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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. No it's not too hi-tech. The picture of my car on the cops smartphone was clear and speed indicated. Sure they are linked. Up here it usually happens before reaching a district town with the police box/station roadside. Short walk to the cashier I was about 20 km/h over the limit and paid 500. I still don't quite buy the story of 4 km/h over. 120 being allowed on highways is an exception on a few stretches with specific features (completely "fenced", separated, no junctions or intersections like motorways).
  2. You were faster. And sure it will implode if the new government will tighten the rules even a bit.
  3. Good question. The solid lines look like no lane change? And the zig zags raising more attention?
  4. >Jomtien< 2nd rd, yes. And it looks like this since long. A broad well paved race track for suicidals from all continents. Sometimes the head flies off and has be searched in the bushes. Chicken run for pedestrians crossing. Never never rely on pedestrian traffic lights or zebra! Monster towers/blocks to both sides with rabbit cages called condo. It shudders me whenever I pass by.
  5. We recently had a failure of one of our ACs, a Samsung model. Shortly after starting it ended with an error E1 or E2. For a day I could get it to work after doing the "cleaning" procedure (I had cleaned the outside unit DIY some time before). Technician didn't find a problem and did a proper cleaning of outside and inside unit. Works since then. Fingers crossed.
  6. Lucky you. That's the highest price ever seen. A mate had one done at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya incl. a sophisticated lens and laser application for 150k. Standard procedure (standard lens + glasses) at a private hospital in Khon Kaen about 50k.
  7. You need an AC technician to check. The breaker on/off sounds like covering an electronic problem. A mate had a small creeper (gecko type) burn the board. I think they want to avoid complaints and cost. Electronic problems usually "fixed" by replacing complete board. Expensive. What model is it?
  8. Interestingly some consulates still show the 40k/400k requirement. Not the tightened 3 mio Baht. Income/savings requirement also vary wildly between consulates in different countries.
  9. More than a 1000 km as the crow flies. Enough for now. What a fun it was to travel there during Covid for Christmas 2021. But even then I had a feeling it might be the last visit for long.
  10. Of course it can. Why do the English not have separate words for (ordinary) battery and a rechargeable battery But as you know these rechargeable loose capacity over time. And wouldn't it be nice if it last from getting up to bedtime The rechargeable as such is the obsolescence. With some smartphones it's really difficult to change the battery and you usually loose the waterproof/watertight feature (IP 67 or the like) because the housing has to be opened. Remember the times when the battery could simply be unplugged?
  11. It seems an indispensable part of their fun. No drive on the highway where I don't experience such. Very few accidents have exactly one to blame.
  12. Looks like the oil tanker was exiting the lane. How sudden/unforseeable was that? For me the pickup driver takes much blame. Typical stupidity that they don't realize a vehicle in front is slowing/turning. They follow like a calf to its mother. Thanks that the tanker was not hit and ignited. Motorbike rider survives with minor injuries. Another proof gear can save you. For average Somchai in shorts and flip flops this could have ended much worse.
  13. You can try cheap at any smartphone repair booth at Tukcom. The job is very similar. Spare part is found on multiple sites so they may have. Not quite sure what you really want. And charging high for repair by Samsung/Apple and other gadget manufacturers is called "marketing". And as I see it works fine.
  14. Better have it sent by mail where the license plate has to be clearly visible. And you can identify and dispute in case. And then the argument starts whether their measurement is accurate or your cruise control. And that was on a stretch of HW 32 where 120 is explicitly allowed? (I remember some parts of highways being elevated to 120) Major parts of HW 32 are ordinary divided highway where 90 is allowed.
  15. And maybe it was even stickboy of whom you can easily find pictures
  16. Don't call it a watch (don't let Apple or Samsung hear). In a way it's a new miniaturization of a smartphone. Checking time is just a minor feature.
  17. My link, found and safe back to rainy island. https://www.facebook.com/kimsy09/posts/pfbid02dFSwiJuA8wfyv5pNmAmazLsg7SPRUQ6dumU9Gjw35LjTiLvGNhNKUVUzgUJXjYL6l
  18. No question. But unfortunately Cialis is less popular due to the extremely well known "Viagra" stuff. And there is indeed a generic Viagra version Made in Thailand fully legal called "Sidegra". Pharmacies sell it for about double the list price.
  19. Lower risk of being blackened and target for the next raid. Legally they are on the edge, grey zone. This specific pharmacy (next to Tims) had been raided in the past (remember the news). That was mainly about "body builder stuff" which they have in tons.
  20. Ajanta is an Indian based global player but I doubt that Cialis generic is produced in Thailand. The very most generic stuff here is Made in India. Do you have picture proof?
  21. Hmm. You have checked that there is that little on the hdd after 7 years? I have 4400 pictures from the last 7 years and thats 14.3 GB. And I tend to delete junk/erroneus pictures, not a hundred fried eggs etc. (total of 13000 pictures and a few hundred videos which are the real volume eaters) I have seen that it can take a couple of hours for the cloning. But days sounds really weird. Maybe there is a problem with the HDD or they use a slow connection for the copy (USB 2 port?). Just to be sure: it is an SSD connected internally (SATA or NVmE)? The hint about installing a new OS is generally good. For me there was now question that I did a clean install on my SSD and only using it for the OS. The old HDD is still connected, good enough for storage of pictures, videos, documents etc.
  22. Agree, tearing apart (remove motherboard), tear off those thin gold coated connectors is for calm handed. Also the battery is seemingly "glued" with thermal paste(?) or something else (not sure). Picture after removing motherboard and battery:
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