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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Plus all the discarded banana skins and a tyre hanging in your front room.
  2. 24.2 I am pretty healthy according to my Doc. Exercise keeps the weight off, and just just cut out sugars and over-processed food.
  3. The food industry has pushed the "low fat" mantra since the 60's, replacing a lot foods rich in healthy saturated fats with processed sugar. Link
  4. "Measures stepped up to promote fear, paranoia, and keep emergency decrees in place". There's your headline.
  5. Butter, every time. Not as unhealthy as previously thought. Margarine on the other hand, just 2 molecules away from being a drainpipe.
  6. Vinegar is also a serving suggestion and condiment with deep-fried frogs
  7. I'm not sure.. Most of the bars on the "Strip" were covertly open without lights on the outside, indicating that full opening had not been given by the cops or local authorities. Pathetic, whatever the reason..
  8. Don't miss any opportunity do they? What a shower of @#$%^
  9. Monkey Pox season already?? I've still got my Ukraine decorations up..
  10. The difference between Makro in Pattaya and same name in Rayong is pretty marked. Like different companies, tbh. Anyway, wait and see..
  11. Yep, I hear you. Just had a much-needed perspective check myself (back in the UK) for the first time in three years. Turned a few mountains back into molehills, thankfully. ????
  12. Yep, looks more like some cunning "Ocean's Eleven" master-criminal heist attempt. Top marks for finesse and pointing all round. ????
  13. Yep, the WHO planning big things with their "Pandemic Treaty". -Effectively overruling countries' sovereign rights to manage future "pandemics"; lockdowns, medicines, vaccines, etc. There is a petition that UK citizens can sign to overrule this globalist grab: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/614335 Guess which country will be itching to sign anything the WHO put in front of them?
  14. We flew from Suvanabhumi to the UK at end of this March, with Emirates. We were not asked to provide any fit-to-fly certs or vax docs at all, this side. Flew back this month on the Thai Pass, and not too many problems.
  15. I hope that following this crazy and totally arbitrary lockdown from the power-mad CCP, that a lot of companies, and maybe whole industries re-locate outside China, and start becoming a bit more self-sufficient.
  16. Just do as in-the-know 'world leaders' do. Buy beachfront property after talking down the market.
  17. If you're going to label someone ignorant, please don't make basic spelling mistakes.
  18. Me and my family had it last year, before I got vaccinated. I had flu' type symptoms for around 10 days. The missus had a slightly less severe version, and my 10 yr old son had a sore throat for 2 days.. I worked from home for a week after all symptoms had gone. Around 50% of my Thai staff have had it. They mostly fear having to take time off work (and thus losing overtime, bonus, etc.) more than catching the virus, which has been mostly mild or asymptomatic. The ATK-testing kits are all over the place in diagnosing infection, imo. Anyone popping + should demand a retest or PCR before submitting as a "patient".
  19. Predictable from Anutin. Hanging on to any type of control or hoodoo that his Govt can pull on a largely bovine population (reliant on information from the bubble of Thai language only). The cloth masks especially are little more than comfort-blankets, by hey-ho, ignorance, conformity and fear is the way to go..
  20. Read: "We're still making shedloads of money from PPE, dodgy ATK test kits, and hospitels. Oh, and keeping a disgruntled population off the streets in protests,," They will keep this going as long as possible.
  21. Quality Control Dept at the Hong Thong factory.? What an utter POS. Hope the wife's family get their hands on him before the courts.
  22. Yup, and the UK Govt just issued a warning about myocarditis following Pfizer jabs, especially in young males. Not recommended for kids under 12 yo.. Link: UK Govt Org
  23. Cyril Smith was the tip of the iceberg. He was widely known to be a child abuser, but saw no arrest or punishment during his lifetime. Ditto Jimmy Savile (and the blue-blooded people he facilitated for), Lord Mountbatten, Ted Heath, etc.
  24. The security guy at our office still checks the temp of everyone entering, every morning without fail, and enters details on a clipboard.. ???? Gives him a sense of purpose I suppose.
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