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I have been experiencing pain in both shoulders for 3 years now.

I have had physio but that did not work, so as the pain was not severe I have ignored it.


But now since I busted my foot up the pain on both sides becomes nearly unbearable until I rub tiger baslm on it and whack two tramadol tablets down me.

I must add that the pain only comes on at NIGHT (7-8), which in itself is strange.


I have read that statins can cause problems like this so it could be the choice of taking them off my medication list or putting up with the problem.


It's nothing I have done to myself, if it was in one shoulder I could buy into that ,but it's both!!


Has anyone had any experience of this and if so what do you do about it?

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I had the same, 

Have you seen a doctor for it? it could be a rotator, torn ligament and could require surgery.

I started taking my statin every other day a few monts ago and the pain went away, in a month I will test my cholesterol levels to see if they went up significantly, 

Consult your cardiologist before you do anything.



You say that you had a torn ligament, not two.


I did see a doctor 3 years ago and he sent me for physio, which I tried for a month, after that did nor work I decided I could live with it, but now I can't. It's only been really bad for a few days but they really do hurt, especially when trying to sleep


Thanks for your post


You should visit a specialised remedial therapist. The only one I know of is Nigel Kelsey in Pattaya, who is absolutely brilliant. My dad had the same thing and he spent a fortune trying everything. One visit to Nigel fixed it 80% and the second solved it completely. From someone who couldn't move his shoulders without pain, he is now playing badminton again. I will message you his details.


When the spinal structure irritate the nerve roots in the neck, it can cause severe pain and others symtoms like these... in boths, shoulders and arms.


Have no experience of specific statin issues but have you told your doctor and has he tried giving you another type?  Suspect that might be a good starting point as there is more than one type available and believe some have issues with one and not another.  Same time each day might indicate a medication issue to my layman logic.


Diclafenac tablets are worth a try, was on them for years to sort stuff. I did have a Hydrocortisone injection in one shoulder which worked well..

1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

Have no experience of specific statin issues but have you told your doctor and has he tried giving you another type?  Suspect that might be a good starting point as there is more than one type available and believe some have issues with one and not another.  Same time each day might indicate a medication issue to my layman logic.

Hi Lopburi

My Doctor changed my type of Statins about a month ago, but I don't think it would have taken so long for them to give me this problem, as I said I have had problems for a couple of years now but I just put up with it.

Now I am having trouble putting up with it and must find some kind of cure

1 hour ago, transam said:

Diclafenac tablets are worth a try, was on them for years to sort stuff. I did have a Hydrocortisone injection in one shoulder which worked well..

I shall certainly try the tablets Transam, I have had a couple of injections but they wear off pretty quickly

14 minutes ago, ThaiPauly said:

Hi Lopburi

My Doctor changed my type of Statins about a month ago, but I don't think it would have taken so long for them to give me this problem, as I said I have had problems for a couple of years now but I just put up with it.

Now I am having trouble putting up with it and must find some kind of cure

I would be seriously talking with that doctor about this as many problems can develop over time.  From quick read it seems statin side effects are known to develop over time (even years) so my suspicion would be this new version may be less kind to you than the previous.  Seek to find the cause for this pain.  


I have the same problem, nothing to do with torn muscles ect especially if it's very bad when laying down . Have u lost weight ? It's called Poly myalgia rhumatica , simple blood test to see if your inflammation levels are up and a course or steroids. If have any questions message me 


Since it is both shoulders it is possibly a compressed nerve between c6 and c7.  Pain or tingling can manifest in the shoulders and can go down the arms all the way to the fingers.  See my scan below.  For temporary pain relief skip the tramadols for a few days instead load on Tylenol.  By load I mean take 2 caplets every 6 hours while symptoms last. Do not take more than 6 caplets in 24 hours, unless directed by a doctor.  The level of medication needed to reduce swelling must be brought up and kept at that level to be effective.  The Tylenol should reduce swelling rather than mask the pain like the tramadol.  If it is a herniated disk don't rush to surgery.  I saw a top surgeon in NY who advised me to give the disk time to heal as the vast majority will on their own.  Mine in fact did.  See a specialist.



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Hi I am a sports therapist and on Statins.  I had some muscle aches and my cholesterol was ok on 20 mg so I dropped down to 10 mg now on Crestor and it is good no pain.  Speak to your doctor first before you make any decision as he will have to check your current level.  If this does not work it may be a problem with poor posture, try to do some shoulder mobility exercises and some upper back strengthening exercises like squeezing the shoulder blades together and holding for 10 seconds repeat 10 x.  Loads of stuff on youtube to look at.  If you do not mind me asking what is your age? It is unusual to get pain in both shoulders so I would try to change your statins or lower the dose first.  Hope that has been of some help.



3 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:

Since it is both shoulders it is possibly a compressed nerve between c6 and c7.  Pain or tingling can manifest in the shoulders and can go down the arms all the way to the fingers.  See my scan below.  For temporary pain relief skip the tramadols for a few days instead load on Tylenol.  By load I mean take 2 caplets every 6 hours while symptoms last. Do not take more than 6 caplets in 24 hours, unless directed by a doctor.  The level of medication needed to reduce swelling must be brought up and kept at that level to be effective.  The Tylenol should reduce swelling rather than mask the pain like the tramadol.  If it is a herniated disk don't rush to surgery.  I saw a top surgeon in NY who advised me to give the disk time to heal as the vast majority will on their own.  Mine in fact did.  See a specialist.



