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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. CC & a thrifty shopper is 2 different things, in my vocabulary. I can afford / buy any vehicle I want, within the 2m region, I just prefer not to. I don't want to buy options I simply will never use. Don't need a large vehicle (2 people / 1 dog), or a 1.5+ size motor. It's still simply a machine to get me from point A to B. Out & about quite often, so want something a bit more comfy than entry level <600k price range. Advantage to keeping it realistic, I get to park in a normal size slot, whether on a lot or curbside. I can spend 2m on a vehicle I don't need or will fully utilize, or I can buy a practical, comfy SUV for 700k that actually exceeds my needs, AND build a house with the other 1.3m, which I'm actually doing. In my vocabulary, that's called intelligence. I would look pretty damn silly, buying a 7 psgr Fortuner, and then renting a 40 meter room to live in. Who would that impress ? Oh wait, the money spent to build a house, instead of renting, pays for itself in the long run, and the 700k SUV is free from the saving. AND ... IF wanting, I get to sell the house, and get all my money back, and then some. Been doing that for 20+ years here, so my housing and vehicles, have been basically FREE. Building my 3rd house now. 1st paid for the 2nd, and the 2nd paid for 3rd and all my past vehicles. Everyone has choices, pick the ones that works for you.
  2. 19 or 20 is not considered 'unaccompanied' minors, if that's what you are referring to. Most airlines consider 18 yr olds adults. Don't see a problem, though you could verify with departing airlines.
  3. Moderation is the key. I eat what ever I want, when I want, although do know to put limits on some things. Actually, do most of my own cooking, usually from scratch (baking) so control intake amounts of sugar & salt mainly. So enjoy a few less healthy pleasures, but in moderation. Not anti anything, but know not to overdo any one food group, except veggies, as don't think you can eat too much of them. Once you do that, and then buy restaurant / store bought prepared foods, you notice immediately the extra content of sugar & salt they use. Sometimes, way OTT. After a short learning curve, you become a much better cook than the so called 'chefs'.
  4. Which 'get rid of it' solution of the 100's touted worked for you ? Tried a couple, none worked, as I suspected. Haven't seen on 'permanent' solution written about in a medical journal.
  5. They do have noise laws ... good luck. Dealing with a similar situations, a very small, smelly, illegal. chicken farm next door. It IS being sorted though, and he's been told to shut down. Next ... clean up and covering the soil with fresh dirt. Hopefully done before house is finished.
  6. As stated, I wouldn't buy the HS either, if spending that much (never), I'd go with the ZS EV. Next car, if any, will be an EV, but way down the line. If the MG stands the test of time, probably another MG, as seen nothing else that interest me... at present.
  7. Definitely going to need something a bit bigger than entry level, 125 / 150cc, as you're about 100 lbs over most load capacities, I think. My Honda Wave was 125 kg / 275 lbs
  8. Answer to the title ... Nope, as didn't think I'd live past 30 or 40, so lived in the moment. Now 67 and I'll probably be around for another 10, possibly 20 more years. Go figure. Still live for the moment, day to day, and don't plan for the future. Financially, that's secure, so that aspect of planning is mute. Just plan my next out & about, and when don't need to be here ... I'm out the door ... gone. Car is packed in less than 30 minute, sort of have that down to a science. Big decision that needs to be made is, take the coffee machine or not.
  9. and then some .... ... joint venture between SAIC, General Motors, manufactures Chevrolet, Buick, and Cadillac ... joint venture between SAIC and Volkswagen Group. and produces cars under the Volkswagen, Skoda, and Audi brands ... along with more than a few other brands 'Made in China' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_automobile_manufacturers_of_China
  10. My E-scooter will be solar from home ... ???? "If you're not part of the solution, you are the problem." Think I bought it just so I could say that every now and then ... ????????????
  11. Yea, he/she probably gets driven by mom. Or went top end and got a Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 scooter, and put decals on to cover the 'MI' icons.
  12. It's all personal choice. Buy / spend what ever pleases you. I'm not spending 1 point anything for 4 wheels to get me from A to B. Let alone, I don't need what that buys. I thought 700k was a silly damn price. If I could have fit in the MG 3, I might have bought that ... OK, not really. Or spend 1.2m and got the ZS EV, free 'fuel' & minimal maintenance .... saving the 400k over the life time of the car. Or take the extra 400+k baht and buy a boat, and have a lot more fun, or a nice rice rocket, and try not to kill myself. Get my thinking ... put those funds to much better use. If you want or would actually use a big ol' engine, well then, ENJOY. I don't & won't. Not spending that much (400k) for solar, and more than I need at the house, that will give me free electric for the rest of my life, and probably another 20 to 40 year for my wife & daughter. I'm a thrifty shopper. Cars don't do it for me ... a machine to go A to B.
