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If American do you hide the fact you're a Trump supporter

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As each day passes it gets worse and worse.  It's driving me crazy. I'm aware many have talked about this but I have to rant.  Those of you who have supported this man, are you not the least bit embarrassed?  When traveling the globe I find I'm carrying a bit of shame and I never even voted for this moron. And if I hear another conservative American talking about American exceptionalism, especially in front of people from other countries....I'm gonna burst!  Imagine standing in a crowd and talking about how great you are...it's the same damn thing.  I love America don't get me wrong, compared to some countries we're pretty damn lucky, but the man you elected is actually making America exceptional....exceptionally stupid.    There, I fell so much better! 


I've not seen even one American in Thailand wearing any trump merch such as his infamous red hats.

On the other hand, over the years I have seen many Russians wearing Putin propaganda t-shirts. 


Sadly this forum topic won't last.

I would really like a space on this forum for Americans abroad to discuss how they deal with this issue, whether they support the clown potus or not. 


It potentially impacts our lives every time we're identified as Americans abroad. Which is of course a lot. 

My feeling is that it's quite EMBARRASSING being an American abroad now, because whether we support the it or not, we're associated with it, and unless you explicitly take the trouble to explain you detest its movement, people will fairly assume that you MIGHT support it. Even worse are the strange non-Americans that actually identify with it, such as far right wing white nationalist type Europeans. 


You know what happens to cockroaches when you turn on the light.


Wow ! even for me that was mean.

OP, what would you do if you had voted for the man?

 Personally I would want to hide my stupidity,  Though I don't think I am doing a great job.



2 minutes ago, inThailand said:

Yes, embarrassed mostly over what he says, not so much about what he does.

Unless he says one thing and he does an other you should be embarrassed of both.

Oh wait...........


Trump support stemmed from a general feeling of dissatisfaction with the direction the USA was taking ... and a desire not to vote for an establishment candidate like Clinton ... I can understand their desire for a "change" candidate so do not wish to demonise Trump supporters.


However, I was surprised that so many people were taken in by a man who is so obviously flawed ... a habitually lying snake-oil salesman with a dubious business record and mob connections ... I'm amazed that so many failed to see through him?  He wants to drain the swamp in order to create his own swamp.   


Serineou, I don't think I could have voted for Trump under any circumstances.  My father taught me long ago never to make fun of disabled persons,  never lie, and treat everyone as equals......  Im embarrassed about not only his words but actions as well.  Esp DACA,  what does he plan to do, deport the Mexican people who were brought here as children. Note, many DACA recipients are now in our military, police officers, nurses, etc., Maybe he would have deported the DACA man that died trying to rescue flood victims in Florida?  His willingness to allow healthcare for the poor to wither for political gain.. how sad.   

9 minutes ago, Philip550 said:

Serineou, I don't think I could have voted for Trump under any circumstances.  My father taught me long ago never to make fun of disabled persons,  never lie, and treat everyone as equals......  Im embarrassed about not only his words but actions as well.  Esp DACA,  what does he plan to do, deport the Mexican people who were brought here as children. Note, many DACA recipients are now in our military, police officers, nurses, etc., Maybe he would have deported the DACA man that died trying to rescue flood victims in Florida?  His willingness to allow healthcare for the poor to wither for political gain.. how sad.   

He's using the DACA issue as a bargaining chip with the Democrats. DACA people will probably be okay, however he'll want something in return for that outcome.

26 minutes ago, inThailand said:

Yes, embarrassed mostly over what he says, not so much about what he does.

Sorry  In Thailand , I could not resist the impulse to try and sound clever.But I don;t want to sound disrespectful to you and  any of the other people who voted for him. I am sure many of them are good people. I know a few, and I am sure you are a good person also.

  I just can't resist, there is just so much good material there and I only have a 3 years 4 months and five days to use it ,

(not that I am counting:laugh:)

and then it is back to an adult for president



If you are compelled to feel personally embarrassed about something; be embarrassed about this:




Trump, or someone like him, is just the natural outcome of that level of civic ignorance.


