a p, nothing specific to MG.
  21. A burger is something I don't go out for, and more a last resort meal if ordered. Definitely not something I'm paying close to ฿300 or more for, and don't care how nice it is. That's 2 Whoppers if going that route, or a large Thai meal. When we're out & about, especially Krung Thep, with all the options or something new to try, a burger definitely doesn't come to mind for a meal. I don't mind mark ups, but I can buy a kg of burger for ฿300, and yet to have one out better than I've cooked at home. Local gal used to do a very nice one for ฿75 w/few chips (3B Aussie beef). Sadly her landlord priced her out of business. That WAS worth a weekly stop, good pasties also, ฿20-50, for brownies / apple pie.
  22. Wasn't that excellent when there last year, Feb, and AQI in 70s, and noticeable if looking up to or down from higher elevation. Actually kind of surprised & disappointed. But ... Beaches were lovely & deserted, and best ever visit over 20 years going. No complaints here. Now back to tourist riddled ... oh well. Await the next pandemic and may visit again.
  23. Central Festival Eastville (outside of town) is a pet friendly mall. Even has a play area if you don't mind your pet mingling. http://tiny.cc/uroquz
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