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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yes, it's always about control. Science is slowly, very slowly pointing out the silliness of a GOD, especially Christian beliefs. So they come up with other ways to control people's lives, lifestyles. Now the controlling elite, control all aspects of gov'ts, media, news, to brainwash the sheep into believing what ever they what. They've dumbed down & distracted the sheeple to a point of no free thinking seems to be possible. Mind boggling. Covid simply proved how easy it is to make the masses cower & comply to unrealistic fear of dying from a virus with a 97-99.9% recovery rate, depending where you live. Cancer patients wished they had those odds of survival.
  2. Apparently not, as millions flocked to Chiang Mai (pre-covid) during smog season when you can't see a damn thing from the hilltops, or even the hilltop if more than 1 km away ????
  3. I'm a Yank, and unlike many, escaped 3 marriages unscathed, with no children, so always 'living free & easy'. Did just OK in RE, so housing & car would, should be mortgage / loan free in most countries. USA home prices have skyrocketed, but could find something comfy of $100-150k in rural area, which I would prefer, as long as access to a metro area via train. For the life of me, can't think of any place in USA I'd want to live, and living on the road, would get old after the first year or two, besides silly expensive. Killer for me back in USA, is RE Taxes. Last house was $4k a year, for paid off house, and nice, but nothing special. That and the forced healthcare ins. or now, Medicare Plan something for drug coverage, knocking on $300 a month, really cuts into someone's monthly fixed budget, as I stopped investing, since the 40% tax on that is a turn off, when I'm taking all the risks. Healthcare cost are so high, that the deductible or ins. premiums I'd pay is more than healthcare here, without the insurance. Can't get any sillier than that. Add that I enjoy traveling more than staying home, and you can't get much, hotel wise for $50-100 there, especially surfside, keeps me in Thailand. Here you rent (<฿10k) or build a nice rural house (<฿2m), own a car, and travel at will, surfside or mountain views (barring smog season) for less than ฿1k a night. No RE Taxes, and healthcare easily accessible & affordable. Really don't even need a car, and could easily get by with just a scooter. It's a no brainer. Long term visa is too easy to qualify for, w/wife 40/400k or 65/800k. My only issue is, it's a really small country, and I guess that's relative to where we originate from. I've been around it a few times, though still find interesting things & places to visit, and waiting to go out & about again. Luckily I self entertain easily, because a Wat is not a tourist attraction, and most national parks, aren't worth the Thai entrance fee. Water flowing over a meter drop, is not a 'waterfall'. Just riding around with my dog & my camera, taking snaps of critters & everyday life keeps me happy. Wife even tolerates me ????
  4. SUVs ? not sure what a ppv or crossover is. Not on the list, Haval H6 https://th.carro.co/blog/10-cheapest-suv-ppv-crossover-in-thailand/
  5. From OP - "So I would like to purchase a new SUV price up to 1.3 million" GLC - From ฿3.349 million
  6. A simpler, probably cheaper solution would simply have storage tank for water. Keep full, and when power is off, gravity will provide any pressure needed. Or ... although if wanting at night time, as stated above, you'll need a hybrid inverter & battery.
  7. Whoa, that's big for a condo, explains the price. ENJOY
  8. Because nobody wants to buy anything called a 'family station wagon', which TBH, is all most SUVs are. Neither Sporty or much of a Utility Vehicle. Most a bit larger and more comfy than average family sedan, salon, hatchback. Seriously, how many have anyone seen with mud behind all 4 wheels, on the side doors or panels, as if actually off road. Usually squeaky clean, and same with most 4X4s.
  9. My reply simply followed yours, if replying to you, I would have quoted you. I was agreeing with the comments prior to yours. But ... 'feel free' so I shall, curious, and only if you've been there for a while, and plan on staying, why not simply buy a condo in your bldg or elsewhere in Patts. Putting out $336 a year is a big chunk to rent, unless a very large condo and a great value. I've noticed some nice condos, not large, in the < 2 mill range. Would think a buyer's market at present. Not a condo fan myself, prefer lots of space (house) and own yard / privacy. See the attraction though.
  10. 1. The Patriot Act requires it? What? .... the Patriot Act expired Dec 2020 2. US Anti-Laundering Laws requires it? ... banks already have to keep records of any transfer over $250, silly in itself, as they keep records of every transaction anyway. ... must report any transfer of $10k or more ... so asking you how many is silly
  11. You can easily find places for 8000 or less, countrywide. Just depends on one's preferences, wants & needs. I pay 6000, and if not having a dog, could have same townhouse a few doors down for 3500. Not Krung Thep or Patts, but I've searched and found plenty there for 8000 or less. Daughter lives in a very nice place, convenient to everything for 10k @ Krung Thep.
