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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Not quite correct. Queens birthday is also on Saturday June 3rd. Monday is just a "substitute" holiday. Sure no alcohol ban.
  2. As I wrote I am quite sure they had fingerprint scanners at immigration offices in the past. It's not million Dollar investment. Sending to police forensic office? Sound like a hidden criminal background check?
  3. Not sure but probably to squeal your farang neighbor. "He cuts the grass in front of his house and has no work permit"
  4. With a bit of patience the QR code works. I have a new friend "Check Visa's Result" sounds promising (if it works).
  5. Fingerprints? I remember they had fingerprint scanners at Khon Kaen immigration in the past. Had to put fingers on that thing. But if I think about it, I can't remember from last visit in October. Both Khon Kaen and Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat) have LINE accounts. KK is quite useless. Once asked about an oncoming office closure. No response. Korat sometimes brings some useful info.
  6. ? And my usual sources (European Weather Center and others) say: nothing for our area, close to nothing for Pattaya? Burning afternoon sun here yesterday. Merely a cloud. Check back in four days. Here: Pattaya:
  7. Open Friday, June 2nd (no idea what would be against). Closed Monday, June 5th (substitute for Saturday 3rd).
  8. Saturday 3rd, alcohol ban (Visakha Bucha and Queens birthday). Monday 5th, public holiday (substitute for Saturday), all offices incl immigration closed. The latter one might be more important to many.
  9. I am here since 11 years and I am quite sure that since then again and again the "high speed train" is in the news. The only materialization that I saw on my own is the new elevated railway lines and station in Khon Kaen. Never have I seen a train(!) that comes close to what you have in other countries for multiple decades. U-Tapao: I would have overlooked something real big in Pattaya when there was a trace of high speed rail line and station in March. All I see is the well known museum/historic railway line. It demonstrates the complete negligence for rail traffic compared to the never ending concrete masses for improved highways / motorways. I am 66 yr old and a bit pessimistic that I will ever ride the phenomenal high-speed train from Khon Kaen to Pattaya
  10. I did my last extension without any agent as always. Watched the video, got the QR which saves me from watching video at the office. Medical cert. plus pink card/yellow book, passport, old DL and that's it. Just done the physical tests. Walk in no queue. Why should I pay for an agent to do any shortcuts. Yes I know it's not that easy everywhere
  11. KhunBENQ


    The headline of all that stuff is "probiotic drinks". Before I try to put together an explanation in English better read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probiotic I buy one of the Betagen "fakes" at about every visit to a 7/11. The "0%" sugar of course Thankfully my digestion works like a clock with or without.
  12. Yes I thoroughly checked with data available on the net. The "Pendine" name is not too widespread (South Africa?) but there is close to no margin for error. I buy at a major pharmacy in our district town. And as written it's very trivial and widely used stuff sold over the counter. Show the picture to the pharmacist. Do you still have a package or description sheet of your "Pendine". Never wrong to take it with you.
  13. It's produced by Berlin Pharmaceutical. Yes a surprising for a company in Bangkok. It's available with 5 or 10 mg. Dirt cheap. 100 tablets for 350 Baht or so.
  14. Seems to be a South African(?) brand name. What I find: And Amlodipine is about the most trivial stuff that every pharmacy that earns the name will have. I buy in boxes of 100 for my wife (Amlodipine 5 mg).
  15. A practical example of name change: one granddaughter from a former relation (not officially married as usual) got the surname of the father. He ran away when she was two years old and didn't care much (a rare story). When she became 20 she quickly went to the amphoe and changed back to mothers name.
  16. The Thai spelling is THE one and only official name. Transcription often does not follow unique rules. So in our family there are three different English spellings of the surname in ID and passports ("..ornboo...". "...onboo...", "...onbu...". Last one following some published rules (RTGS). Same chaos like geographical names, who knows transcribed by the rules: Phatthaya, Chom Thian, ...?
  17. Neither nor. Looks like "Tessakit". Municipal law/order officers. No weapon. Limited authority. Often mocked as litter cops.
  18. Depending on amount the difference would not even pay a BTS ticket to the "better" exchange. Similar in Pattaya just no Superrich.
  19. If I was a $$ millionaire I would go to Switzerland (my native country). Zurich, USZ (University Hospital). Many global insurances exclude USA and Switzerland. Guess why.
  20. May be. First visit in 2004, not quite two decades. There is a closed thread (picture removed) about a "ghost lady" from 2008. She and the "golden guy" on his bicycle are two memories from long ago.
  21. A bar manager at 4 AM in the morning (after duty). A well lit road and multiple signs showing to turn to the inside lane. Scooting along the outer lane obviously quite fast. I find the discussion about visibility of the sign incidental.
  22. Sure not just you. I find it so hard to find trustful sources these days.
  23. Pitfalls of natural languages (I love programming languages ) That is how I read it:
  24. It's war, it's propaganda war. I am so sceptic to believe anything particularly from the directly involved parties. On the other hand you might ask how Russia is capable of developing and producing such hightech. What civilian high tech products/industries do they have? I read they best build 60 nm chips? Archaic compared to leading edge of 3 nm. They depend on smuggling chips otherwise disassembling household devices to tear out the chips. But maybe I fell for more propaganda...
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