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Sharp tax hike on alcohol and tobacco effective immediately


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13 minutes ago, idman said:

I guess a trip to my local market is the only way I will be able to see the actual impact on my alcohol budget. I think I will hit a few pubs and the two Go Go bars here in Chiang Mai after the Formula 1 qualifying and see how they handled the price increase by upping prices across the board, i.e. my drink and a ladydrink. If the prices have increased enough perhaps the riff raff, twatpackers, obnoxious ExPat louts will find their budget cannot handle the increase and they will no longer be a nuisance. One can hope.

Having been to both those gogo bars in CM, might I suggest the Four Seasons or the Le Meridien to avoid said riff raff. :cheesy:

Edited by NCC1701A
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3 minutes ago, naboo said:

The killer for the retail industry is the cost of a licence to sell alcohol increases from 2000B/year to 50,000B/year. Again, the small man is hurt, large retailers will only need to add a few satang to cover this, but Mom and Pop will need to raise prices considerably.

Really? I skimmed read all and did not catch that. Mom and Pop are going to go under ground then.

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6 minutes ago, imaderbyfan said:

Well I work it out as follows, please correct me if I am wrong.

If you pay 70 baht for a 630cl  bottle of 5% beer.

Add 22 baht on the price of the bottle, then another 13.3 baht for its alcohol content.

A total increase of 35 .3 baht on its retail price.

Expect a somewhat bigger increase from the bar/restaurant owners.

If my calculations re the alcohol content are correct that is pretty hefty....


I belive the new tax scheme will not be on top of the existing one of before . So is difficult to calculate.  You have to add the new tax but you also have to deduct the older one 

Edited by marino28
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4 minutes ago, imaderbyfan said:

Well I work it out as follows, please correct me if I am wrong.

If you pay 70 baht for a 630cl  bottle of 5% beer.

Add 22 baht on the price of the bottle, then another 13.3 baht for its alcohol content.

A total increase of 35 .3 baht on its retail price.

Expect a somewhat bigger increase from the bar/restaurant owners.

If my calculations re the alcohol content are correct that is pretty hefty....


I think you'd have to remove the old taxes first to get the RRP and the recalculate using the new figures. 

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Anyway a 66cc of beer at 5% will have 14.19thb of tax for alcohol . Old scheme 3.3 thb.  So around 11 thb of difference regarding the alcol content. Than the old scheme tax 60% of the production price and the new one 22% of the selling price . Since I don't know the production price i cannot calculate this part 

Edited by marino28
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14 minutes ago, PaddyDaddy said:

I only paid 1100 for this years licence. Where did you get your 50,000 bht figure from

It was in an opinion piece in the paper we can't link to on Thursday or Friday. Search consumers pay for government sins.

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Ok, If it replaces the old rates, not as bad.

An earlier poster did say that he believed the new rates applied to the current retail price, which is why I did my calculations.

there is, cleary, a huge difference between replacement of old taxes, and on top of current retail price.

Definitive answer anyone????

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30 minutes ago, idman said:

I guess a trip to my local market is the only way I will be able to see the actual impact on my alcohol budget. I think I will hit a few pubs and the two Go Go bars here in Chiang Mai after the Formula 1 qualifying and see how they handled the price increase by upping prices across the board, i.e. my drink and a ladydrink. If the prices have increased enough perhaps the riff raff, twatpackers, obnoxious ExPat louts will find their budget cannot handle the increase and they will no longer be a nuisance. One can hope.

Here's hoping that the price rises will be sufficient to drive the morally sartorially and economically superior people away...

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32 minutes ago, idman said:

I guess a trip to my local market is the only way I will be able to see the actual impact on my alcohol budget. I think I will hit a few pubs and the two Go Go bars here in Chiang Mai after the Formula 1 qualifying and see how they handled the price increase by upping prices across the board, i.e. my drink and a ladydrink. If the prices have increased enough perhaps the riff raff, twatpackers, obnoxious ExPat louts will find their budget cannot handle the increase and they will no longer be a nuisance. One can hope.

Since you on the surface look to not support the system on a daily basis, wouldn't you think every tourist of most every flavor is duly needed to keep the establishment of our occasional fun going? There will be less girls and fewer bars open as they will not be able to absorb the hit. Better rethink that one. I guess you prefer the seeing the ones walking around the streets with beer in hand better.

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1 minute ago, FarangryBirds said:

Someone please just stick their head in 7 or Family Mart so we know for sure instead of wild speculation...usual predictions that the skys falling in...f this I'm off to (insert other asean country here)



I looked at some booze prices in Tops about 90 minutes ago and they looked unchanged, FOR NOW!:saai:

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Just now, sungod said:

Just came back from my local supermarket, Leo at 34 baht a small bottle. If the rate rise was immediate then who's worried at that price :)


Just now, al007 said:


I've been DRY DRY DRY for a while now!:smile: Well, not dry, but drastically reduced my consumption, for health & cost reasons.:sad:

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1 minute ago, mahjongguy said:

At this hour the corner 7-11 is still selling smokes at old prices. But, they will be getting fresh deliveries mid-afternoon. I'm expecting about a 30 baht increase on Marlboros. Just a guess, though.

Saw some Marlboro Reds in 7-11 this morning priced at 165 Baht.

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Local 7-Eleven prices unchanged.


If the licence fee really goes up to 50k then I will start BYO effective 1st January and sell off the existing stock. I was going to say drink the existing stock but that's not a good idea! We have a guesthouse, not a bar BTW.

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I shall wait and see how much my 2 local bars increase their prices by and make a decision then, one of them currently charges me 65 Baht for a small Leo, no happy hours, ever, the other charges me 65 Baht for a large Archa with a happy hour every day. I wonder who will win my custom ??

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