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Thai youths batter Iranian tourist in Pattaya

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Lucky he did not have his mate with him They would of beaten up  the Thais.  When they catch them it will apology and 500 baht  fine and do some community work Which will never been done of coarse lol You think 500 Baht is to much?


9 minutes ago, yougivemebaby said:

I saw a young guy get into a fist fight fight with two Iranians in pattaya. The Iranians were starting problems with everyone and happened to pick the wrong guy. The western put them both down as others in the bar bought him shots after the Iranians left bruised and bleeding. All the western guy got was a ripped shirt. 

So you paint all fights based on race as being fact.  Are you a racist. I'm Aussie and we have scum too. As  you do but we usually do a fight one on one! Not several?


6 minutes ago, sahibji said:

why go to such a place where they are full of vengeance  and venom ready to spit it on the weak and unprotected?


good question!

3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

No motive. Sure. They didn't like his looks :sleep:


I will add it to the collection of "Iranian" headlines from Thaivisa within a year:


Iranian Thief caught at Big C North Pattaya
Iranian's safe robbed as Thai hooker claims he didn't pay for play
Iranian boxer fined after getting 25 stitches in Khao San bar
Drunk Iranian is punched in Walking Street
Iranian wasn't drugged - Ali was just Baba!
Immigration arrest two Iranians in Walking Street for illegal activities
Wanted Iranian drug dealer nearly sent home
Iranian thought lady was a lady - but "extra tackle" experience cost him 5,000 baht
Citizens' arrest in Pattaya - alleged Iranian thief stopped

Two Iranians arrested for trying to extend stay on fake passports


Or they just might have a good reason to not like Iranians, based on the headlines above. :cheesy:


The same answer to any problem. If you kill enough of them.....they stop fighting. Thais handle their problems this way because they have no fear of reprisal. The key is to make sure that accountability and retribution accompany every act of violence.


Ultimately was there an objective reason to bash up the fellow or was it subjectively random and biased ?


Not taking anyones side, but if his only crime was to have a better built body then his assailants and to be a foreigner, is that a sufficient  reason to give him a thrashing ?... If yes, tomorrow it could be anybody else, whose sole crime would be to be a foreigner, a farang, tourist or expat and get his head smashed...


Thus, I would not chuckle too fast over the chaps misfortune until some facts are more or less established...






Delay action taken by Thais. Sometimes you had bad argument in one pub you left and you went to other pubs everything seemed ok nothing happened until few hours later you were attacked out of the blue on the street. My conjecture.

I had seen some Iranians and Isrealis really bad attitude when they deal with young Thais. Well, being Thais they do the "chai yen" (appear in control of themselves) and they deal with you later because they couldn't take the insults you hurl at them. 

I could understand the Thais, they feel that this is their country you don't come to their country to insult them. They certainly don't forgive you. Many farangs, middle easterns are physically way bigger in size this I believe intimidates them makes them feel small psychologically.(very damaging) This and the fact that they are on home ground make them feel that they have every right to beat the daylight out of these foreigners.

I may be wrong of course but I believe these are the roots of the problems. I hope tourists whether farang or middle easterns know they can never, I mean NEVER win in a fight with Thais, they hunt you down in pack like wolves. After a few beers your super ego takes over? You will end up in the hospital. Young Thais don't talk reasoning, you are the one who should avoid this sort of situation, otherwise you may have an appointment with the grim reaper. They kick your head and the grim reaper says "harder, harder"

53 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

I only say what I see pal. I can honestly say in all my years in Pattaya enjoying the night scene I have only ever seen one incident between ferang and Thais and that was in a club where the brits were egging it on. In fact it was the Thais who told me to leave as it was gonna get nasty. 

Of course I'm not naive to believe it does not happen and  not for one minute saying the Iranian asked for it. 

I do believe for the amount of visitors these incidents are isolated and tend to get more publicity on here for obvious reasons. I don't agree with the "don't send your families or advise people to come here for a good time at night " or watch

out for the gangs on the street corners because I just haven't seen it. 

Its just my take. 



Fair enough, pal! As you say you can only go on your take, and personally, I am in the same boat, (although as I say, not in Pattaya - I visited for 3 days once and didn't like it - each to their own, though!) and in 20 years of visiting, and 12 years of living here, I have never actually seen a fight, which can not be said for my home town!  Maybe you are right, but I know that in "my neck of the woods" trouble seems to have escalated over the years, and maybe the media coverage is to blame - I am only going by what I see on ThaiVisa, and what I hear from other expats, which is usually to avoid certain areas! 

