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Noisy bike gate: Video footage shows attack on Swiss man in Pattaya

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6 hours ago, andersonat said:


A year ago, a house was being built diagonally opposite to my house. A truck belonging to a member of the construction-team was parked in front of my house and the engine was kept running for 30 minutes.

 - I suffer from asthma.

I was walking towards the empty truck [to turn off it's engine] when someone (the Driver ?) appeared out of the building site, saw my approach  ...  and he returned to the truck and turned off the engine.


Q: What do you think that I *should* have done ?  --- Move further along ??



Obviously a different situation, personally I would never attempt to take control by touching someone else's property, however a cheerful approach by the wife or someone in the household that speaks Thai would have sorted it I am sure.


Had a bloke who used to burn some awful smelling timber across the road from our place, wife approached, he said he makes his living from it and cannot stop it, wife offered him to burn it on her land further up the road, he said its more convenient for him where he burns it.


Wife said ok will go to Mayor then, he said no pompen as he is my uncle.


Mayor rocked up 10 minutes later and told him to heave ho as he did, never had a problem since, and the guy even jokes with us daily, suppose he took it on the chin, oh and by the way, he says his young sons 3 doesn't suffer from Asthma anymore, der, wife told him it wasn't good for the kid too, how thick can some people be ?


The reality is not only noise but exhaust fumes were being an annoyance...BUT, the Swiss guy went too far taking matters into his own hands. Yes the Thai man was pig ignorant, the Swiss guy initiated a confrontation though. He may well have tried to ask the guy on the bike,  but, as often happens, communication failed, so he sought to 'show' him what he was asking. I say this as I believe Swiss to be usually polite. Thai guy quick to over-react.


Yep, I agree with all the above ... an old boss who invested in a Country in SE Asia once said to me during a bout of frustration, "Its their bloody Country and they can do what they want !" ... so, when in Rome, do what .... well you know how its goes. If you want to live or visit a Country like this, you have to put up with different cultural values than you may have in your own Country. I wonder how this situation would have gone down if the guy was in Australia leaning over a Hell's Angel Bikie and turned his bike off ..... Local Newspaper stated; " .... and his funeral will be on Thursday" !


Deserved it, 100%

One more, Arrogant, Ignorant, Tourist.

Tarnishing the good image of all us ex-pats in pattaya.

He should think himself lucky,   he was still able to talk to cops. 

about the  so called injustice of it all. :bah:

Welcome to Pattaya. 

The Top family Tourist Destination of Asia. :thumbsup:



Multiple off topic troll and bickering posts have been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Well, I guess the, and it is a guess, the Swiss man probably said something quickly equivalent to '....so please turn if off.'  but perhaps the Thai man didn't understand so the Swiss man demonstrated. That was definitely a wrong move. I'm sure there would have been a reaction even if it had been another foreigner on the bike but not quite as hefty as what happened here. That response was uncalled for. 

' I am a foreign tourist so treat me nice and do what I say.'

'Oh yeah, well this is my country and my bike, so take that, and stay away.'

17 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Some westeners just feel a bit too superior when abroad.


Sorry for the wounded tourist, but he would have avoided the whole issue in just minding his own business.


I will get a good bashing here for saying this, but if people rant in real life as they do so here, it's just no surprise that such things occur.


Wish the poor fellow a prompt recovery and hope the suspect is arrested and jailed nevertheless.

Your quite right, Thais love noise, and noisy bikes, the house over the back from me is being altered and the workers make more noise talking than the power tools.


There is a general rule of thumb in Thailand. A westerner can never, ever win a fight in this country. If you kick someones butt, you lose. If they kick your butt, you lose. So, just avoid altercations. They are our hosts. It is their country. We are their guests. I have found most Thai people to be quite polite, and rarely ever aggressive, like they can be in the US, and in the UK. But, if you get in their face, or show them enough disrespect, you get what is coming to you. This guy crossed the line. Turning off this guys bike, while he was sitting on it, was just really bad judgment. Dumb. Stupid. Ignorant. Arrogant. Petty. Silly. Churlish behavior. Asking the guy to turn off his bike, while he was idling may have been ok. But reaching over the man, to turn it off himself. Dumb. Really dumb. And then, after the guy gave him a slap up the side of the head, reporting this to the media just made him look like even more of a fool, than he already was.


Let us face it. This guy is a loser. Plain and simple. He really needs to get a life. I do not condone violence. But, this guy did not really hurt the Swiss man. He just slapped him hard, according to this video, at least.

16 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

If u park u silly bike on the foothpath and let ur engine running then i ask u once to turn it off if u keep look silly then i break ur key of so it stuck in the lock have a nice day.

Break my key and I will break your face. In fact even touch my bike and I will break your face. 

18 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Some westeners just feel a bit too superior when abroad.


Sorry for the wounded tourist, but he would have avoided the whole issue in just minding his own business.


I will get a good bashing here for saying this, but if people rant in real life as they do so here, it's just no surprise that such things occur.


