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Video: Thai cop has both legs broken as drunk motorcyclists ignore nighttime checkpoint

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Video: Thai cop has both legs broken as drunk motorcyclists ignore nighttime checkpoint



Picture: Daily News


A shocking video shows a Laem Chabang cop severely injured as a 20 year old motorcyclist with someone on the back refuses to stop at a 2am checkpoint.


The men were going the wrong way down Muang Mai Tai Road in Sri Racha and were drunk. The driver had no license.


Fifty year old Sombat Reuangsri and colleague Apichart Pangrat had permission to set up the checkpoint.


Sombat steps out into the road but the men on the red Honda Click refuse to obey his request to stop.


The bike ploughs into the officer catapulting him in the air and leaving him with two legs broken and a bloodied face. He was unconscious as his buddy calls for back-up and a trader comes to help.


The motorcyclists were also face down by the side of the road next to the overturned vehicle.


They were later named as 20 year olds Watcharin Phiwchuang and Natthaphon Yatphrom.


Laem Chabang station chief Anugun Preedayut said that the youths had admitted to drinking and not having a license. They were worried about being arrested so decided not to stop. No drugs were found in their systems.


Charges of drunk driving causing grievous bodily harm and negligent driving have been laid. Other charges may follow as all parties are interviewed again.


Chief Anugun said that officer Sombat had an unblemished record and always followed his duties according to the law. He is well respected and liked by his fellow officers on the force.


He is currently recovering in Laem Chabang hospital but is now able to speak and respond to questions.


Daily News did not report on the injuries sustained by the men on the bike.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-11-09
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Very lucky that no one was killed there.

The young idiot is a young idiot & may live to be an older idiot but what excuse does the 'trained' professional have?



There was no way that bike was ever going to be able to stop in the distance they had when he ran out in the road. Three people seriously hurt and while the bike riders were drunk, you have to say that accident was caused by the policeman.

I also understand the concern for their colleague, but no one seems to give a shit about the condition of the bike riders. They are human beings after all.


Ahhh...the driver was drunk and unlicensed and driving on the wrong side of the road. Small matter.


Just let him off with a pat on his back, saying good luck.


Would just be unlucky should he injury some passerby further on, or got run over by a truck...


The police should be soft and gentle with such drivers. They are human beings after all...


It doesn't alter the basic problem (drunken driver going too fast in the wrong direction) but the motorbike rider was clearly obliged to swerve into the policeman in order to avoid the prat holding the camera who was directly in front of him.


So I think that cameraman is largely responsible for this accident.

1 hour ago, edwinchester said:

If I hadn't read the covering story I'd assume the cop was trying to kill himself running in front of a fast moving motorbike like that.


He wasn't in front of it. He was well to one side. The motorbike swerved into him to avoid the idiot with the camera who was standing directly in his way, as I pointed out. It's quite clear on the video.


In all honesty, I dont see no check point in this video. The Thai law n police regulation states clearly a check point must have clear visible signs and cones to be set up.

This check point is clearly illegal and the police is just covering their own asses by saying there is permission. 

If one is travelling down at night at moderate speed, it would be hard to see. The policeman was in the dark and waving a small light and the other jump into the bike's way. 

Even if the biker had no license and should be prosecuted for that, it was the policemen that cause the accident.

Total idiots.


One can only hope that Watcharin Phiwchuang and Natthaphon Yatphrom spend a very long time behind bars. What fools. What cretons. I understand avoiding checkpoints. I do it alot, when it is safe. I simply drive around the policemen, whenever possible, or I turn around prior to reaching one. Same applies to getting flagged. I just pretend I did not see the policemen. If they want to chase me, no problem. But, to mow down a cop? This is just beyond comprehension. What on earth were they thinking? Were they thinking? Anything going on in there?


wonder whether these youngsters will be let out on bail so they can go to the F1-races


having watched the video, it seems that
(1) the policeman was not clearly visible in the dark and
(2) the police man had ample time to jump aside. 


Police department should be sued for making in work in such conditions.


