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Breaking: Footage emerges of what happened before Aussie was floored in school parking lot

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1 hour ago, varun said:

Angry old bogan got more than he bargained for - deportation and 10-year ban is the way to go.



Seriously ? Judge and Jury ???.... the incident occurred and was escalated by both sides. We are not sure of what happened before the first video, but something triggered the Aussie into his stupid threat. 

The punch was brutal, the Australian surely received his comeuppance...  Ultimately both parties are in the wrong and need to face legal punishment. 


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See, can´t we have all the stupid people that tried to protect this farang, blane it on the Thai as usual, and the Thai police.
Can´t you just all line up in this thread now, with the aknowledgement that you were wrong in your quick assumpitons again.
Be same quick now! Tell everybody that you were wrong, one side minded and that you will read better and understand better in the future.
Shame on you for letting your view of the people in this country get so one sided. Your totally blinded, and just unable to see clear and objective nomore.

Just now, hyku1147 said:

Why does he have the weapon in his car?

The use of his car as a weapon when combined with his wielding of the machete - leads me to conclude that he should held for both psychiatric evaluation and criminal  prosecution.

What would have happened if the weapon was a gun?


From what I read in newspaper reports, carrying weapons (including guns) in cars is quite common here. Personally I think that doing so should merit a jail sentence of many months, but that is unlikely to happen here.


deserves every thing he got hope he gets prosecuted as well. assault with a deadly weapon for a start. deport the scum bag. 

2 hours ago, webfact said:

Breaking: Footage emerges of what happened before Aussie was floored in school parking lot

Yeah,  but what about the footage of what happened before the footage of what happened before he was floored. :) That may throw up yet another story. :)

2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

This will have all the people defending the farang eating humble pie. Just goes to show there are 2 sides to every story.


 My dashcam is going in today


The thing that amazes me is that he actually thought he could smash the THAI guys car with a machete and then try to run him over, and get away with it.

I don't know how long he has lived in LOS, but obviously learned nothing.

Disturbing to me as well, is that he had a child at 64 years old.

The people that will suffer for his actions now will be his daughter, and probably his wife.


Many people,both Thai and Farang have in their car a knife or baseball bat etc, in order to protect themselves. From what we now know,this idiot did not use his weapon for defence, but with aggression, so yes he’s in the wrong. Likewise the much younger Thai man was in the wrong to attack the Aussie to the extent that he did,the outcome could have been much worse for all concerned.

15 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Yeah,  but what about the footage of what happened before the footage of what happened before he was floored. :) That may throw up yet another story. :)

Doesn't matter. Farangs can't go around attacking Thais, whatever the provocation. If they do, this results.

13 minutes ago, Get Real said:

See, can´t we have all the stupid people that tried to protect this farang, blane it on the Thai as usual, and the Thai police.
Can´t you just all line up in this thread now, with the aknowledgement that you were wrong in your quick assumpitons again.
Be same quick now! Tell everybody that you were wrong, one side minded and that you will read better and understand better in the future.
Shame on you for letting your view of the people in this country get so one sided. Your totally blinded, and just unable to see clear and objective nomore.


Your comments correctly blame 'some' ThaiVisa posters for jumping to conclusions. But these conclusions were not unreasonable given the initial video evidence and there will always be evidence we can not or do not see, should that prevent us from ever drawing an opinion ? Perhaps so, but discussion forums would be extremely boring places without such discussion and opinions whether correct or not.


That said, I would not go as far and defend the Thai Man and imply the fault is solely with the Australian Pensioner and that the Thai Man was the innocent party... would you agree Get Real ?


For I and many others can see both parties being at fault. 

Firstly the Australian who escalated a previously unknown incident into violence when brandishing a machete and attempting to drive over the Thai Man. 

Secondly the Thai Man for re-escalting the situation to violence in front of the Police, after the Police had theoretically controlled the situation.


I would also place part of the blame at the Police for allowing the Thai Man to re-escalate the situation in to Violence when he is clearly angry - IMO this is a clear failure of the Police to do their job properly and separate the aggrieved parties, the even fail to restrain and handcuff the Thai man after committing Assault under their noses. 


Both are clearly very much in the wrong and the Police acted poorly. 


It can be agreed that many posters let their foot of the clutch too early when solely blaming the Thai Man for his vicious assault - however, it was an incredibly Vicious Assault. The development to the story is that we now have evidence that this Assault was not unprovoked and the Australian is at fault for initially escalating the situation when threatening the Thai with a Deadly Weapon and Assaulting him with a Vehicle. 