So, we are both fortunate in that trouble seems to not come our way (fingers X!) and let's hope it remains that way - stay safe! 

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Nothing good ever happens after 1:00 am.  Innocent (LOL) muscle-bound tatted Iranian was just minding his own business, (COUGH bullshit) at 5:00 am when attacked by 5 Thai teens. 


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai youths batter Iranian tourist in Pattaya


It's a wonder they didn't fry him up & serve him with some chips and som-tam.

  • Haha 2

I rather have my wallet snatched by some light fingered beach road ladyboy. On the upside the regulary beating often till unconscious with a group of bar staff and or bouncers and or motorbike taxies joining in against one tipsy foreigner customer has really dropped down seems these happy zones are still working .


Don't agree with violence in general. Pretty sure he has probably p155ed someone off and been up to no good speedy recovery and speedy journey home is probably the best advice!

2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

I only say what I see pal. I can honestly say in all my years in Pattaya enjoying the night scene I have only ever seen one incident between ferang and Thais and that was in a club where the brits were egging it on. In fact it was the Thais who told me to leave as it was gonna get nasty. 

Of course I'm not naive to believe it does not happen and  not for one minute saying the Iranian asked for it. 

I do believe for the amount of visitors these incidents are isolated and tend to get more publicity on here for obvious reasons. I don't agree with the "don't send your families or advise people to come here for a good time at night " or watch

out for the gangs on the street corners because I just haven't seen it. 

Its just my take. 


You have not seen it because you can not be at every corner or at every single soy at all time. 

It happens a lot. some rough and bloody and some won't get nasty. 

5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Sure hope people looking at Pattaya for family holiday destination read this site first

We enjoy Pattaya while on holiday. I take my wife and two young kids.  Yeah, sometimes there's a pool full of fat old men baking like lobsters, but they are harmless.  We're on the beach for a bit, some pub grub, and in bed by 9pm. All this BS happens when families are asleep in their hotels. 

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, jaywalker said:


It's a wonder they didn't fry him up & serve him with some chips and som-tam.


      Well,  they did batter him up ,  preparation takes time ,  with chips  yummy , IMO..

9 minutes ago, JimP said:

We enjoy Pattaya while on holiday. I take my wife and two young kids.  Yeah, sometimes there's a pool full of fat old men baking like lobsters, but they are harmless.  We're on the beach for a bit, some pub grub, and in bed by 9pm. All this BS happens when families are asleep in their hotels. 


There's a fair chance the clown deserved to be booted out of a bar, but stomping his head in is taking it a bit far.


Toss a drunk/obnoxious person out on the street, but then stomping his head in by 15 guys is just ludicrous.

4 hours ago, Kadilo said:

I only say what I see pal. I can honestly say in all my years in Pattaya enjoying the night scene I have only ever seen one incident between ferang and Thais and that was in a club where the brits were egging it on. In fact it was the Thais who told me to leave as it was gonna get nasty. 

Of course I'm not naive to believe it does not happen and  not for one minute saying the Iranian asked for it. 

I do believe for the amount of visitors these incidents are isolated and tend to get more publicity on here for obvious reasons. I don't agree with the "don't send your families or advise people to come here for a good time at night " or watch

out for the gangs on the street corners because I just haven't seen it. 

Its just my take. 


Just out of curiosity, are you a permanent resident in Pattaya, or are you a frequent visitor that only tends to spend a few weeks here every so often? I only ask as I’ve been a permanent resident in Pattaya for almost 2 years, and I have to agree with the previous commentator that not a week tends to go by without some poor farrang being on the receiving end of a bloody gang-style bashing of some sort. And it’s not necessarily just from Thais, it can also be from any nationality that’s taken an exception to your presence. Fortunately, I’ve never attracted that type of unwanted attention myself, but being a victim of violence in Pattaya is increasingly becoming more and more likely for some poor and unfortunate travelers being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Coincidently, nothing to do with your post, but 5am isn’t that early to be out and about as some here have commented on. I’ve gotten up at that time myself to wander down to 7-Eleven, or to see a friend off to the airport. I certainly don’t expect to get beaten up for it. One thing I’ve noticed at this hour is it tends to be the closing time of a nearby male karaoke bar, hence lots of young male Thais reviving up their mopeds after ending their night shift. Again, I’ve had no problems with these kids myself.


5 am in the morning , he probably deserved it. And we all know a Thai never fight alone. 

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