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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. What a relief here. Cloud covered sky, a fresh breeze and some gusts. Forecast for rain is quite disappointing with 20 mm. Still no trace of rice planting.
  2. Bangkok bank can do an update >at the counter< without a transaction. SCB can not. Don't know about other banks.
  3. Khon Kaen always. During the years I brought letter and bankbook updated from the day before. BUT: last time I was reminded to update the bank book on the day of application. So another stop at a bank branch before driving to immigration. And the latter one seems to be standard now almost everywhere.
  4. I occasionally clean my desktop PC as good as possible without removing the heat-sink (which requires new thermal paste applied). Heat-pipes are usually found in highest performance PCs (gaming, video-processing etc.). Not what you find in average devices. How to find out? 1) lookup model nr. and search the net 2) open the device and have a look
  5. If main page and the Thai immigration stamps/stickers on the old passport are "unharmed" you will have no problem. Different countries have different methods of voiding an old passport. Some put void stamps on all EMPTY pages others just punch holes.
  6. That was in Phuket then? And you have presented bank statements with monthly deposits combined with a fixed deposit? No income certificate from your consulate/embassy?
  7. Does this refer to a desktop PC? For a laptop I would better forget it and have it done at a shop. In any case you have to disconnect/unplug and open the case/housing. As I don't have heat pipes, just heat-sinks I can't tell whether you can remove and clean the fan easily/separately.
  8. I quickly realized that they are quite useless for route planning (yet). There is still room for specialists.
  9. Bumping this old thread. Don't want to start a new one. Over the years always did 800k but want to free the money. I have two sources of income (state pension and company benefits) which would make up for more than 65k/month. Getting an income statement for the state pension at the consulate is straightforward while the company documents is all online ("iiPay") which might make a headache? (supplying prints) That's why I consider to do combination method at KK immigration. I read some offices might basically deny combination method? Any recent experiences? Yes, otherwise I have to go and ask (200 km round-trip). I have enough funds to satisfy the 800k formula so no need for hints on exchange rates etc.
  10. What a shock. Of course his absence made me wonder what has happened. Always calm, always helpful. What a loss. RIP
  11. If only someone could explain what this "turn" "side road" hitting with 60 km/h could mean. It happened on a straight wide road.
  12. The textual description is a masterpiece of confusion. It happened on Naklua rd opposite Sunshine Garden resort quite a bit away from the circle. And Naklua rd is not an easy task to cross. Also at daytime I don't feel too good when doing a right turn there with the scooter. No idea why someone would confuse readers with "Pattaya 2nd rd", "left turn onto 2nd rd.". What as BS.
  13. The heavy coffin lifted up to the first floor of a wooden house. Thai, son in law, died in 2007.
  14. Wrong. Seems you never experienced. A foreigner died in February 2020 shortly before the Covid pest broke out.
  15. Wrong. Seems you never experienced.
  16. Still nothing but baking heat. International weather services forecast temperature drop from Sunday (night?) to Monday.
  17. Remember the "KMITL scandal" where 1.7 billion Baht vanished from university funds. Paid out to a gang that didn't have account authorisation.
  18. That's why I tell people that having online banking is MORE secure than not having. I check accounts at least every morning. KBank sends SMS for every transaction how small it may be. Bangkok Bank send mail/SMS for using debit card and "larger" transactions.
  19. I browsed through arrivals yesterday and it looks like less crowded than the 2 PM to 4 PM time frame where many heavy weights from Europe arrive. But everyone has different preferences. Some prefer 2:xx PM to 6:xx AM flights like Thai Airways offers (sunrise over Bangkok). And I know people who go work at the office until 5 PM (bags under the desk) and rush to the airport for such a late flight.
  20. Left from the Soi Buakhao >fresh< market (R-con corner) next to the 7/11 is a small optician shop. One man business. The woman just does selling of the rack (which is also available for 100 Baht). I had one done second week of March and it does the job and feels better than off the rack stuff. It's this one:
  21. A selection of frames to choose from. Eye sight measured, lens made to measure (simple lens of course). Ready in less than 30 minutes. (please ignore post if not interested in "lecture")
  22. You have to negotiate. Most shops want to include the service (registration, insurance, tax) and want about 3000? Can take weeks to get the book/plate/sticker.
  23. Is it only me? One gets accustomed to 502 (Cloud..) errors. But today it's exceptionally often. Any reason behind?
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