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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I'll be eating the wife .... ... just another day. What was the question ????
  2. I was trying to save you or whoever, the task of rereading what I posted, and your reply. I can't be bothered, and I thought it was self explanatory the first time, and you can't comprehend it a second time. 3rd time .... if hiring someone qualified & trustfully (honest), then your reply is irrelevant, and not applicable to my original reply. Let alone need to be repeated.... and yet Have a nice day .... PEACE OUT
  3. Yea, that's a bit pricy, but would run the whole condo, if could conx to box. A bit more than I would ever need, and would need some silly extra pocket any month, to even to consider.
  4. Yea, I stopped using PP long long time ago, when I had to fight, tooth & nail, for a refund from an obvious scam site. Only reason I took a chance, because of the usual good refund policy. And yea, one of those FB sponsored ads ... ???? That $1000 product for $40 ... ????
  5. Range test update, better than expected ... short version: DECO SUSU model, 3000w / 72v50Ah, < 100 kg, (dog & myself) 10-15 kms daily riding, 25-50 kph, average 30-35 kph Full charge ... can pull 72 kms out of the battery, with 10-15+ kms reserve (1 bar) Long winded version. Yes, I added 1 kms to lower right snap, for those counting, as wife started charging before it went solid 1 bar. Upper left, was night before charging, so I wouldn't forget to take the snap. Actually surprised, happily, with results, as last test, was disappointed, but had a blinking 3 to solid 2 reserve. Not realizing the bottom half of the gauge was not counting down as fast. Just notice total kms, not realizing, 35-40 still remaining. Going downward, from blinking to solid bar, was easy to track, and got the snap within a km or so. Very accurate readings, +/- 1 km. Rated (advertised) at 140-150 kms range, although remember the 'owners manual' stated lower 120ish - something I forgot. Either way, very happy with the scooter. Their prime riding conditions are @ 35 kph, straight way, and surely no stop & go, with load probably in the 65 kg range. If any load at all, as I've seen some stand up scooter rated without load ???? On it everyday unless rainy. Strangely sold the Honda Wave, because we never road it, except to get air for tires & petrol, to keep the battery charged up. They advertise cost to be about ฿5 for full 0-100% charge at home / PEA and that takes < 2 hrs. I usually charge up at mid 3rd bar, and takes 1-1.5 hrs. First, and probably last time, taking to 1 bar. EV vs ICE - about ฿5 vs ฿90 (?) per 80-90 kms ????
  6. That's 1 opinion ... remember, moderation with all things: "Here are the top ways coffee can positively impact your health: You could live longer. ... Your body may process glucose (or sugar) better. ... You're less likely to develop heart failure. ... You are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease. ... Your liver will thank you. ... Your DNA will be stronger" 3 more at link, (avoiding colon cancer, Alzheimer's, stroke): https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/9-reasons-why-the-right-amount-of-coffee-is-good-for-you
  7. Don't think anyone expects to be served ganga that doesn't order it. Just a well thought out PR stunt.
  8. What a w a n k ... ???? Should be a permanent ban ... as probably just the 1st time caught doing so.
  9. Yes agree. In the past, wouldn't consider the tourist option, being a CC and just going point to point. Now a bit of a photo bug, so top deck is looking good, along with no worry of lens getting splashed, if actually getting a seat.
  10. Flash has been excellent lately, and good competition for Kerry. Don't think you can go wrong with either.
  11. Expecting that. If half take, and just a couple are gals that produce, that will be more than enough for me. Then just a bit of cloning, and I'm good for a few years. I'll indulge maybe, maybe once a week.
  12. First things first .... ฿50-100k, depending which model LAZ & other vendors. The good & the iffy ...
  13. I went low budget (฿99), and arrived yesterday. Hoping they are the 'Squirrel Tail' as advertise, as the low end of 15-20% will do me fine. Even came with instructions ... ???? Just have to enjoy half a doobie (fat one) instead of a hit or 2. Now to source a decent 1 hit pipe / bong and activ. carbon filters. Already spotted a few on LAZ, same pricing as AliExpress without the wait, though think I have a few months.
  14. Since you quoted me, guessing you were answering my reply directly. Apparently you didn't comprehend what I wrote. Since I stated qualified, that eliminates your #1 Since I stated trusted, that eliminates your #2
  15. WOW ... just saved me a lot of baht. No need now for that cardio stress test. THANK YOU
  16. I don't find corruption here much different than elsewhere. They simply don't concern themselves with hiding it as good. Probably because the consequence of being caught is less.
  17. Ganga ... the new EVIL ???? Fill in the blank ..... " ______ don't kill people, people do" Consider how many people committed suicide today, worldwide. Guessing most of them weren't on ganga. Everything is dangerous in the hands of a nut case.
  18. Don't know about France, but that's a generalization I don't find to be true here. Been down south, strolling around the mall, in predominantly Muslim towns, and don't see that attitude at all. Chickies strolling around, no hubby in site, looking kind of hot. Granted, conservatively attired, (compared to embarrassing western heathens) as that is the Muslim belief, but nothing looking forced or oppressed. Exemplifying ... 'less is more', as some smokin' hot cuties were out & about. Quite eye opening actually, as I was under the same impression of many, since a bit ignorant myself, with no actual experience. Now realizing how silly the bigoted rhetoric really is. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain
  19. Not yet, but a work in progress. Testing ... see if tourist can behave themselves first, when out & about, then let the rest enjoy some afternoon sipping. Don't think I'd be motivated to go to a hotel just to sip a few. Pre-plan and set up elsewhere, more natural setting, and advantage of inexpensive with excellent customer service. Nobody bartends as good as myself.
  20. Nothing like free advertising. That's as silly as a coffee shop with a sign stating 'they don' serve whiskey'
  21. For Thailand ... 'Afterlife' 3 : a period of continued, renewed use, existence, popularity beyond what is normal, primary, or expected For the Mother Land: "Opportunistic" USA, if nothing else, it's truly a Land of Opportunity ... IF ... YOU apply yourself. You don't need a 'diploma'd' education, rich roots, or large financial investment. You can either retire at a very early age, or make a sh!t load of money. UP2U
  22. That's about it. I have 16 FB friends, of which 10 are family. 5 non family friends I've know from 40 to 65 yrs. 1 friend I've met thru my wife, and been to his house a few times. No strangers, no friends of friends. Makes staying conx easy & inexpensive. I follow a group or 2 of my hobbies.
  23. Y'all do realize, the committee has no authority to charge anyone, with anything.
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