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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. I am sure it is but he doesn't get any increase. I would think most countries have reciprocal agreements with the UK so it shouldn't just be a few they provide for
  2. It is called discrimination no matter which way you look at it. A long time friend of mine retired a few years ago. He still banks in the UK but because he is living in the Philippines he gets no increase. The UK is very critical of discrimination but only when it applies to others not themselves. In my opinion he should get the increases as he banks in the UK irrespective if there is an agreement between the relevant countries. The UK government is good at speaking but total liars when it comes to doing the right thing, unless you are an illegal immigrant of course.
  3. I have where I live even seen motor cyclists stopping bikes behind them. Strange I know but they are not all idiots, most are however.
  4. Sounds crazy I know but Windows is unpredictable. I have a few SSD external drives and for a while they was not recognised by the computer. Try clearing all the trash from your computer and then go to This PC and run Properties. I found that cleared what ever was stopping my drives from being recognised
  5. Yes I am talking about Thailand.
  6. Exactly. Nylon doesnt conduct electricity so it would have to have been wet
  7. I have found that most cars stop but the motor bikes not a chance in hell.
  8. So presumably the nylon fishing line was wet.
  9. Have you upgraded Windows and if so was the drive recognised before the upgrade?
  10. Should forget this stupidity as that is what it is and get on living your life. Only purpose this serves is to divide people and that is bad for everryone.
  11. Could have been what is known as a dry bite
  12. I think T-Rex had just been removed from the world. Pretty sure it was then but not 100%
  13. I made a transfer from the UK to Thailand just a couple of days ago. It took less than 10 seconds. I would doubt it Western Union could match that.
  14. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections. If you mean anti-malaria tablets then yes they do help but the chances of contracting it unless you out in forests or woodlands is remote. For viruses, no antibiotics do not work on viruses.
  15. I would not snitch on anyone unless it was a traffic accident where people were injured and the driver did not stop
  16. I am sorry you are so negative but obviously you have little to no knowledge of coverage. If you did you wouldn't come out with the drivel you just have. He wants a tourist SIM. You will not get unlimited coverage with a 1 month SIM.
  17. Hello, is there anyone home?
  18. But only for UK passports and possible EU passports. What about Chinese, Japanese, Arabic passports? They will have slight differences and how will it detect forgeries?
  19. That does not account for forgeries. Some copies shall we say would not be detected by a machine despite what you think
  20. Be interesting to see how this system works. It is going to need to be able to detect passports from every country in the world. I cant think of any country that has a system that does that. Normally it just reads passports issued by the country you are entering.
  21. I don't own anything. I pay cash for everything including the house we live in. In my opinion, paying monthly is a bad idea as you may hit a time when you cant pay the instalment then you have problems.
  22. Do you understand what QoS there is for a regular customer? Unless you pay for a leased line you will not get a QoS so please lets forget the QoS portion. No provider will give you unlimited data for a month.
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