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Thai parliament keen to improve Chinese language skills of officials


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3 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:


Thai parliament?  WHAT Thai parliament?  :sick:    There hasn't been a Thai parliament since May 2014.  :shock1:


Oh... I get it now.  The title must be referring to the duly elected appointed goons masquerading as democratically elected officials. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


Oops, had me confused for a second.  I obviously need a another cup of java this early morning.


Not the goons themselves, just their carers  ...


" the Confucius Institute will teach employees and officers at the Thai parliament to speak the Chinese language "


and   "the Chinese language skills of its officials and staff"  from the OP.

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

As English is the universal language wouldn't it be better to learn english?  I also believe that Prayuth has plans to make Thai the world language, well that was he plan awhile back.

Ridiculous! At a time where Chinese are actively learning english, i though that with the asean Thailand will consider english as a second official language, this would have helped a lot for all thais to get easy acces to the world and also make foreigners know and understand more Thailand and thai people. 

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This embracing of the leading class in Thailand of China and Chinese is disturbing at least and very dangerous in the long run for the real Thai people.

China is a one party state with no democracy at all, a country that is trying to control all countries around it, a country that still believes they are the middle kingdom, a country with no respect for human life at all, and foremost a country that in all its dealings has a strategic goal.

For China.

No self respecting country should have dealings with China while so many neighbouring countries have problems with that country.



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Key phrases from lesson #1:


"The envelope should be brown and contain 8% of the contract value in cash."

"My Panamanian bank account number is...."

"The tickets should be in first class and for my wife, my parents, her parents, our children and their families."

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1 hour ago, Johnmeldrum said:

The Chinese are now very keen to learn English which the majority of the world understands perhaps they should learn that first . 

"the largest English-speaking nation today, or soon to be, is China." Jon Huntsman, former U.S. ambassador to China


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This is what they would be first thing taught in in Mandarin at university Chinese official says to Thai Official in Mandarin "Hey stupid Thai you want to buy some more crappy subs off us" Thai Official would answer "Be our pleasure sir to buy some more crappy subs off you"

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The Thai parliament has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Kasetsart University to improve the Chinese language skills of its officials and staff.

Oh, Lord, give me strength . . . both to avoid falling over with laughter at this outrageously funny way to start a new 'working' week and to even try to understand the rationale behind the whimsical notion that (a) the Parliament staff are capable of learning anything, (b) that Chinese is the language that may do any of them the slightest bit of good, and (c) that, as per normal for this shower, it will remain exactly that - a notion - or as Pornpatch loves to call them, a memorandum of understanding. For an MoU to even stand a chance of achieving anything, there must be two key mental abilities on hand - MEMORY and UNDERSTANDING. That Mr P assumes this to be the case simply makes the whole thing more hilarious.


I think I'm gonna need a walking frame, after this little beauty. :laugh::laugh::laugh:


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For years it's been posted on TVF about complaints with communications with the locals within Thailand.

The majority of the responses have been posted that we shouldn't complain about the Thai's not being able to speak English well, that it's the English speakers that should take up learning the Thai language, since it us that has taken up Thailand as our second home.

Though most have tried to do just that,

only to realize that unless you are fluent in Thai, 

the Thai's will still challenge the English speaking learners of the local Thai language,

as simply not understanding the foreigners,

because the pronunciation is off a bit,

or because they the Thai's realize you're not 100% fluent in their language,

so there's no need to understand or even try to understand what's being said, 

and resort back to body language.

Yet here we are,

with this news; indicating that there's an interest in have officials learn Chinese...?

So of course there will be a need for the schools to hire the Chinese to teach the students, 

and officials, Mandarin...

Just what we need,

as China has a huge demand to hire English speaking teachers for the schools within China,

since their English is so low.

I can just imagine it now,

the learning centers, schools,

will now have to figure out how to communicate with the English teachers...decades in the making;

which at times is very challenging,

and then the headmaster/thai teachers will need to learn how to communicate with the Chinese teachers as well...

Forward thinking at it's best.

Open arms for the Chinese, 

as they begin to take over Lao, and Thailand.

Chinese can dream about Malaysia, but that won't be so easy, 

as Lao, and Thailand, who bend whichever way the money flows.


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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

More evidence the army plans to remain in power indefinitely

When the Thai folks learn not to sell their votes then they can have an election! Let the present system continue, otherwise, the Thai Folks will continue to elect corrupt politicians and the present cycle will continue. A coup every 6 years.


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Guest Jerry787

its happening in cambodia, laos, vietnam, myamar, several ppl working at mid level and high level in gov sector are sent to chinese university to learn how to write and speak proper mandarin.

they are coming and they want to ensure they properly understood.

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18 minutes ago, tomwct said:

When the Thai folks learn not to sell their votes then they can have an election! Let the present system continue, otherwise, the Thai Folks will continue to elect corrupt politicians and the present cycle will continue. A coup every 6 years.


Ya not going to work even if the folks get paid by the junta, they will gladly take the money and vote PTP. With their noses out of the trough, you can bet the corrupt establishment and the military will step right in and take back their honey pot. We have seen that too many times. Off course they will blame the politicians; who else. 

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3 hours ago, DerekMarshall said:

More to the point 74 out of 150 parliamentary positions are selected, while 76 are elected...

The out of the 76 that are elected how many are/will be from the majority winning political party? 

Fair chance is it will be less than the 74 selected officials....

Welcome to the Thai flavour of democracy where a democratically elected political party can hold fewer positions than the army or police, possibly both who hold the majority of the 74 selected positions! 

It is not a shadow government, but a parallel one, always ready to take over in a coup should things not go their way. And that is the way it always will be, untill the number of selected officials is significantly diluted from 74.  



Hmmm... did I miss an election somewhere?  I seem to remember that back in May 2014 Thailand's parliament was immediately dissolved and PMs were replaced with junta appointees.

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