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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. If the Baht is plunging due to the political unrest, a few should start looking in the mirror. However, don't rush as the pound is buying more baht for which I am very grateful.
  2. Looking at the photo, I don't think any one of them has had any training with firearms? What I see looks quite dangerous although the weapon is pointed towards the ground.
  3. 'IMO senators should vote present or abstain in upcoming votes for Speaker and PM' Why? The senators were appointed not elected and the appointee is no longer a part of government, which effectively negates their positions.
  4. Which should negate their right to pass judgement. But I guess ignorance is bliss.
  5. A TOTAL bunch of serious losers. I've seen more sense in a junior school playground. Brains and rocking horses comes to mind.
  6. Not likely to happen any time soon, I'm afraid. But we can all dream.
  7. A fizzy coffee made with 7Up? A possible new trend maybe?????
  8. And if Starmer's lot get in next year you can double all that.
  9. Why would the DWP become suspicious, knowing that you live in Thailand? Its why they require the Life cert.
  10. That sounds like a good idea, the UK are very good at multi language forms for all their l immigrants.
  11. I got a teacher to sign the first one I got from DWP. Copied it to all subsequent requests and have had no problems. Never let a good idea go to waste.
  12. I can only say they didn't with me. I might add there was no pressure.
  13. An accurate description in full on English. What a PLONKER!
  14. Try 'TunnelBear' free VPN. I found it quite reliable on the trial period and now have the full package.
  15. One day perhaps, but at present it is possible to get the bank letter for Immigration at any branch of your bank.
  16. A guy was banned from Sainsburys when buying a pack of Pedigree Chum.
  17. Just a thought, did you open the A/C with a previous Passport? If so, you may find inserting the old passport number will work?
  18. 'China expressed its readiness to enhance military cooperation with Thailand in a bid to maintain stability in the region'. In other words impose its own interpretation of military stability in the region!
  19. If per chance there are two good leaders out there somewhere, you can bet they wont be at the front.
  20. I think most of us foreigner's do understand Thailand. Its more the disbelief of what we see and hear that can make life a little confusing here.
  21. One craft knife and you could lose your wallet in seconds
  22. That would probably be the best move the people all over the country could make. However, who will support those on low wages, no savings, and living hand to mouth?
  23. The Quote was to evenly distribute the load, which is not possible with a domestic front or top loader. Unless one refers to a commercial 200/400lb front loader. Which would then be divided into either two or three pockets. Each pocket would then be loaded with a weighed amount of linen. And I might add, with a commercial washer the load does NOT all fall to the bottom after the 8 minute spin cycle.
  24. 'Also try to make sure the load of laundry is evenly distributed in the washer when you load it.'... Would only apply if the washer drum was divided into 3 separate pockets.
  25. I would lay blame squarely at the feet of Royal Mail. With their strikes and lack of any consistency over late Feb/March, any overseas post was severely delayed.
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