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Sharp tax hike on alcohol and tobacco effective immediately


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3 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

One could assume this is some morality drive  by the powers in charge and they are making large "sin" tax increases in an attempt to discourage such behaviors.  Or one could assume the powers that be are just  being greedy and trying to extract as much money as possible. Or one could assume the powers in charge need more money to help out the country's budget and treasury that they have been raiding.  One really doesn't know, since I doubt there is much transparency or oversight of the country's economy or treasury or tax revenues.  Either way or in other ways I didn't bother to come up with, it is hard to see how this will encourage tourism, or foreign retirees.

They "morally" will have to pay for submarines :)

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11 hours ago, Muggi1968 said:

Thais will import More illegal beer so it will be more easy to buy in the moms / pops shops

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

My friends in the north tell me not to worry since this will just make the Thais smuggle more illegal (No tax paid) from Lao.

But I am not sure I bother just for saving 5 or 10 Baht/Bottle. 


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It's just another successful attempt to push away the farang who come regularly on vacation. Before moving to Thailand, I visited two or three times a year for twenty years. 

Nearly every vacation cut short by strict limits on the amount of time I can stay, cutting into the money I would have spent.

and I drink beer everyday whilst in vacation here. 

Now the baht is too strong vis-a-vis major currencies, the immigration laws are too strict, and alcohol is super expensive. 

But...they really don't get it do they?

"More tax mean more money, khap!"

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It's just another successful attempt to push away the farang who come regularly on vacation. Before moving to Thailand, I visited two or three times a year for twenty years. 
Nearly every vacation cut short by strict limits on the amount of time I can stay, cutting into the money I would have spent.
and I drink beer everyday whilst in vacation here. 
Now the baht is too strong vis-a-vis major currencies, the immigration laws are too strict, and alcohol is super expensive. 
But...they really don't get it do they?
"More tax mean more money, khap!"

How can you link an increase in national excise duty with an attempt to push away farangs? Ludicrous!
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Another step to keep tourist and resident away from Thailand, in my country is usually to drink at least one glass of wine a day, in Thailand become a really expensive thing.

That will force as well many people to drink very dangerous self-made mixture.


Edited by peperobi
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20 hours ago, Samuel Smith said:

What were the previous rates?  

Was thinking that myself... It really annoys me how some journalists can tell you every detail, yet you still don't know anything about how that will affect you. All we know here is that taxes have changed from something, to something else.

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1 hour ago, rott said:

Can't remember the last time I had a beer in the fridge as I never drink in the house, at home I would rather have a cup of tea.


Seems strange to me to see people going on about shop prices and case prices, in my mind drinking is a social event for pubs, bars restaurants etc.


You more right than most people can imagine. Drinking is a social event, but it can also be together with friends and visitors in home. I can actually understand that some people by a case of beer. Here it can just be relaxing taking a beer in the evening watching people walking or the landscape changing from day to night.

However, I do completely understand your point. There´s entirely to many powerdrinkers that goes on discussing how bad it is when they have to pay so much for the things that will finally take their life. And complaining over the beer price? It´s just as unmotivated as placing an elevator in the toilet. It just doesn´t belong.

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It's just another successful attempt to push away the farang who come regularly on vacation. Before moving to Thailand, I visited two or three times a year for twenty years. 
Nearly every vacation cut short by strict limits on the amount of time I can stay, cutting into the money I would have spent.
and I drink beer everyday whilst in vacation here. 
Now the baht is too strong vis-a-vis major currencies, the immigration laws are too strict, and alcohol is super expensive. 
But...they really don't get it do they?
"More tax mean more money, khap!"
Sorry mate it's not all about us lol. Putting the the Tax up on beer to get rid of us Nonsense.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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So someone tell me, how much will my big Singha, which I get for Bht 54, now cost?
They say 2.22 more a bottle so I don't know if that's 4.44 for a big one. That seems the best bet from the different reports I have been reading. But it seems some businesses haven't got there head round it yet and there was reports of one shop charging double the price. But they are probably idiots or greedy. This is typical Thailand at the moment. I can only speak for the UK but when they have the budget we know how much a beer is going up by the evening news. What makes me laugh they say its more transparent tax system or something. But yet no one really knows how much a beer is going to cost after they bought the change out. It's Madness.

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Just now, Techno Viking said:


Yeah I dont believe the estimations, I reckon A big singha will rise to 62 and the get rounded up to 65 !!


Not the end of the world, but still a joke considering what the locals earn.

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Just back from 7/11, no changes yet. One of the most honest retailers in Thailand. Depleting old stock first. That's the way it's done in the US by 7/11. Is it just Asian countries that are ethically challenged?

Have you ever considered that perhaps it is you that is ethnically challenged?

You can happily state with your hand upon your heart that nefarious business practices have never occurred in the good ole U S A.


One does wonder at the mindset and the financial status of people getting so upset about the crisis of their  alcoholic beverages  going up a trifle  in price.


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We were told that this was to be a rational system in which the level of tax would reflect the level of alcohol. But the tax on Lao Khao which I am assuming is white spirit and very high alcohol content seems to be much less than the tax on 5% alcohol content beer. And wine....wine is already expensive for poor quality stuff....they want to make it more expensive???? Surely what needs to happen is to steer people away from white spirit and onto lower alcohol content drinks like wine and beer, since the white spirit causes all sorts of problems on the roads and in the homes.

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We own a Minimart and this will be some of the new prices as per my wife.                   Beer and cigarettes up
Leo 58 now up to 110฿
 Chang 57 now up to 118฿                                                                                                                          

Edited by jody davis
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Cigarettes, alcoholic drinks to cost more


New excise tax rates come into effect; department targets Bt12 billion revenue
NEW EXCISE taxes have affected prices across industries ranging from beverages to cars, with the new tax regime causing higher prices for some items but lower prices for others.


Full story: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1002604-cigarettes-alcoholic-drinks-to-cost-more/

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9 minutes ago, jody davis said:

We own a Minimart and this will be some of the new prices as per my wife.                   Beer and cigarettes up
Leo 58 now up to 110฿
 Chang 57 now up to 118฿                                                                                                                          

You have official documentation or is that how your wife calculates the rises ?


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14 minutes ago, jody davis said:

We own a Minimart and this will be some of the new prices as per my wife.                   Beer and cigarettes up
Leo 58 now up to 110฿
 Chang 57 now up to 118฿                                                                                                                          

good luck with the business

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14 minutes ago, jody davis said:

We own a Minimart and this will be some of the new prices as per my wife.                   Beer and cigarettes up
Leo 58 now up to 110฿
 Chang 57 now up to 118฿                                                                                                                          

I think you will find that everybody else will be selling at your original prices, which were more than I have been paying in recent months.

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What do they have against wine? It has probably been said elsewhere in the thread but by reducing taxation to bring it more in line with other alcoholic beverages more people would drink it and they's probably collect more in taxation.


It's not going to impact sales of local spirit brands, and the local industry is tiny. I'm sure a bottle of wine on the table in a restaurant is healthier than a bottle of Johnny Walker. 


As for fruit wines, I would assume that Siam Winery, owned by the Red Bull family, I believe, and the importers of Montclair, might not want to lose their market share! What is stupid is that despite having fruit juice added, the ABV is no different to pure wine!

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We own a Minimart and this will be some of the new prices as per my wife.                   Beer and cigarettes up
Leo 58 now up to 110฿
 Chang 57 now up to 118฿                                                                                                                          
How did she come to these price conclusions?
I understood a bottle of beer was to be upped by 2.66 Baht in tax so where does the other 40+ baht come from?
Have I missunderstood the other postings, if so I am a mile off....

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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