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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Chanthaburi in Isaan (news forum). Geography poor once again
  2. Was just to post the same question. I would surely take off my hands from any DIY at a car windshield.
  3. Serious question? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajj
  4. It's just one of the animals trained for show purposes earning money for his owner. Is it any worse than petting near unconscious tigers?
  5. Leptospirosis, sewer workers disease or "rat piss" disease. Also hit people up here.
  6. Wandering half naked in the sewerage?!! (closed lid!) Hell that must have been serious stuff consumed. Mud spoils his tattoos.
  7. If default is avoided Else much room to fall. Fortunately the effect from the election was short-lived as seen so far.
  8. Read this yesterday in a Thai news source and couldn't believe it. Hesitated to post here. A complete psycho. Breath stops when you think about it.
  9. Jan Jerzy Lagoda-Filippow That makes more sense now for a Polish name. The Lagoda might stem from a marriage? A person of this name has registered a one man company in the UK. Might or might not be him.
  10. Quite surprising that a tourism organization comes with this fundamental request. Of course, ALL provinces should have elected governors. A first small step away from the extreme centralism which the country suffers from.
  11. Unlikely that anything happens. 90 day report is reset with your next entry to the country. Immigration checkpoints have nothing to do with it. And I never read that anyone coming back was penalized for a missed report.
  12. On the other hand, the OP has given up 2 years ago after his first and last post. May still be a topic of interest for others.
  13. "Guy in safran robe at polling station was not a monk" (just a social media clown, guess kathoey) How much click-bait would this earn
  14. Some of my elderly (50+) neighbors are skin and bone as they always were. They don't get much out of the village, no donuts, no pizza, no fatty icecream, no deep fried fat dripping chicken, no hypersweet drinks etc.etc.etc. They simply don't have the money for all that. Easy explains why they are still slim like the even poorer Laos fellows (who have basically the same lifestyle). They have no need for exercise. One neighbor 70+ is on the fields daily and works in the sweltering sun. No treadmills after work. Look at the world center of fattys and find the answers. Easy.
  15. Found many more details reported. It was so overloaded that the rear axle broke, wheels came off 200 m before the accident site. That's even more than I see on a daily basis. How much does it need until the rear axle of an Isuzu (the workhorse) breaks?
  16. Similar thread opened 2 hours ago:
  17. Openly on Pattaya beach rd of course. 325 m from the police station e.g. And not only tools for women. No details here, would be obscene.
  18. And correctly translated Maybe they fear defamation lawsuit from the deceased drivers family
  19. Hope he and the elite behind will come to their senses and not provoke up-rise and violence. Of course they have all the tricks at hand (EC, constitutional "court").
  20. Russians coming here seem to be completely unaware of their surroundings and dangers. 10 out of 15 foreign motorcycle deaths are Russian. Almost daily Russian drowing/washed away, selfie death etc. Or is it just the mere number/majority they form?
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