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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Closed. As a sidenote; the Google calendar on their websites showed it wrong until recently stating phloughin ceremony on 11th ????
  2. Germany last again And contributing money from forced broadcast fees per household. Abolish ASAP.
  3. Has big joke swept through with the iron broom? Khon Kaen executive officers were deeply entangled in a corruption scandal. I always had my stuff in order and never had any problems with bribing for legit affairs. Ok, not returning 100 on 2000 Baht in recent years
  4. ?? would earn you a proper defamation lawsuit. I had one year SIM of DTAC valid until May 10th, 2023. I had activated it myself online in May 2022. I worked until I threw it out and switched to AIS on May 3rd, 2023. Of course: if you buy some "already activated" SIM you have to check when it expires. Always easy with the operators smartphone apps. To be precise: AIS SIM expires one year after the online ORDER which was Apr 28th, 2023. So expires Apr 28th, 2024. So I loose a whopping 5 days.
  5. the only potential problem: if you book a return flight later than 30 days without having a visa the airline might deny boarding. Game of luck. Workarounds possible.
  6. All I find is this Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/DVareeJomtienBeachPattaya/posts/pfbid02aR5kEwdLYdaqGqa2UxvCfst2pYd8aZ9rgQGFNXfc1nRCkxPUjjRUxLrB59Z2ZWwWl
  7. Thanks heaven that this is last day where campaigning is allowed. Up here campaigning is deafening loudspeaker filled trucks circling around roaring the number to choose and maybe the party/candidates name. Nerve racking,
  8. And potential power outages. Two days ago fortunately only a 2 second dip. Guess it's over-voltage protection.
  9. Drove to the district town today, 18 km. Heavy rain, big puddles on the road,. Driving back and after about 3 km: dry roads. Still nothing widespread.
  10. A popular question: https://aseannow.com/topic/1290794-switch-non-imm-o-extension-from-marriage-to-retirement/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1246859-can-i-change-from-marriage-to-retirement/ ... You can. Outside Thailand is nonsense info. No cancel and get new visa necessary.
  11. Always good to keep the numbers in mind. Voyager is travelling 45 years and made about 24 billion km. That is less than >one day< in light speed. Remember that when reading about new earth like planet detected. "Only" 12 light years away.
  12. For old fashioned report by postal mail photocopies are sufficient. Maybe same for the agent?
  13. And I thought it was about overcharging stupid farangs where it would not be 70 vs 60 vs 50 Baht but more like 300 vs. 200 vs. 100. Raging about 10 Baht difference. How desperate must they be.
  14. In the meantime we also got a share. Furious thunderstorm two nights ago. Lightning stroke close by, always a "special" bang This night we had lasting rain hoping for more.
  15. Best time for me is after breakfast at my desktop hammering on the PC. Not sure whether Jomtien (the special ones) do not accept online?
  16. Just reading the opening post is useless. Read the whole article to get an idea about the troublemakers. Shouldn't have been there just for a start. Then claiming there are many other underagers in the club is also not a wise try. And so on...
  17. Does this win votes for the election? The loving father of the nation cares about the children
  18. What does "hide in a temple" mean here? Did he play the monk?
  19. The 11 can call themselves lucky that the damned tin can didn't go up in flames like so often. Driver: if he recovers, will he be at the wheel again? Yes.
  20. Hasn't this been covered in another recent thread? Old news in fast moving times.
  21. Yes. So many here. Primary school students whizz up and down the village. Elderly using it as a handicapped vehicle. These types of "toys" are not legal on the road and fortunately I have never seen them on the highway. Even here!
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