And should the Liberals feel smug thinking that the ignorant elected Trump? Not really, because the data from the poll indicates those who identify as "Conservative" scored significantly higher in the poll than those who identified as "Liberals".

5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Not really, because the data from the poll indicates those who identify as "Conservative" scored significantly higher than those who identified as "Liberals".

I don't know, in my younger days I used to score a lot more than my conservative friends.


I held my nose and voted for her but Hillary was an awful candidate. Greedy, entitled and with no accomplishments as SOS other than taking us into Libya and Syria and meddling needlessly in E. Europe.


Trump's a bit of a clown but one thing I like about the man is that he doesn't pander. His recent deal with the Dems on Daca was breathtaking. You would think he would be scared of the Republican poobahs at least but 'ell no.


In any case, my stock portfolio says to cut him some slack:-) Man's lit a fire under the markets.

5 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:


No No No!!!!


He is YOUR problem, please do NOT drag our good name into this.


I agree. Americans need to own up to being Americans now more than ever. We (the bozos that voted the clown in) broke it. We all need to fix it. 


Never! I am so Proud of our President and can't wait for his re-election in three (3) years. Making America Great Again everyday of the year! Go President Trump!


Ohhhhhhh Gawd another anti-Trump thread.


What's embarrassing is how the left won't let it go.


No, I'm not embatassed at all - look at the choices. 


If you don't like the President fine - shut up and put up a decent candidate next time. He isn't not going to be impeached so learn to live with it. 



29 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:


No No No!!!!


He is YOUR problem, please do NOT drag our good name into this.


Re: Canadian snowbird in Florida. Don't worry about it -- in the wilds of Isaan nobody ever asks and most probably couldn't even name the US President.


BTW do you realize how many Airstream trailers there are in Florida every winter with Canadian license tags?

1 hour ago, JLCrab said:

Re: Canadian snowbird in Florida. Don't worry about it -- in the wilds of Isaan nobody ever asks and most probably couldn't even name the US President.


BTW do you realize how many Airstream trailers there are in Florida every winter with Canadian license tags?


Where you are isn't an issue. Stealing a Canadian identity because you are too embarrassed to be American is.


Who cares about Airstream trailers? They have Canadian plates; they aren't trying to steal another country's identity.


If you are so embarrassed about being American, turn in your passport.


2 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Ohhhhhhh Gawd another anti-Trump thread.


What's embarrassing is how the left won't let it go.


No, I'm not embatassed at all - look at the choices. 


If you don't like the President fine - shut up and put up a decent candidate next time. He isn't not going to be impeached so learn to live with it. 



I did not want him to become President and do not like many of the things he does. However, still prefer him to Hillary, so just try to keep that in mind. My main gripe with her is she got away with violating national security and destroying evidence to cover it up. A normal citizen would have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the evidence that her people destroyed.

5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I've not seen even one American in Thailand wearing any trump merch such as his infamous red hats.

On the other hand, over the years I have seen many Russians wearing Putin propaganda t-shirts. 


Sadly this forum topic won't last.

I would really like a space on this forum for Americans abroad to discuss how they deal with this issue, whether they support the clown potus or not. 


It potentially impacts our lives every time we're identified as Americans abroad. Which is of course a lot. 

My feeling is that it's quite EMBARRASSING being an American abroad now, because whether we support the it or not, we're associated with it, and unless you explicitly take the trouble to explain you detest its movement, people will fairly assume that you MIGHT support it. Even worse are the strange non-Americans that actually identify with it, such as far right wing white nationalist type Europeans. 

As a Brit, i have no time for the people who are against him.


He won an election, that's democracy.


Far better than that lying clinton.


Sorry guys and gals but we (the rest of the world) from past experiance know POTUS are elected by a system that lends itself to corruption and bribery. The average joe on the street might vote but thats just pissing in the wind

6 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Sorry guys and gals but we (the rest of the world) from past experiance know POTUS are elected by a system that lends itself to corruption and bribery. The average joe on the street might vote but thats just pissing in the wind

Just like every country then?


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