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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. "Cheating" is a genetic imperative for men, as part of survival of the species. I doubt many men would not if given the opportunity. However, the opportunity does not exist for most, and the penalties for doing so in our society are a significant disincentive.
  2. I'd have to have some respect for Chomsky to agree, but don't know him, never read anything he wrote, don't care about him. To me he's just some guy, and of no consequence to my life, so no opinion on his rank in life. I'm not saying he's a bad person, but why would I care either way?
  3. To qualify for my definition of hi class she can't have Cooper's droop, no matter how attractive otherwise.
  4. or a woman that won't have sex on a first date, according to some.
  5. My wife was embarrassed when I did manual work outside where people could see me because they might think I was a Burma.
  6. Rich and powerful men are never short of groupies, but I doubt all are good people. Perhaps there are some exceptions.
  7. IMO your points are more about whether someone is good, or not, and don't have to be "high quality" to be a good person. IMO the term is code for someone that is wealthy and lets everyone know it. The sort of person that drives an expensive car that looks expensive- the sort with a huge grill that shouts to the world "look at me, I'm rich"- not because a less ostentatious car is inferior, but because they want to let the peasants know that they are rich. In the old days they would be in a coach with 4 horses and footmen on the back, but these days when most can afford a car they need one that informs us lesser people that they are important and rich. I knew a Dr that holidayed in Thailand but only stayed 5* and never ever went into a gogo or barbeer. He considered himself to be "high quality", but IMO he just missed out on some fun times.
  8. You don't get to say if people post on here or not. If you want to terminate the thread contact a moderator by PM.
  9. Hmmmm. A real ladyboy considers themselves to be female, so IMO having a relationship with a female would be unlikely to be considered. However there are always exceptions. The only way the OP will find what he wants IMO is to go to Thailand and strike up a relationship with as many ladyboys as desired, but expect to pay the going rate. They have to pay for the operations.
  10. LOL. If the guys I knew when I was younger knew what Thailand was really like they'd give up local girls in a flash if they were wealthy enough to be able to afford it. However back then flying was so much more expensive, but much more fun than flying now. I miss Thailand, but not the farce of flying these days.
  11. a lot of women have had terrible experiences with men Given the number of attractive women ( and not attractive women ) that take up with scumbag men I ceased having sympathy for them on that long ago. There are good men in the world, but they often get treated really badly by women that exploit their good nature. I only had 2 partners in life and treated both as well as could be expected, but both exploited me till I left them.
  12. I already said I'm not taking any sides as I don't know enough. Why don't you quote something I've posted that supports the far right, as far as I'm concerned I've posted nothing of the sort.
  13. If you think the UN will vote to remove them good luck with that. China would probably not support it anyway, as I doubt they would want to see a major ally removed. Plenty of other countries in the UN that probably don't support the west.
  14. If true. The relevant words. It's unusual for generals to be close enough to the front to be killed.
  15. The only thing I know about people that think they are "high quality" is that I don't want to know them.
  16. You can't do it by mail. You both have to sign in the amphur office in person, for very good reasons. You may be able to go through the family court long distance by hiring a lawyer, but I don't know. If you are separated for 2 years it's apparently easier to get a divorce in family court.
  17. Not up to me to do anything about it, and I was pointing out why they are on the security council. Don't like it, take it up with your local politician.
  18. Why would you assume that most own property? Given around 50% divorce rate that's millions of men that lose their houses, and probably can't buy another as house prices have gone berserk since they bought the first one. 50% of the house value just isn't enough to buy in the present housing market.
  19. Indeed, governments that have spent like there is no tomorrow during covid will be needing to squeeze us as much as possible to extract every last cent they can. Pity that they still waste so much of what they already get.
  20. Don't have to look far from Oz to see another country been mismanaged for many decades. Seems to be a common factor in so called "democratic" countries with IMO a race to the bottom.
  21. They earned that spot with the lives of many, many Russian soldiers fighting the Germans. Have you forgotten WW2 already?
  22. History is littered with broken promises/ guarantees/ treaties by many nations. Why should it be different now? Things change.
  23. If you mean as regards letting you die rather than taking medical means to prevent it I understand it's not an option if one ends up in hospital in LOS. You should get legal advice as to such. I don't see any way of making one without relatives/ NOK other than paying a lawyer. You need someone to have the legal authority over you if incapacitated. I doubt any Dr will accept a bit of paper on it's own.
  24. The signing in in NZ was done on bits of paper if one didn't have one of those phones, and one can guess how many just scribbled on it to look like they were complying. Supermarkets must have had a problem sorting and storing thousands of bits of paper and were not slow to stop as soon as allowed to. Probably sounded like a good idea, given they couldn't force anyone to buy one of those phones, but I doubt it did much good.
  25. I agree, but short of offing ourselves there isn't much can be done about it but survive one day at a time.
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