2 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Any initial feelings of sympathy for the old Aussie have just evaporated. This was not an act of self defence (as he claimed in the previous thread) but pure aggression.



his was not an act of self defence

... nor was the Thai man's punch


Do we know the pics of person grabbing knife and running over someone really were these two?


gold shop owners tend to have a fair bit of dough and good contacts since how often do you hear of these shops getting done over?


is the reason for it perhaps a photoshop job?

it is possible.


for me though, I avoid all the physical touching as much as is possible. sit in your car with windows closed.  if someone trys to get in then you can ttry to move and damage them in the process


The Aussie did not "attempt" assault, according to the article he sent the Thai guy flying In an attempt to run him over. That is aggravated assault which In Queensland  would  earn him up to ten years in lock up. 
The Thai guy would be arraigned for simple assault, I believe, which could still carry a five year stretch.
I am most concerned with the eight year old daughter. No happy ending here.

6 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

The Aussie did not "attempt" assault, according to the article he sent the Thai guy flying In an attempt to run him over. That is aggravated assault which In Queensland  would  earn him up to ten years in lock up. 
The Thai guy would be arraigned for simple assault, I believe, which could still carry a five year stretch.
I am most concerned with the eight year old daughter. No happy ending here.

Watch the VDO. The Thai guy could have been killed, so IMO it was attempted murder.

5 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

he Thai guy would be arraigned for simple assault, I believe, which could still carry a five year stretch.

more like 6 months even if he had form

14 minutes ago, manchega said:

Do we know the pics of person grabbing knife and running over someone really were these two?


gold shop owners tend to have a fair bit of dough and good contacts since how often do you hear of these shops getting done over?


is the reason for it perhaps a photoshop job?

it is possible.


for me though, I avoid all the physical touching as much as is possible. sit in your car with windows closed.  if someone trys to get in then you can ttry to move and damage them in the process

Yes, a contact of the thai, who works for Lucasfilms, CGI’d the right cars into a video to stitch up the poor vunerable innocent Farang. 





72 and he has an 8 year old child- why don't these old duffers use condoms? Oh I forgot- 'it doesn't feel the same'. :post-4641-1156694572:


Hmm.  Two wrongs at minimum.

But I'm curious about videos not showing all.


Aussie  says he was on defense.  

Perhaps not shown are actions prior to dashcam video which resulted in the Nissan NV's windscreen getting punched in directly in front of the driver.


So I see it this way.  Thai does a traffic mistake, gets a horn or wrinkle of his car.  Stops gets out goes back and bashes the Aussie's windscreen.  Aussie gets out, gets his knife and does a bash on the Honda.


Then as the videos show.


First wrong goes to Somchai for his drive style.

No points to Aussie because stupid.


A lot of credit goes to the Thai cop who prevents a major mass gang-up on the Aussie in the school yard after the initial knock down.


Be careful here.  Thai are never wrong and if caught out will never admit it.


Best not to drive.


As to those criticising the old Aussie having an 8 yo kid, f#** off !

I am 71, have an 8yo (at the same school).


THB 5000 fine for the Farang and THB 500 fine for the Thai. Case closed!


They can both be happy they were not caught smoking on the beach while feeding fish. 

1 hour ago, newcomer71 said:

Both of them are at fault and must be punished. Who blames just one side or ask even deportation for the Aussie should keep in touch with reality.

If someone tries to run you over and comes at you with a machete, you will stay calm?

The old fart should be deported asap. 

47 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

more like 6 months even if he had form

As the farang was an Aussie I have been using Queensland statutes for reference. I was in error regarding five years, as :
"In Queensland, Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm (AOBH) carries a maximum penalty of 7 years imprisonment, though fines and other penalties can also be imposed for the offence." As the boyo was knocked unconscious and bloodied face I imagine that constitutes "Bodily Harm".
It is not easy to tease the information out of the Thai criminal code. I think the max POSSIBLE sentence is considerably more than six months. Given all of the circumstances I agree he would not "win" more than that, if indeed anything other than the oft cited "500 baht and a wai".

1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

his was not an act of self defence

... nor was the Thai man's punch


I think if someone had just attacked my car and damaged it, scared me to death with a machete, then run me over tossing me in the air with the strong likelihood or possibility of severe injury then I too would have felt justified in ' smashing him in the face with a fist ' regardless of his age. I would have kicked his bloody car too!


There was a car accident like occurs every day on roads and streets around the world. This was pure ' road rage ' It has nothing to do with Thailand, this can happen anywhere and is inexcusable bahaviour..


What was the old man doing with a weapon such as that in his car boot? He was also quick to think and go get it, which makes me think this was not his first ' rodeo '.


I am not a fan of these TVF law court armchair judges all recommending stupid 10 year bans ( as though they have any authority) and deportation, that is for the courts to decide and not bar stool barristers. However, his actions do warrant a court appearance and damages to the victim and compensation for his car.

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