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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Seriously though, this is scary business. If it happened to the former president, then the very same thing could happen to any of us who stole some top secret highly classified documents. Be careful out there.
  2. Come on, it takes time for a man his age to learn how to read.
  3. While agreeing with your sentiment, what you say does tend to trivialise what we have just seen. Although it did somewhat come out of left field, this is a very serious allegation. To remove top secret documents, and refuse to hand them back following their subpoena, is only part of the story. The thought of just what he was planning on doing with them, or worse, what he has already done with them, takes it to a whole different level. Certainly equally serious, if not more so, than the many other investigations currently focussing on him.
  4. If Trump is indeed convicted of espionage, then every long term appointment he made while president, including, but not limited to, Supreme Court justices, should be immediately rescinded. A purge of potential moles put in place by a high ranking traitor is customary, if not mandatory, in such a case.
  5. Pity he stole them in the first place.
  6. There's nothing stopping him from releasing his own copy already, along with the inventory of items removed that he already has. Maybe he's doing a bit of "Sharpie-editing" to both before doing so, and then screaming that the DOJ documents and his own don't match.
  7. Leaning forward in his SUV, trying to grab the steering wheel, and shouting "Take me to Moscow!!!"
  8. I went to a dyslexic barbecue today. We all stood in a line and waited to get our hair cut.
  9. I'm off to grow some facial hair... Must dash!
  10. A vegetarian looked at my burger and said, "You know, a cow died so you could have that burger". Mid-bite, I looked at his salad and responded, "Maybe it died because you keep eating all its food!"
  11. A bloke in hospital is recovering from laser eye surgery. The surgeon comes in and asks if he wants the good news or the bad news first. The bloke excitedly asks for the good news. The surgeon says, "Well, you are about to get a new dog!"
  12. I bought a punnet of strawberries and looked to the internet for the best way to serve them. It suggested that I halve the strawberries, dust with icing sugar and pile cream on top. Don't do this!!! Pile cream tastes disgusting.
  13. A Glaswegian takes his new girlfriend home to introduce to his parents "This is Amanda". Its f***in' what??!!" shouts his father.
  14. Funnily enough, that was exactly my question when he took the time to reply to your post.

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