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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That's completely incorrect, as it hasn't 'rocketed' either way in the past decade. L/H .. 28 / 35, and gov't likes to keep it around 32 mark against the USD. So in reality, not much fluctuation at all unless comparing to the GBP, which was all about Brexit, not Thailand.
  2. Or other people can simple earn their own. It always seems the people who didn't bother to earn more, want those that did and have, to give it to them. Get your own, as I deserved mine, and I'll spend it as I please. If wanting to share, that will be MY choice, not yours. Most that have too much, do share, and much more than most others saying they don't deserve. In the USA those haves, pay up to 40% taxes, vs most other pay <3% taxes. Sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money.
  3. All seems to be stable here, ????at least the last 20 yrs since I've been here, and the centuries before that, if my readings are accurate. Every year or so and there's droughts, along with every year there's flooding. Nothing much changes. Only surprise is, after a few decades of slight modernization, the country still doesn't have a handle on water management. ????
  4. I've driven around the country during C19 the past 18 months and never had to stop at any inter-province check point. Probably passed through 40 provinces. All daytime driving. Other's experience may differ. Did the NE a couple times, then over to the N twice, down to Krung Thep, to Kanchanaburi, went S down to Phatthalung, over to Andaman Sea side, back up via Ranong and via Surat Thani & Krabi a few times, and never 1 check point.
  5. "AXA insurance will cover any medical bill incurred if you are sent to hospital quarantine due to proximity. "???? That's 1 company ... any others ? I did state ... "That your insurance may, or may not cover the expense of." As read news-blip of ins co. not covering.????
  6. I thought it was common knowledge also ... "Ford sold 328,275 in the United States in 1971, its first year. Pinto crashes caused the death and mutilation of 900 occupants after their cars burst into flames after rear-end collisions, according to Wyden in The Unknown Iacocca" "Of the 1.9 million Vegas produced between 1971 and 1977, "we know of 14 that have been involved in rear impact crash fires involving injuries," Noack added. "In the 14 crashes, 13 persons died; five in one crash alone. The reason the controversy over unsafe gas tanks has so far centered on the Pinto, he said, was because Ford decided to fight lawsuits from crash victims, while General Motors chose instead to settle Vega lawsuits out of court."
  7. That charge was dropped already since not a short barrel rifle.
  8. Teeth scares away the attacking forces ... Snap of local Fairchild AU-23 Peacemaker coming if for landing
  9. Could have bought 100 Bell 505 Jet Ranger X, (1.2 mill each) to compliment the Bells they already have for $120 mill, and have 23 mill left over for brown envelopes, training & spare parts. Would think they to be more practical for border patrolling. No need for landing strips. Oh wait ... new contract to be award to build new short landing field airports. Wonder who will get those contracts to build on who's land ... Shh
  10. And people wonder why the sipping rules aren't relaxed when people don't even observe the stricter rules. Som naa na
  11. There is actually a reason for that non payment. The 1000 baht is only paid, after the fine is paid. Thais simply ignore mailed traffic fines, and don't pay, as there is not repercussion for non payment. After 2 yrs of non payment, the citation is null & void. That's why at check points on the highway / roadway, there is always a collection table. Which you can pay on the spot, or at the local PoPo station, in which case they hold your license until paid. Then you simple decide if the fine is worth the hassle of simply getting a new license, and usually not, so you pay. https://thethaiger.com/news/bangkok/11-million-traffic-tickets-ignored-and-unpaid
  12. Be nice if I could even get through to set up a Soc Sec acct. Failed and or ignored numerous times, and Manila can't help w/ online registration. I tried online and long distance calling. What a joke. Actually don't need it now, but would be nice to access info from.
  13. He states it's OK, and yet, Thailand stopped using it. Actually it's the only one I would use, as made the old fashion way, and not mRNA.
  14. Be grateful they left, and don't demand compensation from you. If you refuse to pay, then your vehicle is held until settled in court. If I hit or someone hits me, I pray they leave the scene.
  15. Once again, destroying the domestic tourism market, which kept places alive the past 18 months, for the sake of int'l tourist, or lack of, which won't contribute much. Who pays 100 baht for the privilege of walking on KSR, let along the risk of testing positive.
  16. How does that protect you, when the person next to you on the flight or taxi ride to hotel tests positive, and you are whisked away for your overpriced, 2 week, unnecessary private hospital stay ? That your insurance may, or may not cover the expense of.
  17. So the govt give themselves a 14.5% inflation rate to Medicare, but if you're Soc Sec you only 5.9% Average gas price Jan 2021 ... $2.50 Average gas Price Now 2021... $3.75 ... up 50% and inflation based Soc Sec COLA up 5.9% ... ????
  18. Not guilty, as it was self defense. Obvious from the testimony given.
  19. I made that mistake, they were c r a p, and don't think I even got 20k kms out of them.
  20. Tesla Model 3 becomes best-selling vehicle (not just electric) in Europe - Oct. 25th 2021 https://electrek.co/2021/10/25/tesla-model-3-becomes-best-selling-vehicle-europe/
  21. For short term tourist who visit the touristy areas that relied on int'l tourist, yes, have to agree. For others, hanging out for a month or more, and explore non int'l tourist dependent area, it's lovely and a great to time to visit. Almost makes jumping through the hoops worth it. For me, when living in USA, I wouldn't have chose Thailand for a holiday on it's best day, in the best of times, for a 2 week holiday, as would take 3-5 days just to get to the islands from E. coast, along with a few 1000 $$$. Better time & money spent in the Americas.
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