  13. 1.5 vs 2.4 ... do you need a 2.4, more apples & oranges comparisons. Larger engine doesn't mean better performance, if needed to haul the extra weight. Fortuner - curb wt: 2105-2135 kg Seats 7 & 80 liter of fuel Top end MG ZS vs low end F & MU, since mentioned earlier. Our ZS was sticker priced at 700k, (mid priced model), but on sale at entry priced model / 640k. Top end model MG in photo. 100K gets you better sound, electric seats & sunroof on the MG. No thanks, don't listen to music when driving, don't need to adjust the seat, and would never use a sunroof here.
  14. EV vs ICE Took notice of the petrol prices recently, as hard to miss vs the Jan 2020 price. The E85 up about 25%. Along with E85 about ฿6 or 7 less than 91/95. We have 25,500 kms on the MG ZS (11 k/liter), and just over a year of owning. So round to 2000 kms a month, and that's shy of ฿40k in Jan 2029, to now ฿50k to run a year. So I think an EV's mark up, would pay for itself very fast. Not including the oil changes every 10k kms, along with tune ups, belts and the rest of the maintenance required for ICE.
  15. Before actually looking, sitting in SUV at dealer, compare specs. I'm a spec buyer myself, and marketing doesn't influence my purchases at all. Not looking to impress anyone, just get best bang for my baht, what I actually want and will use. I used this site: https://www.zigwheels.co.th/en/compare-cars Some times their specs are off a bit, or missing, but gives a ball park idea when comparing. SUV, we went the the smallest and cheapest, I think. MG ZS. With your experience, probably won't be for you, but if getting sticker shock at the rest, then they start at 650k / 700k / 800k and 1.2 for the EV.
  16. Mazda what ? Hope it's not an apples & oranges comparison. Peeked at the MG3 & 5, and didn't fit in either. Had a Mazda 2, and apparently they redesigned that, as I couldn't get into the new one very comfortably at all. Thought that very strange. For a mere 100k more, got the MG ZS. Like their truck, and very inexpensive, but I really don't need a truck. It performs nicely on the road. Don't think I need to go any faster than 120 kph, though have at times. 1.5 had decent torque up the hills of Phuket, and certainly didn't struggle no more than any other 1.5, and more than enough for our needs. Yes, you get what you pay for, actually more when compare MG ZS to comparable sedans in the same price range. But to other SUVs, no, smaller and less interior fit & finish, but I don't need or want to pay for those extras. Point A to B, in comfort is all I want and expect. MG delivers nicely at best price. Only negative I can think of, for MG ZS is km per liter, we average 11-12. But designed for E85, so makes up for it in overall cost.
  17. I equate all the EVs on sale at Makro and elsewhere, that I've seen, to golf carts. Some, most, small e-bikes, stand up on scooters (some w/seats), 3 wheel 'mobility' bikes, or larger mobility looking, with a 'work' bed, but wouldn't consider driving on the road. Have seen a few locals doing so, but would a farang attract attention and a citation. Nice to have around the house w/land for yardwork. Curious myself what the actually law states, 250w or 350w not needing registration, as starting to see quite a few of the e-bikes (not bicycle frames) around town, some quite nice and cruising at a decent speed. Saw one well priced on LAZ, stating 450w motor, and 20 or 40Ah battery. If accurate and quality, would be a major step up for the < 10k variety of. Listing now gone, was priced at 7k w/good reviews. May pop into the local BIB office to inquire actual law, and enforcement, if any, locally. Not a major metro where I live, and they seem to be very lax on enforcement of traffic laws, and surprisingly, most DO drive legally here, except that helmet law, which is rarely enforced, but do check points occasionally.
  18. I've yet to see any vehicle plugged into any charging station that I've noticed. Granted, have only noticed a couple on the road, but at the malls, every charging bay has been available. Agree, great for around town, and may require a bit more planning when out & about, but doable, for now. Emphasis on 'for now'. If not buying ICE last year, I'd seriously consider new EV purchase. By the time new battery needed, if still alive, they'll be cheaper & better. I miscalculated my E-motorcycle battery life, as thinking 1000 cycles, actually 1200 cycles, and even with my heavy use, should last possible 10 years. Hope I'm around to replace.????
  19. Any chance this thread staying on topic, "EV in Thailand"
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