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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. if you do not want to be charged with crimes then it might be a good idea not to commit crimes and leave massive piles of evidence behind.....u have now been "educated".
  2. Which is likely why trump used them for decades to convince the "uneducated" that he was not the grifting fraud he has been most of his life. Next up: Trump kool aide for sale.....free bible and used sneakers with purchase of one truckload. Don't be a fool Drink Trump kool
  3. In other news: PM invites Russians to come and stay as long as they like and do whatever they like in Thailand. Says "I love the Russians. They spread a lot of $$ around to the police, politicians, and various officials. They usually only kill or beat up other Russians. They have their very own mafia and many of the russian gals are hot blondes...I have developed a taste for expensive caviar and hot blondes so what's the problem?"
  4. if you do not want to be charged with crimes then it might be a good idea not to commit crimes and leave massive piles of evidence behind....whether magas like it or not it is the job of doj fbi and ag to investigate and gather evidence when crimes are alleged and then present that evidence to a grand jury of regular citizens who then determine whether the evidence warrants indictments.....that is what has happened. I doubt trump will be bankrupted as he seems to have a lot of delusional fools willing to keep sending him $$ to pay the army of lawyers who are trying to defend the indefensible.
  5. subponea or not their testimony has the potential to fry donnie and the dunces as most of it is backed by extensive documentation as well as audio and video and much of it compliments of donnie and his big flapping mouth... As stated before to call it a witch hunt is yet another lie to convince trumpers that everybody is picking on donnie boy and he has done nothing wrong. If he is innocent then by all means drop the disrupt delay deny and get on with the trials so he can once and for all show what fools those of us who think he is a crook a criminal and a conman truly are.
  6. Pity the fools that have to try and defend donnie and the dunces from his many crimes....of course he is innocent as he has never done anything wrong in his entire itty bitty life. It is obvious to trumpers that donnie wants to delay and disrupt every proceeding since he is so very very innocent it is a waste of time to have to go to trial. Slam dunks all. Sure donnie. Sure. But go ahead and show us how it is all a big witch hunt , cut the delay and disrupt crap and lets see what the jurys all have to say? Surely you will be given a clean slate with no convictions then you can prove and brag ad nauseum how bigly innocent you are.
  7. There are many many more beyond pecker involved in the variety of charges....trumper after trumper has come forth from jan 6 on to share what they saw and heard....very easy to say..."i don't recall" but few did....bottom line is the same old tired line of a dem witch hunt that has been the cult motto for years is simply yet another lie spun to try and protect dear leader.
  8. amazing how those dems are able to convince life long trumper maga morons to testify against dear leader...must be some powerful "thugs" to pull that off especially knowing that the magas will threaten their fellow trumpers along with their families who dare to testify......enjoy the cult and the kool aide.
  9. And what would happen if another 50 or so countries were offered 90 day no visa? Let me guess. The number of tourists would increase substantially but the size of brown envelopes would decrease.
  10. If it works for the op and wife then good for you....most people have enough to deal with in figuring out their own relationship arrangements without trying to tell other couples what they should do.
  11. maybe jared would loan him a few hundred milion from his saudi slush fund of two billion....but i guess jared would need to ask what hunter biden thinks of it since hunter and his criminal dad joe according to maga dealt in much smaller amounts...
  12. When the thai govt gives them 90 days no visa maybe they think they are "special"....
  13. for a guy who likes to constantly brag about his billions it seems he has a tough time getting the bond or $$ together to cover his reduced 175 million ... now even melania is trying to cash in on the grift selling mothers day jewelry....what a class bunch...peddling bibles sneakers and jewelry along with stock...pathetic grifters who love the uneducated...coming soon naked pics of ivanka...
  14. they do have some new trains that are pretty good if that might be of interest....
  15. yep those damn dem political witch hunts where most all those testifying against him are people that were life long repulicans who voted for trump and worked for him then suddenly decided to just make up a bunch of lies so they and their families can get death threats from the maga mob....
  16. yep those damn dem political witch hunts where most all those testifying against him are people that were life long repulicans who voted for trump and worked for him then suddenly decided to just make up a bunch of lies so they and their families can get death threats from the maga mob....
  17. yet another person who seems to go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories ....shame on everyone who promotes this crazy crap as well as the various platforms that retweet or continue to display such garbage ....there seem to be a lot of people that thrive on believing everything they read on the internet and many of them seem to think that they are somehow "brilliant" to have found a theory to fit whatever they want to believe ...
  18. to each his own but i have zero desire to live in texas...but that sounds like a good deal to own the lot and not lease it.
  19. Geez enough of the nonsense....what are you a detective. Good for OP to try and help someone in need.
  20. Jomtien Beach down towards view talay 7 and especially dongtan beach have lots of trees and there are plenty of thais and others who sit under them everyday...it is wonderful....lets hope they dont decide to cut them all down. Seems a lot of beach chair vendors also do good biz as some tourists love to sit in the hot sun instead of the shade. Pattaya beach recently put in a few dozen benches toward the dusit end of the beach....for sure wish they would put more and plant shade trees instead of palm trees....maybe more maintenance or someone has a deal to supply palm trees and make a pile of $$. It is indeed very hot much of the day to try and walk the pattaya beach route.
  21. and so you buy an old rundown trailer and pay $500 a month in lease rent until the owner of the land decides to double or triple the rent or more likely sell the entire property to a developer for condos and you are given a few months notice to get your mobile off the lot which is not cheap and often mobile so old can't be moved safely and even then where u gonna move it and who pays for that?....not a lot of long term leases offered at those prices..
  22. maybe the wife did not dispute the bill because she watched her idiot husband order it all and it was correct? As said if he was ordering some premium german beer it would not take much to get to 1000 thb.....lot of unknowns in the story but i am more inclined to believe the gals who were attacked than a drunk
  23. I hope all the cult bets whatever little they may have left after buying golden sneakers ,bibles and trumps scam stock on him to win....Trump really appreciates having a big supply of maga morons to con out of their social secuirty checks.
  24. did not know that...so to be clear i get a multiple entry tourist visa online and arrive thailand say oct 5....then about dec 5 i get 30 day extension at immigration til jan 5....then i leave country on jan 5 and reenter thailand say jan 8 and then get another sixty days til march 8, another 30 day extension til april 8....then leave again and return say apr 11 get another 60 days til jun8 followed by another 30 day extension til first of july? is that correct that i can do all of that and not have to get another tourist visa in another country? WOW that would be great....thanks very much for letting me know if i have this correct...
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