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Bomb injures 29 on London train; threat level raised as police hunt suspects


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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

im amazed that in this climate one can bring a bucket on a train and not be seen on cctv.


Matter of time.

The train was northbound from Wimbledon, and there are five stations where the bomber(s) could have got on or off the train before it reached Parsons green; it takes time to go through that much cctv footage.


Plus the bucket was inside a Lidl bag; a bag carried by many people.



7 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Parsons Green: Man arrested over Tube bombing


An 18-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of terror offences in connection with Friday's attack on a London Tube train.

The man was detained in the port area of Dover on Saturday by Kent Police and is being held at a local station.

Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said the arrest was "significant", but the terror threat level remains at "critical


 Further developments: Parsons Green: Armed police search house over Tube bombing

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Seems like Europe and the USA, if it is not careful, are just importing problems by letting these people immigrate. Any wonder some of us would just like to keep them out. We are two different cultures and sorry to say that even though there are many peaceful people that immigrate there are enough causing trouble that it is just not worth the bother of having them. And no I am not anti-muslim.  Just practical and wanting to live in a peaceful environment. This open borders crap is just that.  It's like letting a bunch of homeless into your home.  After a while they think their rights and desires take precedence over yours. Does not work well on a private level and will not work on a social level.  Beware the second generation who are caught in between two cultures, not integrated in either culture, unsuccessful and end up radicalized. It's already probably too late.

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7 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Sounds like you'd be happy living under ISIS.

Oh ok, so put them in jail while the tax payers of the UK pay for their accommodation and meals for life, while the needy struggle/starve etc etc and the families of the victims of the last 5 bomb blasts in the UK suffer for their losses for the rest of their lives with the memories.


My comment of catch them and hang them in public and then feed their body to the pigs was considered light and was made when I was in a good mood, so lets go up a notch, shall we, now let's see, now change that to; throw them in a pit full of starving wild bores while they're still alive from the beatings that some family members of passed victims inflicted on him, still alive though and telecast the whole event on live TV for his Jihad brothers to watch, and listen to his screams while he calls out Akba Alah over and over and over again, or whatever the fark they yell out when they are off to see their 74 virgins.


Can't stand those wimps, that can't handle a bit of pizzazz, because while they are entertained watching westerners being killed by their Jihad imbecile brothers, i.e. slitting their throats, beheading them, etc etc, then why don't we let them be entertained by them watching some of my suggestions.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, anything thing different is for pussies, give me a break suggesting that I would be happy living under ISIS.

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Remarks about what is the worst way to kill people and how to dispose of their bodies are not necessary.   It is trolling and it adds nothing to the discussion.  


Continued such remarks will earn a warning and possible suspension.  

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19 hours ago, Caps said:

You still didn't answer my first question I quoted you on, just in case you forgot....it was...so what would you like her to do?

How about at least stop bringing in the "refugees" that turn around and assault,  rob, and in this case,apparently, bomb. That would have necessitated at least one less meeting.  This one.

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It comes as no surprise that someone has been arrested to me. Al Underground trains have cameras now and have done for a number of years, usually several per carriage, even though the one in question is of the walk through variety. All stations have multiple cameras as well. It may be that the man arrested could have avoided and concealed himself for some but not all and would not have been aware where they were at Dover.

These attacks can never completely be stopped from happening but the perpetrators should be under no illusions that they will not be at large for long they will be caught if they dont blow themselves up.

We will never know how many attempts are thwarted but some are bound to go further than others, the authorities are doing the best they can and  as for ordinary citizens you just have be aware of whats going on around you, it becomes second nature after awhile and take care.

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8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:
8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:
  23 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Perhaps you'd prefer summery execution without trial.

When it comes to terrorism - too bloody right I would !


In which case the Guildford Four, and Birmingham Six, to give just two examples, would have been hanged. Even though, as later proven, they were innocent!


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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


In which case the Guildford Four, and Birmingham Six, to give just two examples, would have been hanged. Even though, as later proven, they were innocent!


To be pedantic - their convictions were declared to be "unsafe", which is not quite the same as "proven innocent".


But your point is still valid.

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20 hours ago, zydeco said:

How about at least stop bringing in the "refugees" that turn around and assault,  rob, and in this case,apparently, bomb. That would have necessitated at least one less meeting.  This one.

Slightly off topic, the meeting being discussed is about the meeting held in the aftermath of the failed explosion.  Whilst I can agree with you about stopping the refugees coming in to the UK, what about the home grown?  Again its not the topic.  

Quite clearly you do not understand what the Cobra meetings do, if you did then you would not have made the comment "Don't worry. Everything is under control. They're having another meeting".

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