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Thailand's "biggest spoiled brat" gets 300,000 baht from mum - but there are conditions


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Thailand's "biggest spoiled brat" gets 300,000 baht from mum - but there are conditions




A twenty year old crybaby Thai man who became known as the biggest spoiled brat in Thailand had "graap-ed" his mum after she gave him 300,000 baht to stop causing her so much trouble.


Jetkhati Wonglert - known in Thai as "Jae Luuk Theep" - gained notoriety earlier in the year when he smashed up 13 cars belonging to neighbors in Sisaket because mummy wouldn't by him a "Big Bike".


He has been a thorn in the side of him mother - named only as Mee - for years. She is a top official in the Sisaket civil service but she has had to bail him out countless times as he has repeatedly fallen foul of the law.


Yesterday the pair made a big song and dance when mum handed over 300,000 baht in front of the chief of the government's Damrongtham watchdog group in the north eastern Thai city.


They wanted a high profile witness so that the brat may stick to his promises.


The brat gave his mum a graap (head to the floor gesture) to pledge that he would use the 300K to further his education in politics at Ramkhamhaeng University and train as a boxer. He will also buy a camera with it and promised to learn about photography. What is left he will use as living expenses while he studies.


He vowed to turn over a new leaf and reform himself and be a good little boy in the future and make mumsy proud of him.


Mum stipulated that this was the last payment she would ever give him and if there was any more shenanigans she would effectively disown him. 


He also repeated various promises in front of an image of King Rama V in the town.


Jae committed the criminal damage on the cars back in March when he was called Kittisak Wonglert.


He since changed his name, something that Thais often do when they wish to start anew, Thaivisa notes.


"Luuk Theep" or angel child is commonly used in Thai to mean a spoiled brat.


Source: https://www.dailynews.co.th/regional/605261

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-19
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One wonders when his mother will learn, money only encourages him to do it again, bet my left one, she bails him next time it happens, most mothers are weak, fortunately our kids are being raised by both parents who have balls 555

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300,000 more pieces of fuel on the fire I expect. Some people are just utter dicks and the more money you throw at them the bigger the headaches become. Smart move would have been to cut him off a way back, until he gets his brain functioning and his shit together.

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300,000,he will either blow it on parties,or buy the big bike he wanted,

and why was he not locked up after  smashing up 13 cars,earlier in

the year.it's not money he needs, he needs time in prison .

regards worgeordie

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11 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

300,000,he will either blow it on parties,or buy the big bike he wanted,

and why was he not locked up after  smashing up 13 cars,earlier in

the year.it's not money he needs, he needs time in prison .

regards worgeordie

Does he have a bike licence or will mummy buy him one as well?

Just askin'

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46 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

When he was doing his "graap", someone should have given him a big boot up the arse.

No, someone should have given him a good kicking, a proper stomping, preferably whilst wearing steel toe capped boots....

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Is "Tosser" an allowed term on this forum ?


It would appear that it is, in that case the little tosser should have been beaten to within an inch of his life, told to walk away in short sharp jerky movements, and told never to darken "mumsy's door ever again.


Why are these people even allowed to exist ?



Edited by Golden Triangle
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I would have even added cash to pack off the brat to a nice tough thai military boot camp, in order to teach him some manners and perhaps attempt to get the job done on which his poor parents did not suceed.

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I can t believe how cynical the posters on this thread are. The young man is only 20 years old and who amongst us  wasn t a litle lost at 20.  He has graaped his mother publicly and promised to change his way.  He is entering university and training as a boxer at the same time as well as learning to express himself through photography.  I think the young man deserves our endorsement and best wishes.


I guess haters gonna hate

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