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Ex-Australia PM Abbot head-butted 'over same sex marriage views'

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Ex-Australia PM Abbot head-butted 'over same sex marriage views'


Australia's former prime minister Tony Abbott has said he was head-butted by a same-sex marriage campaigner.


Mr Abbott, a prominent figure in the "no" campaign during a poll on the issue, says the man asked to shake his hand before assaulting him as he left a newspaper office in Holbart, Tasmania.


The man, who was wearing a "vote yes" badge, said Mr Abbott deserved it "for all the things he said".


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-41348128

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-09-22
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What was the guy thinking? Apart from being morally reprehensible and a totally stupid move in terms of advancing the "vote yes" campaign, it's also stupid in that it's hardly likely to phase Tony Abbot, a former boxer, rugby player, and veteran of  "an ugly and often violent time" in student politics.

1 hour ago, nausea said:

What was the guy thinking? Apart from being morally reprehensible and a totally stupid move in terms of advancing the "vote yes" campaign, it's also stupid in that it's hardly likely to phase Tony Abbot, a former boxer, rugby player, and veteran of  "an ugly and often violent time" in student politics.

Your right it wouldn't phase a blockhead like him. 


The violence, abuse, and threats have come mostly from the YES side. They are not doing their cause good service.

ps: the attacker has been arrested.



17 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

The violence, abuse, and threats have come mostly from the YES side.



That's a LIE. 

Also, it's important to note that this unfortunate incident with Abbot is in no way representative of the leadership or tactics of the pro equal civil rights YES campaign. 




“We condemn the violence against Tony Abbott that has been reported tonight,” said a statement released Thursday by the Equality Campaign. “There is never a place for violence or abuse. Marriage Equality is about respect and dignity for every Australian. There is no room for any disrespect either physical or verbal in this national debate. Our campaign has always and will continue to call for respect and everyone involved in this debate to act in a respectful and dignified way.”


Similarly, the violence that is occurring from individuals from the NO side (such as the violent attack on Kevin Rudd's godson) is not representative of the leadership or tactics of the NO side either.


Let's be fair. 


Australians should vote on the ISSUE. Not this propaganda noise trying to peg violence from isolated individuals to trash entire campaigns totally out of context. 


Anybody else want to condone physical violence against a Member of the House of Representatives on the grounds that "he wouldn't have felt it", or "he's a politician", "he has his head up his Rs" or even "he's a blockhead"?


I sure hope none of you people are old enough to vote, or are otherwise disqualified under Section 13 of the Electoral Act.

1 minute ago, RickBradford said:

Anybody else want to condone physical violence against a Member of the House of Representatives on the grounds that "he wouldn't have felt it", or "he's a politician", "he has his head up his Rs" or even "he's a blockhead"?


I sure hope none of you people are old enough to vote, or are otherwise disqualified under Section 13 of the Electoral Act.

I didn't condone violence against anyone, even if he happens to be one of the worst leaders ever inflicted on our country.


On second thoughts, while head-butting is certainly excessive, I would have laughed if the Yes voter had hit him with his handbag.


Of course violence shouldn't be condoned except in cases of self defense.

The sleazy thing that's going on now is that pro NO vote propagandists are trying to trash the YES campaign over the violent action of an isolated private individual. 

Typical dirty smear campaigning.

I hope Australians are smart enough to see through that dark game. 


Just now, halloween said:

I didn't condone violence against anyone, even if he happens to be one of the worst leaders ever inflicted on our country.


On second thoughts, while head-butting is certainly excessive, I would have laughed if the Yes voter had hit him with his handbag.

Yeah, because it's ever so funny to stereotype gay people. Uh huh. 

5 hours ago, nausea said:

What was the guy thinking? Apart from being morally reprehensible and a totally stupid move in terms of advancing the "vote yes" campaign, it's also stupid in that it's hardly likely to phase Tony Abbot, a former boxer, rugby player, and veteran of  "an ugly and often violent time" in student politics.

Maybe but a lot of people will be high-fiving over it!  "Former boxer and rugby player",  well I would think that the head butt was quite appropriate really.


Knucklehead Row has gone into full damage control mode.


The ever-so-right-on SMH has now extracted a quote from the perpetrator (who was wearing a YES badge) that the assault was nothing to do with the debate, but about "his lifelong ambition to headbutt a 'fascist'."


So that's all right then.


This person must have less sense than a billiard ball to choose this moment for the assault, but then I guess you don't expect intelligence from someone who calls themselves Astro Labe, and describes their career as DJ, barista and anarchist.


