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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I'm a denialist, and I have to admit, my last post about rising sea levels was wrong. Now I've seen the Gulf in lower than last time, which I thought it was the lowest. 23+ years of coming to Gulf a couple times every year, at different times of the year; Xmas/NY, Mar/Apr/May, Sept/Oct & June for HH Jazz Festivals, and this is the lowest I've seen. Scientist can spew all the funded BS they want ... IMHO But my eyes sure are telling me a different story. I know which one I believe. UP2U
  2. Playing 'devil's advocate', as stated, only watched part of the trailer. And get the gist, homo & bisexual a thing in the animal world, so normal, and so should be considered normal in the human world. No argument from me, as consenting adults can do what ever they wish with their bodies ... I do, and some people think I'm nuts. Curious though, did the doc touch on (doubtful), the incest in the animal world? How about inbreeding ? How about the raping of animals by same ? Along with gang raping, as seen that myself with dogs. Or the adults killing their young, so no competition later ? All quite normal in the animal world. Or maybe the spiders & praying mantis that kill their partners after mating. Good defense if arrested for rape or murder in the human world Surely a not guilty or acquittal in court. Cherry picking to fit the narrative ... never really work in real life.
  3. Repeating your ignorance doesn't make it so. That snapshot is from our 2022 MG ZS promo, and newest version of. Part of the reason we stuck with the ZS ordered, just before the Atto 3 became available, but didn't receive yet. ZS, EP and probably the ES, (since EP upgrade) are module. MG4, not sure, but think it is. Stuck with what we knew, since having the ICE version of ZS, and Atto 3 was all new to us. As I suggested, might want to actually Google info before typing on forums.
  4. Got a large plastic container or 3 full of warm weather clothes, for freezing weather. Brother coming over in Nov, so may take a suitcase full back with him. Depends how much excess baggage cost now of days.
  5. Wrong ... MG ZS, MG4 & EP/ES are repair/replace just the affected modules. Would imagine other makers using the same CATL batteries also can replace just the modules needed. Here's a few more tidbits you may want to Google before posting:
  6. Here's my thoughts on excess deaths, before & after vaccines were made available. IMHO ... sure does seem like they sky rocketed after vaccines were distributed.
  7. Apparently doing an excellent job also, with info at the time. Strange how in the vid, states the left wouldn't take the 'Trump vaccine' but the Biden administration mandates it after election, to people that really didn't need the vaccine (Young & healthy). Destroying many people's livelihood who didn't want the vaccine, from attending school & employment. While Trump doing excellent job, by shut down international flights, as soon as advised to, and were vaccinating 1 million high risk people a day, when vaccine became available in late 2020. Graph from CDD site, (as stated on the graph) and source linked here.
  8. Strange while searching, can't find any IP rating for BYD Blade batteries. Simply stating water resistant on most sites.
  9. Got to crawl before you walk ... worldwide unless having good connections. Besides, it's mandatory to do 3 years 'public service' , although that might just mean, they have privileges at both, govt & private hosp. as many do.
  10. I've had good to excellent care at 5 govt hospitals I've use, and total crap care at 2 of the 4 private hospitals I've used. 100% satisfaction 👍 vs 50% 👎
  11. Also have the JB Ronny Scott DVD, along with most everything else he put out ... tasty stuff, but don't even have a player to use it any more. Have in storage, but can't be bothered breaking it out and hooking up.
  12. Multiple passports, so they don't have a clue who he is. But evil 'Russia' is the headliner Speaks Russian, as do millions that aren't citizens of Russia. Such as, most of Ukrainians as 2nd language.
  13. probably because I don't care. Don't even care about Trump, except in a supposedly free society, you try to put political opponents in jail because they'll probably win elections.
  14. So you didn't click on the link, in the AN OP that I linked. hmm ... it would have took you here
  15. Extremely irrelevant, as who the hell cares. I do find it strange, that it's used to justify whoever's lifestyle by comparing. It must by natural, it must be normal ... no sh!t. People enjoy same or bi sex, then that's entirely normal for them. Other people that don't, well, that's entirely normal for them. It's the constant "look at me", "this is why", part that is annoying to me. Myself and every gay or bi person I know thinks it's embarrassing also. STFU and just live your life ... nobody cares.
  16. You'd be surprised how much news is from RT News, and a fine example AN OP w/link Go to link, and source ... RT News And it's a word for word copy from RT News ... aside from the headline link here
  17. So you've read RT quite a bit, and came to that conclusion ? RT has been much better than MSM ... IMHO, and find it much less bias. Some news-blips have even been posted here. Picked up and repeated by other news outlets, but source was RT.
  18. If they really want to go green, limit international arrivals to 10 million or less. Until the infrastructure is 'green' enough to support the locals & 10M tourist. No sense continuing with the 1 step forward, 3 steps back program in place now.
  19. Don't think I ever owned a pair, though my glass is always half full. Try not to waste my brain cells on negativity.
  20. right back at you ... such a friendly forum ... ... another for the list. watching ... that's what walls are for
  21. Only balanced by the left wing nuts ... why I try to avoid both, not watching any MSM. Actually get 99.9% of my headlines here/AN, and avoid 99.9% of those. I peek at RT News headlines, make sure nobody dropped a nuke anywhere, or to predict/prepare for the next silly inflationary period for no real reason. Other than that, I'll continue to live in my own little world, uninfluenced by repetitive op-eds/new-blips.
  22. Actually watched the trailer, and don't how that would offend anyone, or get their panties in a knot. Also not sure how that would interest anyone either. Scene of the pride parade enough to turn me off, as surely there will be some 'look at me' narrative. yawn Oh well ... vanilla/chocolate/strawberry or straight/gay/bi ... moving on. PEACE OUT
  23. Did this need it's own thread, as could have simply been mentioned in the 'movie/tv' thread ? A thread for every new movie ... maybe mods could move to appropriate thread.
  24. Thanks for explaining that, as anything called 'Queer Planet", I'm not going to look at, same if called 'Straight Planet'. Hate labels. I assumed (oops) it was about humans. I don't anyone denies there are 3 sexes/genders ... hetero-homo-bisexual. OK, maybe the religious extremist who don't get out much. Have no real interest in watching a doc, about either or, no matter what species the subject matter is about.
  25. I also think most will be dismissed on appeal, or at least brought down to the misdemeanor offense that it is. They just thought a 'conviction' would do the opposite of what it has done. If anything, it strengthened his campaign, as nobody likes bullies, or govt censorship. Donations from the little deplorables pouring in points that out.
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