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Shocking violence as student locked in school storeroom, doused in mozzie spray and set alight


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Those boys are what they are, their parents didn't give a rat about them when they grew them up... No teaching of respect and what's bad or good.

But the school principal and all the school management are plain sick criminals. Try to keep quiet such a serious crime just to not face responsibilities and save their face. Disgusting.

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What can I say that hasn't already been said? This just would not be so delicately handled in any other country. The students would be expelled and prosecuted and the parents would be paying far more than 3000 baht each in compensation. Disgracefully dealt with by the school authorities.

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Agree with all the comments above . If the school tries to pay off the parents to keep quiet

how much is your son worth, at what point/price would you say " Yes that is a fair amount , ok that will do "  While your son is in agony ,scarred mentaly and physicaly for life.

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Horrible story but this can happen anywhere in the world. What makes it much much worse is how Thai society deals with a tragic events like this, does (almost) nobody care?

If Thai society lets this poor kid and his family down is there any way that we as foreigners can provide some (financial) support. I would be more than happy to make a donation (but how to do it) provided the parents do take legal action against the school and the violators (e.g. a police report must be filed even if police followup is questionable at best).

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

poor boy ....  this would be horrifying for him.

The school was trying to cover up what actually happened.

The perpetrators must be punished fully and possibly expelled from the school and the director should be punished also.

The poor boy will have burn scares for life.

Listen to yourself, nothing will happen. You are obviously very new to Thailand and don't know how things work here. If teachers get away with beating a child, if teachers get moved to the next district for having sex with a student, what to you honestly think will happen in this case? 

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12 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

Agree with all the comments above . If the school tries to pay off the parents to keep quiet

how much is your son worth, at what point/price would you say " Yes that is a fair amount , ok that will do "  While your son is in agony ,scarred mentaly and physicaly for life.

As if to make matters worse, if the OP is correct, the school didn't offer compensation. The compensation apparently came from the parents of the 3 students that hit someone over the head, locked him into a small room, added an inflammable mixture and torched him. 

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3 minutes ago, Ridler said:

Listen to yourself, nothing will happen. You are obviously very new to Thailand and don't know how things work here. If teachers get away with beating a child, if teachers get moved to the next district for having sex with a student, what to you honestly think will happen in this case? 

I hear ya ... i'm not very new to thailand. get me the name of the school.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

The problem is this lack of any real criminal accountability in this country. 10,000 baht for disfiguring a kid for life ? 

and the transgressors' families' splits, only 3000, they do not want to pay even that;

great people

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

She was encouraged not to make a report with police and a settlement of 10,000 baht was reached for Earth's hospital care.


But only one parent has paid 3,000 - the others said they had no money.


So Kotchaphan has gone to the Paweena Hongskul foundation that takes up cases involving children. She wants justice for her son.

She should go and make the police report now (like she should have done right from the get go). Sod this country and it's sad, medieval krieng jai sh!te!


What's the Thai word for juvenile delinquents ?

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When I taught, I had an M4 student slash another across the face with a knife. I had taken away a knife from this kid previously that day and brought it to the office, who apparently just gave it back to him after he gave a Wai.


The most amazing thing is after the slashing, the kid stayed at school because he told staff he used a pen and did not have a knife...even knowing that the same day I had taken it from him !


The parents were brought in, a Wai or two and 4000 baht and all is forgotten. Word has it that this kid's mom has paid out several times for his antics. I have no confidence that he will grow to be a productive adult because he has no reason to believe he has to follow any rules.


Just as a side note the kid who got slashed was one of nicest boys, used to miss school a lot but I found out it was because he helped his mom hail around her drink cart and help her make ends meet. But he eventually got even with a well deserved beat down of the slasher before the year ended...payback was sweet

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3 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

The worst thing about this story is the school trying to cover it up, in UK they would of been suspended immediately and maybe expelled if it was proven to be malicious.


Over here they couldn't give a rat's ass and are probably more worried what the other parent will say about blaming there idiot kids.


Yellow belly.... 


In the UK the police would have been informed by the school, the parents and the hospital. This is no different to any other serious assault causing actual bodily harm, for starters. If proved deliberate and malicious it could be attempted murder.


The reality here is dumb bullies, doing something without even considering or thinking of the consequences. The school wanting it kept quiet, as they don't want their precious reputation dented, the bullies thinking a sad tearful face and a wai is all that's needed to get them off and the parents as usual either thinking a small cash payment squares it or trying to avoid any responsibility for their offspring's actions. And the police - nowhere to be seen. Maybe act if the victim's parents make a complaint, maybe not. They don't see serious criminal assault as a police matter! 


Is it any wonder things here are the way they are?

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4 hours ago, smew said:

3 boys should be send to juvenile detention for 2 yrs minimum and take anger animosity control courses. Deplorable behavior!

I understand severe burn treatments are the most painful treatments one can endure. It is more than deplorable mischief. It is a serious criminal act. 

My sorrow for the poor victim.

As a minimum the school must be required to pay all medical bills, and the children responsible must receive jail time. 

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8 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I understand severe burn treatments are the most painful treatments one can endure. It is more than deplorable mischief. It is a serious criminal act. 

My sorrow for the poor victim.

As a minimum the school must be required to pay all medical bills, and the children responsible must receive jail time. 

The kids at M3 level are too young for jail time...but I would not hesitate to throw them into military camp for 10 years of compulsory service.

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What can you say than <deleted> disgusting at all levels, time people were held responsible for these criminal acts - and hiding the facts by the school shouldn't just result in suspension but time behind bars.

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18 hours ago, Artisi said:

What can you say than <deleted> disgusting at all levels, time people were held responsible for these criminal acts - and hiding the facts by the school shouldn't just result in suspension but time behind bars.


18 hours ago, tonray said:

The kids at M3 level are too young for jail time...but I would not hesitate to throw them into military camp for 10 years of compulsory service.


Yes...while the kids are too young for jail...The school officials involved should get 10 years hard labor minimum and be fined 1 million baht each to be given to the kid's family 

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1 hour ago, aussie11950 said:

The police should be contacted. 

Assault by students. 

Criminal negligence by the school. 


kids are kids BUT they should certainly get to know what they have done and punished accordingly, as for the school - criminal and should be punished fully - while ever it is always pussy-footed around nothing will change.

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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

Its the entire culture at fault , from top down , this is not Buddhism !

never try to use Buddhism in the same sentence when referring to Thailand  -- chalk and cheese.

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