The Age, too, allows us to hear this gifted individual's wisdom in full: "[It] was just a lifelong ambition to headbutt a fascist because I'm a skinhead that likes ska music and hates fascism. He's an evil c---, I'm an anarchist and I believe in human rights."


But not Tony Abbott's right not to be assaulted, apparently.


Not a good day for the "progressives".

15 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

The Age, too, allows us to hear this gifted individual's wisdom in full: "[It] was just a lifelong ambition to headbutt a fascist because I'm a skinhead that likes ska music and hates fascism. He's an evil c---, I'm an anarchist and I believe in human rights."

Actually Anarchists don't believe in human rights, most of them don't actually know what anarchism or human rights are.


The head butt-er sounds like a complete jerk but the sentiment has merit in my book.

20 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Actually Anarchists don't believe in human rights, most of them don't actually know what anarchism or human rights are.


The head butt-er sounds like a complete jerk but the sentiment has merit in my book.

I see. Do you believe that democracy is well served when elected political representatives are subjected to wanton assault, and the perpetrator is treated like a media star, with the whole world invited to share his utterances?


Here's another long extract of his words of wisdom, from Sydney's Daily Telegraph, this time. Abbott's responses are buried way down in the story.




Another triumph for Knucklehead Row.

14 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

I see. Do you believe that democracy is well served when elected political representatives are subjected to wanton assault, and the perpetrator is treated like a media star, with the whole world invited to share his utterances?

Not usually but when it concerns a fascist homophobe I am prepared to make an exception.  Given the screw-ups elected politicians from around the world make on a daily basis with their metaphorical head butts to the voters, I won't lose too much sleep over this one.

3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

The violence, abuse, and threats have come mostly from the YES side. They are not doing their cause good service.

ps: the attacker has been arrested.

Violent protests worldwide are normally carried out by the Left. Seems to work as they normally get what they want. 

They're like a boil on the aris of mankind.



Are many Australians stupid enough to change their vote to the no side because of an irrelevant incident like this? 


That might make more (any) sense if the yes side leadership was inciting  or encouraging violence. They are most certainly not. 


I'm not speaking from a condescending POV. As an American, I can say with great confidence, Americans would be stupid enough.


So are Australians better? I hope so.

4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Are many Australians stupid enough to change their vote to the no side because of an irrelevant incident like this? 




14 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Anybody else want to condone physical violence against a Member of the House of Representatives on the grounds that "he wouldn't have felt it", or "he's a politician", "he has his head up his Rs" or even "he's a blockhead"?


I sure hope none of you people are old enough to vote, or are otherwise disqualified under Section 13 of the Electoral Act.

Has that anything to do with the mental health act?:wai:

11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I was afraid of that. :sad:

The 'No' campaign are utilising the FUD principle, especially people such as Abbott, being a conservative Catholic,  who keeps rabbiting on about religious freedom. Abbott has been a divisive  figure in Australian politics and no surprise some drunk tried to headbutt him. Since the incident Abbott, along with others, have been feverishly leveraging the right wingnut audience.

16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Of course violence shouldn't be condoned except in cases of self defense.

The sleazy thing that's going on now is that pro NO vote propagandists are trying to trash the YES campaign over the violent action of an isolated private individual. 

Typical dirty smear campaigning.

I hope Australians are smart enough to see through that dark game. 


The yes campaign have been playing some very dirty and vile tactics to try and force people to come over to the gay side.  Taking out a petition to have a doctor de registered, firing people because they support the "no" side, gate crashing church meetings, disrupting rallies, theft of survey papers and physical assaults.  They aren't helping their cause with the attacks and intimidation.


The whole thing has been a total cluster from the start, $122 million wanted by the government and 100 ' s of millions spent by companies and other bodies across the country to push their personal views and all this for a bloody survey which means nothing.  Should have been a referendum controlled and monitored by the AEC.

17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Of course violence shouldn't be condoned except in cases of self defense.

The sleazy thing that's going on now is that pro NO vote propagandists are trying to trash the YES campaign over the violent action of an isolated private individual. 

Typical dirty smear campaigning.

I hope Australians are smart enough to see through that dark game. 


The yes campaign have been playing some very dirty and vile tactics to try and force people to come over to the gay side.  Taking out a petition to have a doctor de registered, firing people because they support the "no" side, gate crashing church meetings, disrupting rallies, theft of survey papers and physical assaults.  They aren't helping their cause with the attacks and intimidation.


The whole thing has been a total cluster from the start, $122 million wanted by the government and 100 ' s of millions spent by companies and other bodies across the country to push their personal views and all this for a bloody survey which means nothing.  Should have been a referendum controlled and monitored by the AEC.

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