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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Well there is the small matter of Putin having an international arrest warrant on his head for being a war criminal, whereas Biden doesn't.
  2. Looks to me like a big guy picking on a little guy. Don't blame the shrimp from running away. Some of these ladyboys are built like the incredible hulk.
  3. I've noticed you being the Rottweiler in more than a few posts. Do as I do, post whatever it is you want to say and leave. I have a rule never to enter into a debate on this or any other forum. Life's too short.
  4. I gave up playing regular golf after I arrived here. Pity, because I thought with low land prices and wages golf would be dirt cheap. The owners must be coining it.
  5. Still very useful though I imagine, when people are being debanked left, right and centre simply for living overseas.
  6. Brits are no problem compared to Swiss head-the-balls. My Thai missus agrees with me.
  7. Don't forget the Dutch guy who got 103 years for money laundering. His house on Phoenix Gold Course is a derelict since the govt commandeered it. The land must be worth a pretty penny though. Wonder who now owns the chanote?
  8. I suppose the beach music festivals and the trucks blasting out their bass-heavy rubbish at weekends is included in the price. I used to live in a beachside condo in Jomtien but decided to move to a house in a quieter area away from the seaside. Never regretted it.
  9. Currently: Dad's Army, Allo Allo and It Aint Half Hot Mum. Not for the woke brigade.
  10. I knew Donald Trump would be blamed sooner or later. It's overflowing with lefty expats in Thailand.
  11. Funny that, I'm English and although the MG looks great and is cheapish, there's a catch. It's Chinese and from what I've heard and read, has a bad after-sales reputation. Give me Toyota every time. Like the look of the new Yaris.
  12. Because he could afford to probably and I'd do the same if I had the money.
  13. Agreed. Also, most cars here have blacked-out windows. I keep on at my daughter to have her windscreen changed because if ever I drive her car in the dark, I have difficulty seeing bikes and pedestrians. It is definitely dangerous and it worries me to death that she seems to think it's normal to have reduced vision.
  14. I worked in HK 1969-71. I was disappointed because it was a bit too civilised and modern for my taste. It wasn't a patch on my two year stay in Singapore 1963-65 which I thought was fantastic and nothing like what it is today. I suspect Thailand at that time was out of this world. I was never fortunate to visit here until 2007, but people used to talk about it in glowing terms. I have no desire to revisit HK or Singers.
  15. Yes, he's as slippery as he looks. We all wrote him off last time when he was banished to some obscure office job.
  16. I've seen several men wearing only boxers and women in pajamas.
  17. Probably true, I believe they're supposed to apply from the first safe country that they reach. Here's betting however, that most of that lot landing up on Lampedusa will find it's way to the UK. The perks are just too good to ignore.
  18. I should have thought that if the account holder doesn't own a property in the UK and uses the address of a family member or friend that he stays with when he's in the UK, then that isn't a false address. I use my family members address for all my correspondence, not just my bank. Anything important he emails a copy or sends it on by post if I need the original and vice versa.
  19. I would miss the credit card if Nationwide debanked me. I don't know how else I'd hire a car when I visit UK without it. I have three other banks in the UK I use for banking, but the CC is with NW.
  20. The truth about the appallingly bad driving here is not Thai bashing. I love it here and like the Thais (I'm married to one), but agree with every word the OP says.
  21. I think the Thais are trying to be polite, but despite my efforts, it does grate with me. Similar to being called "John" as a young soldier in Singapore. I do however always react politely.
  22. Utter garbage! Being an expat using online banking from Thailand has beggar all to do with Brexit. I wish you remainers (lefties) would get over it and bow to the democratic will of the people.
  23. Which would make me suspicious being that his native language was English and he was on holiday and only been in Thailand "a number of months".
  24. Sounds a good idea. I'll investigate locally.
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