  12. I've had 2 wills registered at Amphur office and neither time was that requested.
  13. Seems to start earlier and earlier every year. Still Oct and saw the other day 100+ in Chiang Mai already.
  14. Not that I don't understand, I simply don't care. They wasted enough of my, check that, other's tax dollars, as I stopped paying years ago. Billions given for R&D to big pharm, then sold back at a profit. All to treat a virus with 97.5 - 99.9% recovery rate, depending where you live. I can think of much better & useful ways to spend billions, and save millions of lives every year, children's lives that die every year from the simplest to avoid or cure, but not as profitable for big corporations. What's the body count for covid, hit 5 mill yet. That many children under the age of 5 die every year. READ THAT AGAIN. 5 million under the age of 5 years old, DIE EVERY YEAR, from preventable / curable diseased. Many simply because they don't have clean water to drink. How many billions have we spent, to attempt (not succeed) in keeping the 65+ yr olds from dying from a new virus, who were on borrowed time to begin with. Seems to be as useless as the annual flu vaccine. Call me crazy, but our priorities are a s s backwards. Too busy making profits selling useless vaccines, hand sanitizer, temp scanners & masks for billions of profit, instead of fixing simple problems with simple solutions to save millions of children. Oh yea, THEY DIE EVERY YEAR https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/children-reducing-mortality
  15. And ... It's still sugar, and with all, it depends which, how much, and even how consumed. To generalize and state 'processed' sugar is deadly, is silly. People need to understand sugars, all types. I stated orange 'juice' vs morning coffee. 2 vs 6 tsp. Both will bypass the stomach rather quickly, ending up in the intestines for digestion, and NOT the best place to be. Emphasis on 'juice'. Eat the 6 oranges, it would be much better ???? Whole fruit sugar or veggie, will digest slowly in the stomach before moving onward. Fiber ensuring that, and the nutrients will be absorbed better. I thought everyone learned this stuff in high school, well, if a mature individual, 60 ish yrs old. Not sure what they taught after I left or teach now. Obviously just pronouns & racism.
  16. "Excess sugar intake" .... may lead to health issues would be a more appropriate warning. Surely you don't suggest people to stop eating fruits because they contain huge amounts of sugar in comparison to my morning coffee. Any excess amount of sugar intake, can be burned off with a wee bit of exercise. If too lazy for that (me), then intermittent fasting will accomplish the same. You could increase you water intake, as that will flush out excess sugar also, along with giving you that 'full' sensation, and help eliminate the temptation to eat more, especially when bored. In Thailand, hydration is a good thing anyway.
  17. TIT They sure don't make it simple. Might want to email them, ask for Gmap location.
  18. Stop ... sugar, deadly ... oh please I take in my fair share of sugar, sweet, pastries, and my blood sugar is still in normal range. 67 and haven't got diabetes yet, though it runs in the family, last generation, though more due to their alcohol intake ???? Chose wisely & moderation. 2 tsp of sugar in your coffee isn't going to kill you. If you think so, then have a cup / 8 oz / 236 ml of fresh squeezed orange juice = 6 tsp of sugar ????????????
  19. You may have already 'auto' backed up your phone, and signing back in may sort it out. May ... Good Luck
  20. If holding a 'residence card' then yes. I think https://finance.zacks.com/can-noncitizen-wife-receive-social-security-benefits-after-die-5427.html https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/determining-alien-tax-status
  21. Sugars / carbs, if not burned, turn to fat when stored.
  22. Local Makro (PKK) finally do 12 packs of Kopper (Singh product) so I would think so. Kopper being less known than a Singh branded tipple.
  23. And 10s of millions of tourist have never been to Bangkok (noi / yai) even though they arrived to DMK / BKK airports. Oh my ....
  24. Actually it's easy ... IF ... you know how & have the time to make your own food. We eat very little processed food, when not out & about. Even bake our own bread at home. We do use sugar & salt, even MSG as flavor enhancers, in moderation. You really have to read labels when shopping, even for 'raw' ingredients. Cocoa powder vs choco bars / piece for baking, and % of actual cocoa / sugar. It's surprising what is and isn't what you think you are buying. Good side benefits of eating 'healthy', find we have very little trash (packaging) to put out, and plenty of compost for the garden.
  25. But will they stop the 'our vehicle only' scam policy for transport to, even if owning a 4X4. Doubtful .... TIT
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