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I and 2 people on this thread are telling you that this is likely. It happens at night because gravity is acting on disks during the whole day. Do an x-ray to rule it out. I did and I am better, resting and reducing activities that would pinch nerves.


Ultra sounds of the rotator cup may be in order.... as may be surgery


mine ( surgery to remove spurs) uncovered torn muscle and tendons, most of which was repaired. There is a lot of stuff back there that can go wrong


i hear cucumin is good for joint pain relief

5 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

I have been experiencing pain in both shoulders for 3 years now.

I have had physio but that did not work, so as the pain was not severe I have ignored it.


But now since I busted my foot up the pain on both sides becomes nearly unbearable until I rub tiger baslm on it and whack two tramadol tablets down me.

I must add that the pain only comes on at NIGHT (7-8), which in itself is strange.


I have read that statins can cause problems like this so it could be the choice of taking them off my medication list or putting up with the problem.


It's nothing I have done to myself, if it was in one shoulder I could buy into that ,but it's both!!


Has anyone had any experience of this and if so what do you do about it?

My doctor prescribed statins for me. After three weeks I got pain in my hips. I read that statins could cause joint pain. I stopped the statins and the pain stopped.


You may already have done it but get a firmer bed and use a pillow that supports your neck well (not just your head) - then read up on better sleeping positions. I had intense neck and shoulder pain before I changed to sleeping on my back more. 


BTW, no need to buy a special pillow. Just lie on your back and then pull your pillow down further behind your head  so it's bunched up a bit under your neck. The extra support really helps


This is my case but we never know, it might apply for you.  At work I was given a very soft mattress and this caused severe back and shoulder pain during following days.  I simply changed the mattress for a harder one then all was ok, no more Voltaren pills.  The doctor did not know the cause of my pain.


If you have had "a couple of injections" for it, there must be some sort of diagnosis? Ditto if you were referred to physio?.


Were these steroid injections?  What is the underlying diagnosis? Have you had an MRI of the cervical spine?


This sort of thing can have a number of causes, including spinal problems. You need to start by getting the cause ascertained.


Statins can indeed cause muscle aches but usually these are generalized. The fact that only the shoulders are affected -- but both of them -- makes me suspect a possible spinal cause.


In Chiang Mai, Dr. Torphong Bunmaprasert is an excellent, US-trained  spinal specialist. Can be seen at Sripat. I've heard he is also   at CM Ram on Saturdays  though I do not find him listed on their website.




As lots of people have already said if its not the statins get an MRI of thoracic and cervical spine may well be referred pain from a herniated disc.  MRI is the gold standard for soft tissue investigations.  Good luck


Had the same problem few years ago in my right shoulder,was diagnosed as frozen shoulder,physio guys strapped it up with tape which eliminated the pain,also Voltarin tablets were very good,physio told me usually goes away after 12 months,can have surgery,doesn't always cure the problem.

6 hours ago, sirineou said:

I had the same, 

Have you seen a doctor for it? it could be a rotator, torn ligament and could require surgery.

I started taking my statin every other day a few monts ago and the pain went away, in a month I will test my cholesterol levels to see if they went up significantly, 

Consult your cardiologist before you do anything.


I was a bit confused then I read it again and got it, sorry


2 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

I think if it has been ongoing for 3 years, a rotator, torn ligament required surgery? Pain comes and goes, I suggest do some shoulder shrugs and ice down after and see if it feels better?

Then I'm confused your next statement taking statin every other day a few months ago and pain went away etc... you saying your cholestrerol level has something to do with your shoulder pain?  If you are taking statin you level should be coming down instead of going up and if it is going up then you should be taking it daily.

Your post is very confusing?


He is saying the statins may have been causing his pain. He does not mention how long it had been present.  It is the OP who's problem is of 3 year duration.

1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

He is saying the statins may have been causing his pain. He does not mention how long it had been present.  It is the OP who's problem is of 3 year duration.

Thanks Doc!   I went back and check again what was posted and deleted originally what I wrote.

Thanks for the correction, How it going Doc?

7 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

I have been experiencing pain in both shoulders for 3 years now.

I have had physio but that did not work, so as the pain was not severe I have ignored it.


But now since I busted my foot up the pain on both sides becomes nearly unbearable until I rub tiger baslm on it and whack two tramadol tablets down me.

I must add that the pain only comes on at NIGHT (7-8), which in itself is strange.


I have read that statins can cause problems like this so it could be the choice of taking them off my medication list or putting up with the problem.


It's nothing I have done to myself, if it was in one shoulder I could buy into that ,but it's both!!


Has anyone had any experience of this and if so what do you do about it?

Some years ago, I had extreme pain in both shoulders, One happened a few months after the other, I couldnt raise my arms higher than my shoulder height, It was diagnosed frozen shoulder, I could of have had cortezon injection from doctor for quick fix but I opted to do a natural treatment so I went to a Chiropractor who took an xray and I had a months treatment twice a week, and after that 6 months exercise on my arms, Now I have no pain, hope this helps?  that was 10 years ago, steve.

2 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

 If it is a herniated disk don't rush to surgery.  I saw a top surgeon in NY who advised me to give the disk time to heal as the vast majority will on their own.

Did my back in ages ago. L4/5. Herniated inwards toward spinal column. Saw an orthopedic surgeon. Asked him if it was him would he have surgery (disk fusion) he said no, he wouldn't. So, I didn't. Pain in shoulders though could be many things including cancer.

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