Normally they use have a metal barrier with flash lights.. So, that motorists knew there is a checkpoint and they slow down.


But I see the policeman entered from the opposite side, while the motorist try to escape the left side police man.


Regardless of negative image on police, but very sad for the person injured on duty.



Attitudes need changing on driving without a licence and other road traffic offences...


Hefty fines, vehicles impounded,  police sacked and prosecuted for asking or accepting bribes.


It is no accident that Thailand has the worst record outside any banana republic on road safety, it is a self inflicted injury caused by its inability to enforce road safety when the people responsible for enforcing it will take and pocket small fines.   

36 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

One can only hope that Watcharin Phiwchuang and Natthaphon Yatphrom spend a very long time behind bars. What fools. What cretons. I understand avoiding checkpoints. I do it alot, when it is safe. I simply drive around the policemen, whenever possible, or I turn around prior to reaching one. Same applies to getting flagged. I just pretend I did not see the policemen. If they want to chase me, no problem. But, to mow down a cop? This is just beyond comprehension. What on earth were they thinking? Were they thinking? Anything going on in there?


Thai perspective is to drive as much fast as possible when they see a policeman.....


I have see number of times, motorcycles make an U turn when see police check point.


Especially after 2AM, most motorcyclists behave like this, because they come back home fully drunk.


To be more beneficial to society, police can get leg massage from this drunk people and make they stay until early morning, and ask them to clean the streets for 2 hours before going home.


Completely the coppers fault! But of course it won't be. Height of stupidity but I doubt the broken legs and long road to recovery filled with time to reflect will  help prevent it from happening again. He really could have killed himself and the motorists. Someone should have mentioned at the cop academy its not "attack and maim" but rather "protect and serve" or is it "offer protection and be served a  brown envelope" I forget...sorry.


The police did not know they were drunk , just speeding on an empty road ,they made the first pass and probl. did not see the cops in the dark . They turned the motorcycle and drove

back the same empty road . Perfectly straight . 

But then out of the dark  2 cops step in front of them ,they could not stop even if they wanted , a child could see this . But the cops did not see this because ???( maybe drunk? maybe too eager to cash in ?....Or just plain stupid ) The result .....1 cop in hospital, and 2 boys probably dead .......did you see them laying down? not moving ? Believe me they did not survive . Nobody even looked more than 1 sec at them , because you can see they did not survive. 

So illegal check point , 2 stupid cops , and 2 dead children ......

Only my opinion , you can think about it as you wish , you dont have to respond on this and tell me i am wrong , i dont care what YOU think of this , i have my idea and that's it .


Doesn't it look as if the cop ran into the road with truncheon or flashlight held out in order to clothesline the driver? Isn't that attempted murder? I had something very similar happen to me except I wasn't drunk nor on the wrong side of the road and it was in broad daylight when Thai policemen rushed into the road as I was riding by at about 85 and tried to knock me off my bike with something, perhaps a flashlight or truncheon. There was checkpoint set up and I didn't see him until the very last moment. Those kids are idiots, of course, but that cop is to blame for his and their injuries. 


These illegal police checkpoints need to stop. Most people wouldn't stop if a mugger asked them to, so why stop when a corrupt cop at an illegal shakedown at 2am asks you to?


I also had a cop punch me in one these shakedowns. I was in the outside lane of a 3 lane road on my bike (with a car tailgating me) and he jumped out at the last minute and expected me to brake and swerve across 2 lanes of heavy traffic to pay his bribe. When I didn't he did some kind of flying punch into my shoulder as I passed him. Fortunately me and the bike together weigh about 270kgs and at 40-50 km/h that is quite a bit of momentum so I stayed on 2 wheels but seriously, trying to knock me off my bike because I wouldn't endanger my life to stop at the last minute? Another time I DID stop and the cop nearly made me crash by grabbing my arm at low speed when I was coming to the end of my emergency stop (to pay his bribe), again after he jumped out at me last minute. 


Hopefully other cops see this and think twice next time. To$$ers!

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