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Everything posted by Upnotover

  1. I applied in February with a 1 month (January) statement. My 800k had been in my account for 4 weeks at the time of application although the embassy website only asks for "current balance".
  2. Where, physically, are your 2 SIM cards? And what are they, both AIS or AIS and ANOther? And the mystery number, Thai or ....?
  3. And you've registered the AIS number on your Wise account? Meanwhile ask somebody independent of AIS to send you an SMS as a test.
  4. Nothing to do with your previous non-OA. It is NOT required for a non-O
  5. It certainly wont be easier than sitting at home and getting your e-Visa in the UK. Plus as an added bonus you won't get any onward ticket questions from the airline when you check in.
  6. You can get it easily in the UK, e-Visa. I did in February. Took 3 or 4 days. I also do not have a state pension, used 800k in my Thai bank account.
  7. And? I imagine the OP is aware of that as he got married last month.
  8. If your "own country" issues visas through the e-visa system then you might find it easier and quicker to do it there.
  9. It was around 20k, a few years ago mind you. But worth it in my opinion. And actually it was AXA, some spelling gremlin must have autocorrected my initial reply.
  10. 555, life is never easy, lucky it's only 200.
  11. All insurance is wasted money until you use it, and hopefully it stays wasted Having said that my wife had AIA Health Insurance which was not particularly expensive and certainly did not feel it was wasted when she needed a hysterectomy, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya fully covered rather than wherever she would otherwise have ended up.
  12. It used to be possible to send AIS balance to another number, might be a way to give away or sell that 200 baht.
  13. No doubt you can send them your dashcam counter evidence? Or 500 baht, whichever is easier.
  14. Correct. I'd get it in the first week as you'll need the money there 2 months before applying for the annual extension. Worth noting that in case of any delays in getting the account sorted that you can also extend your initial 90 day entry by 60 days "to visit wife" if needed, giving you some more time.
  15. There is no background check. Forget about that. It is under "Staying with family" visas, specifically "To stay with Thai family residing in Thailand (more than 60 days)"
  16. You avoid the need to go to get the initial non-O that you will need to eventually get an annual extension. Yes, apply through the normal e-Visa website. If you do this then when you get your first extension that will count as your first 90 day report.
  17. It would be well worth your while applying for the Non-O whilst you are still in the US. It's an e-visa so easy to get, needs $15,000 in your US account. With that you'll avoid onward flight issues, minimise visits to immigration in Thailand and will make getting a bank account a whole lot easier.
  18. There was a "Nate" but I think a different one, irritating as I recall.
  19. ....and the flights are 5 minutes apart, not the same time.
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