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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. No you really don't. Yes, I do. The judgment of that is mine to make, not yours.
  2. What would you say if I accused someone who advocates capitalism and then does a favor for someone without the expectation of receiving any profit from it of not being a true capitalist? We all are not ever "true" anything. In fact, almost every major country's economy, including my own (USA), is a mixture of capitalism and socialism. The discussions are really never if our economies should be "true" capitalistic or socialistic, but what percentage that mix should be. I, when I describe myself as a socialist, want to see the economy of the country I live in (Thailand), and my home country (USA), become more and more socialistic and less capitalistic. I hope this explanation helps you cope with my ongoing support of socialism.
  3. I sell some of them, and I give away others. I certainly don't expect to make a lot of money from them, I wrote to share my thoughts, not to get any others' money.
  4. I do whatever I can to support socialism, and I will continue to do so.
  5. You've misinterpreted all of my questions. I'll asked again in more detail: 1. What is the threat? The threat of being raped? The threat of having a man see them undressed? The threat of seeing a man undressed? 2. I think a poll of women would be a good thing and those that see transgenders as a threat should ask why. 3. Are you denying there are transfenders who we otherwise would define as being a woman who believe they are a man? 4. I was asking about how to distinguish between someone who we otherwise would define as being a man who believe they are a woman. Is that a "transgender man" or a "transgender woman"? Or do we just use "transgender" to mean both? It seems like people only use that to refer to a man who believes he is a woman. This whole issue is because most people believe that EVERYONE must belong to only one of two genders: male or female. There is no belief of accommodation for those who do not fit neatly into one of those two categories. I also believe that these people, transgenders, are a very, very small percentage of the population, probably around 1%, but only 80% of the population clearly identify as being purely heterosexual. "In this survey, on average about 80% of people worldwide identified as heterosexual, 3% as gay, lesbian or homosexual, 4% as bisexual, 1% as pansexual or omnisexual, 1% as asexual, 1% as "other", and 11% don't know or won't say." Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia
  6. What is the "threat"? Is it real, or is it just a perceived threat? What was the "threat" of Blacks when they had to be banned from all White resources and activities? Was it real or just perceived? And how many women perceive transgender men* as being a threat? Is it 10%, 50%, 99%? And how about the women who want to get into boys' and men's showers, bathrooms, and sports? We never hear anything about them or the men who see that as a threat. * I still don't know what to call transgender people. Are "transgender men" people who we designate as men who believe they are women or people who we designate as women who believe they are men? Or maybe we should just call them all "transgender," and that could be either or both?
  7. I can't be a "true socialist" as long as I live in a country with at least some capitalism. I can only advocate for a greater emphasis on socialistic features and a diminishing reliance on capitalism, which I do in my personal life, here online, and in my writing. I have written and published ten books, all reflecting my views on this in various ways.
  8. Your "one person in a million" comment is probably very close. On the news yesterday, I heard that the leader of the NCAA was asked how many transgender athletes they have. His answer was 10. There are about 500,000 athletes in the NCAA. That's .002%. That begs the question of just how big a problem this is that we have to discuss it multiple times every day.
  9. Which I assume you or your friends/family bought? Ot like a good commie did you just take them over? I bought and created them. Of course, being from the USA, I grew up in and participated in a capitalistic economy. I would much prefer the society I live in now to be socialist. "Commies" don't need to take over anything. In a communist economy, all resources are equally shared. No one "owns" anything, or you could say everyone "owns" everything.
  10. Both of those things will happen as a result of democrat leadership. With trump there would have been no wars I agree with you that, unfortunately, that will be the outcome of both of these conflicts. But I disagree with your label of Trump as "democratic leadership." The federal government is not a result of democracy. It's the result of a republic. And even if the majority of my fellow citizens (USA) are for one thing or the other, that does not make it a "good thing." And right now, I am definitely not in favor of what I think the majority, or at least a plurality of my fellow citizens, want.
  11. I don't know the answer to that, but I'd assume these genital/chromosome deformations could be separate or together, but probably often together.
  12. That explanation is so 2023. They've moved on. What Trump and his sycophants are trying to do is move us backward to when even LGs were treated as outcasts, and denying the existence of any such thing as BTQIA+s...
  13. Ending the war in Ukraine (or in Gaza) by giving part of Ukraine to the Russians (or giving Gaza to Israel) is a "good thing."
  14. Yes, I agree with you on the deformed genital issue. And yes. Just as genitals can be deformed at birth, so can their chromosomes. Instead of being either XX or XY, they could be XXY or some variation of that.
  15. No, I didn't say that. I was just correcting your accusation that all transgender people are only "pretending." I don't think a transgender people should always be treated as the gender they believe they are. I have, time after time, only said that I think the rules as to how people are designated as one gender or the other should be stated, not just left to anyone to decide as they see fit.
  16. I live as a socialist as best I can. It's easier to do that here in the rural areas of Thailand than in my home country, the USA. I have a lot of land and resources, and I share them with my community. I do not charge them for anything. I will continue to champion the ideals of socialism and bring to everyone's attention the failures of capitalism.
  17. The acronym is not "LGBT." It's "LGBTQIA+" LGBTQIA+ Meaning of Each Letter & Acronym Breakdown | SFGMC
  18. And how then do you classify a person who is deformed or has mixed-up chromosomes?
  19. I don't know what Marx has to do with this, but... I don't think "men pretending to be women should be allowed in girls' and women's showers and sports," I do think that a person who believes they are a girl or woman should not be prevented from going in women's showers or sports without have a rule that explicitly states how you determine if a person is a man or woman. And, I think all of that should be applicable vice-versa, that is women "pretending" or believing that are men.
  20. I have no guilt. I don't know how you ever thought that. I'm very happy with who I have been, who I am now, and who I will be.
  21. Yes, society does have to change to embrace my ideals (not moral code). I know that, especially after the last presidential election. But that doesn't mean I'll change my ideals. That just means I have to wait a little longer.
  22. Thanks for this, but just how do you determine d or e above unless you are observing this at conception? The rule and determination has to be made many years later, after the person has been born, and maybe not until they are mature.
  23. Yes, I do mean to be right in all my posts...
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