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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Should put this in 'Why Thailand ?', but that will die a forum death. Same as here I guess. Comfy room which included brekkie ... OJ, mini croissants/pound cake, salmon omelet, shrimp bisque, fruit. Coffee offered but already had. ฿1000 / $27 USD, which would probably get you the brekkie, for 1 person in USA, IF lucky.
  2. Grand Hotel (1999), thankfully only 1 night. What a dump back then, not sure what it's like now. Overnighted, than straight to Phuket the next day, for a pleasant long week. A few days of diving and chillin' out. Stayed at Patong Tower, was all timeshared I think, and a trade from mine in USA. Didn't realize at the time hotels were so inexpensive here, and not the wisest idea. Though had weeks of, and it was use them or lose them. Worked for an airlines, so the trip (air & hotel) cost next to nothing. I bought inexpensive drones that cost more Came back the next year, and basically stayed
  3. To the title ... yes Have had excellent adjustments, both USA & TH
  4. The usual, as rarely are we waiting for the car to get to 95%. Car is usually there, and we're still not ready to head out. As mentioned, pulled in, plugged in, dog & myself off for stroll, return, she's in the car, my turn to P, then wife & myself, stroll the vendors, hit 7-11, then she decides to P. BYD pulls in and we're more than ready, and just waiting for wife to return.
  5. Another one at Loei, # 2016, from 210 to 21, and very nice. Keep on, keeping on 21 - 2014 N (Dan Sai) to 2013 to Nakhon Thai.
  6. That's why we took advantage of the 240k when offered, 2+ yrs ago, and not knowing how long it would last, or be extended. Hindsight ... luckily wouldn't have done anything different. Though the ZS did go on sale a few times, for 80-130k off, but only recently. Which would have meant more depreciation of the ICEV before selling, and 20 months of petrol saving lost, so all a bit of a wash, and got to drive a better performing vehicle.
  7. Her siblings (8) are mostly retired, she was the baby, with a 25-30 gap to the oldest. Moved out of the village when 20+, so they would have been not help. Great family.
  8. Hwy 2016, between 2216 and 2250, which we drove after leaving Khao Kho, Phetchabun to Loei, Actually we went to Nong Bua LamPhu, but you'll hit Loei first. If in the neighborhood, worth taking, and very scenic.
  9. About some silly stuff, as many embassies don't even issue letters any more, THANKFULLY. I was pissed when TH stopped accepting letters, and even more so, when USA wouldn't issue a proper one. Now I'm glad, as I save $50 a year, for nothing but a scam that it was.
  10. NO ... she's an orphan, and parents dead when she was around 4 or 5 yrs old ... 😎 I would never give parents or anyone money. Wouldn't do it in USA, sure wouldn't do it here.
  11. Walk dog ... ✔️ Service wife ... ✔️ OK, now what to do ?
  12. Wonder what the breakdown is on professional beggars vs down & out beggars.
  13. yes, and what I use for extensions @ HH
  14. Daughter's experience w/BYD may confirm that, as sales rep, looking at her numbers stated should be no problem, but was denied, after a couple weeks, and surprised both of them. Added her BF to the mix, he's in banking, and one day approval. The company she worked for, only submitted her 1 contract, which she had 2 of, so not sure if BF, helped, or they finally got the paperwork right.
  15. Works also, even if just a 30 - 1 hr stroll after eating, especially simple carb, as digest/burn fast. This guy on TikTok did lots of blood sugar testing with food, when, what & how. Eating order (wrong): Right order: Pretty cool & informative, though he stopped, I think, but vids are there: https://www.tiktok.com/@insulinresistant1?lang=en
  16. Yes, depends on the carb, how & when eaten. Best to eat the bad carbs (non high fiber) after (along with) fats & protein. Eat your fiber, fat/protein, then heavy starch/sugar carbs last.
  17. Damn, got educated and still with you ... bless her little heart ❤️ 👍 1st Thai wife, 11 weeks after meeting, married, 6 months commuting, though in TH more than USA, then 6 months later realized ... 'how stupid are you ?' Got divorced, though still lived together for a while after. Finally chucked her butt out. Year or so later sold the house, kept the proceeds, (she wasn't involved) POA is a beautiful thing. The rest is history
  18. Didn't read all the post, and no info if you are retired. If not, suspect wind up. If so, suspect wind up. BUT .. if for real, been there, done that, and 2nd wife had a longer courtship. 8 yrs living together before married, and marriage (#4) has lasted 10 yrs, no probs. Short courtship = short marriage
  19. People don't actually swim in that surf, do they ? Time to stop wasting money dredging (rinse & repeat) and build a proper seawall, and nice promenade to enjoy looking at instead of walking on sand. PKK learned that lesson decades ago. They can still get their scam contracts, maintaining the sea wall ...
  20. They'll accept a crap contract for the workers, but the union reps, working the same job, same union, same local, get better bennies, and vested retirement quicker. Sort of like the Congress of USA, rules don't apply to them, but force crap on workers/citizens. It turns into getting as much dues revenue as possible. All a bit of eye opening when you're on all sides of it. When we were negotiating the contract, they were simple asking for too much, but a strike would have killed the company. What they got helped kill the company. I was elected rep for that city, (airlines (EWR). Against the contract myself, but membership at EWR I represented voted yes for it, so that's what I voted, but expressed my reservations to the other reps. Shame Congress doesn't vote the way the people want, as that is their job. Altair Airlines, just came off a horrendous strike, no customers, bad rep, and just went from prop to jet planes, high fuel costs, flying near empty, and the union asked for too much, as they were bleeding $$$ already. I saw the writing on the wall, and jumped ship to Continental Airlines, and 6 months later, Altair went belly up. Altair was private company, and hobby airlines of one of the Heinz family member's husband. Good idea, but his wife controlled the $$$, and finally said enough.
  21. To the topic ... been on all sides of the 'union' discussion; ... wanting one ... needing one ... for them ... against them ... was hired during a strike (scab), then became the union rep for contract negotiations of a new (abusive) union, which actually contributed to the bankruptcy of same company They have their place and are a necessary evil at times, along with being a business within themselves. It's good some states ban mandatory union membership to work at a company. Freedom of choice is always a good thing.
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