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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Yes. From the central intersection Mittraphap and HW 12 it is 22 km northbound on the road. Google estimates 20 minutes. From the northern ring exit onto Mittraphap it's a about 14 km, 11 min estimate. Distances include the detour for the U-turn. Location: 16.5888,102.8185 https://goo.gl/maps/uwYGgrBfTQVM8TFW7
  2. The usual misconception. Yes, £4 via NatWest and the fees for the correspondence banks stay hidden. It's almost two decades that I used SWIFT. 1.50 EUR for Postbank (Germany). I was delighted that it is so cheap until I learned that it is just the fee to forward it to Deutsche Bank from where the real drain starts.
  3. None, never and will never happen on such short distance. UTP is extremely quiet. Two flights today (Dubai and Macau). On some days flights to/from Phuket and Ko Samui. That's about it.
  4. On September 9 the sun rises in Buriram at about 84° E. So the axis of the gates is 6° from the E-W axis. No idea what the particular magic is here.
  5. The full article describes sun >rise< and sun >set< through the gates. So seems you have to watch from one side or the other. "Each year, the sun sets directly through the 15 gates of Phanom Rung Temple twice, between March 5 to 7 and October 6 to 8. The sun rises through the gates on April 3 to 5 and September 8 to 10." not equinox dates btw
  6. Imagine it's rainy season and you see thick clouds only ???? I haven't seen a proper sunrise for days.
  7. No idea why the link was not in the OP. So again a U-turn involved. Cheap and deadly.
  8. KhunBENQ

    Very hot fridge.

    This is completely normal. Fridges here are different from what is usual in the west. A fan? Never had a fridge here with a fan on the outside. These fridges are completely sealed. Put a western style fridge with an open backside (compressor, cooling coils) and soon you will have a nice zoo of insects/pests of all kinds nesting there.
  9. It is. What would a typical SWIFT transfer be? Send USD to a Thai bank account based on THB. So SWIFT fee plus exchange fee by the Thai bank (0.25%, max 500? THB).
  10. The interesting point here: it gives an idea what big costs are involved when using the SWIFT system. In most cases these costs are not transparent when using bank to bank transfers.
  11. Much ado about nothing. Who sends USD from US to a USD account in Thailand Careful reading helps a lot:
  12. Guess it's a van where he can get in and out without banging his head. Easy happens if you are that tall in Thailand ????
  13. All I can see is that Thaicom 4 on 119.5° has no relevant content for Thai viewers. https://www.lyngsat.com/Thaicom-4.html A different story is Thaicom 6 on 78.5°. All the Ku band and C-band dishes are directed to this position. That has been the fact since about two decades or so. https://www.lyngsat.com/Thaicom-6.html Encrypted pay TV stuff of True Vision seems to be on Thaicom 8 also at 78.5°. https://www.lyngsat.com/Thaicom-8.html I am not too much up-to-date anymore. Maybe someone has more.
  14. An intercontinental missile as a threat to Norway and Sweden. How stupid is that. Maybe he should do some geography lessons and study the US arsenal in the 14 submarines.
  15. Beach rd and Walking Street at night. Both a miss for me. WS has gone through the roof with inflated prices and whorehouse like practices (prepay to mamasan, girl be back in 2 hours even with barfine etc.).
  16. What bank is that? Seems unique to credit cards being sent by post. Never experienced. I suspect that the error is with the bank. Can't comment on the reuse topic but it will surely not be months.
  17. Exactly. And BYD is just expanding into the Thai market (as they do in Europe) and don't need headlines like this.
  18. In such events that might damage reputation they WILL send their engineers to investigate. "Do Japanese engineers need to investigate Toyota malfunctions? " Of course! You might remember the terrible news storm in the US about Toyota cars accelerating "without a cause". Toyota send their best to find out what happened. It was a devastating PR disaster. In the end it was some dimwits who could not distinct between gas and break pedal and some floor mats that might have obstructed the pedals.
  19. About breakfast and restaurants: where you come from, what are your preferences? Pattaya has something for almost all tastes (not all near bye).
  20. What kind of? Not all prostate surgery marks the end of male functions. (speaking from experience). It's a few years that I experienced their buffet breakfast. (I was there during Covid and that was poor). If you don't like it, it's a three minute walk to a place like "Kung's" with homemade sausages etc. I am not expert in English breakfast but I liked it and it's very popular. Of course tons of other options in short distance. Casa Pascal now restarted it's opulent breakfast buffet six times a week. Not cheap.
  21. First option to check. Particularly cell phone to cell phone
  22. Connected to a US VPN server. Youtube, Instagram and Facebook open OK.
  23. Some sites come up OK. Others creepily slow or not opening. Facebook, youtube and instagram not opening which for many young Thais is equivalent to no internet
  24. After reading that it seems a major nationwide outage I refrained from trying hotline as thousands may have tried. Not saying service in general is bad.
  25. Which is not the topic here. It's about a current outage.
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