Wish the poor fellow a prompt recovery and hope the suspect is arrested and jailed nevertheless.

When excessive noise is being imposed on you, the miscreant makes it your business.

3 minutes ago, tryasimight said:
16 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

If u park u silly bike on the foothpath and let ur engine running then i ask u once to turn it off if u keep look silly then i break ur key of so it stuck in the lock have a nice day.

Break my key and I will break your face. In fact even touch my bike and I will break your face. 


You both come across as really unbalanced individuals with anger issues...  its perhaps best if both of you steer clear of the rest of human race... but I guess your point is the rest of the human race should steer clear of you both huh >?


... 'If you don't turn off your bike I break your key'....  'if you touch my bike I break your face'...


Really ???... exactly how old are you two keyboard lovebirds ?

3 minutes ago, cchina184 said:
18 hours ago, fanjita said:

Sorry, but he asked for that.



No... He didn't ask for that... While the Violent response of the Thai is does not come as a surprise to many it is most certainly an over reaction, one which is hardly warranted and most certainly not asked for or deserved.... 



The Thai Guy should not be on the pavement, he should not have left his bike running in complete disregard for others. 

The Swiss guy should not have turned off the bike. 


Neither of these issues warrant any violence. The attack was cowardly and unnecessary - all he needed to do was turn the key again.


This is an issue of two idiots taking a minor issue too far... but the attack was certainly unwarranted in escalating a non-violent situation into a violent one...



.... and the 'if he'd done that to my bike' comments are just idiotic...  lets face it, if someone did that you 'your bike' you'd sit there and realize that escalation is just dumb...  its different sat at home at your keyboard feeling brave though isn't it ??? !!!.... :passifier:








18 hours ago, KittenKong said:

The motorbike rider committed a physical assault from behind. He is a brainless thug, and that's all he is. Plenty more like him though.

The "brainless" part belongs to the arrogant Swiss.

18 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

The idiot bike driver was killing the lungs with exhaust fumes of the guy sitting on the bench. He probably said turn it off thai guy not understands English so he turns it off..

now he get punched in the head from behind and well case closed i guess. But the thai should be in jail and pay all medicall bills and a polluting fine on top!

Wasn't the Swiss voluntarily sitting on a bench in, or right on the side of, the road?  What else do you think he will get in his lungs sitting there?


"...and a polluting fine on top!"

Using your logic, the drivers of every single vehicle that become stationary in Thailand for any time at all should all be fined for pollution.  Brilliant.

17 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

He gassing the guy..hey i dont need agree with every clown here..

He wouldn't be getting gassed if he wasn't sitting on a bench illegally obstructing the pavement, his choice to sit there.  He's actually voluntarily sitting nearer the traffic and the bikes in the road than the bike that pulled up there.

17 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

The Thai moron overreacted, defending him says something about you.

The Thai may well have been reacting to what the Swiss moron said to him, defending him says a lot about you, too.

2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Wasn't the Swiss voluntarily sitting on a bench in, or right on the side of, the road?  What else do you think he will get in his lungs sitting there?


"...and a polluting fine on top!"

Using your logic, the drivers of every single vehicle that become stationary in Thailand for any time at all should all be fined for pollution.  Brilliant.


Behind the Swiss guy the motorcycle was on the pavement, left running with no consideration at all of anyone around him.... Thats quite different from motors idling in traffic.... 


I defy anyone not to become irritated to some degree by such inconsiderate actions.



I think their is little doubt as to the anti-social and inconsiderate behavior of the Thai Guy on the bike...

........I think the useful debate is how to handle such issues or whether such issues should even be addressed at all given the potential for escalation amongst those immature beasts who's fragile ego's are ill equipped to handle any form of criticism or loss of face. 




8 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Wasn't the Swiss voluntarily sitting on a bench in, or right on the side of, the road?  What else do you think he will get in his lungs sitting there?


"...and a polluting fine on top!"

Using your logic, the drivers of every single vehicle that become stationary in Thailand for any time at all should all be fined for pollution.  Brilliant.

Illegally parked bikes with running stinking noisy engines yes very big fines. What is the purpose according to u for having their engine run? U aware bikes have no aircons?

2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:
17 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

The Thai moron overreacted, defending him says something about you.

The Thai may well have been reacting to what the Swiss moron said to him, defending him says a lot about you, too.


No, regardless of what may have been said, if anything was said at all....  mauGR1 is correct, defending such a violent reaction does in fact say a lot about you....  


.....It suggests you find a violent response to unfavorable but non-violent interaction acceptable.




16 hours ago, dictater said:

No one is mentioning the fact the motorbike rider went off got a stick, as initially reported, came back and then beat the Swiss upside the head with it, 

Allegedly.  Allegedly, by the Swiss who has already proven himself to be a liar.  Where's the CCTV of that?

15 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

People seem to be forgetting that the Thai guy then went to get a club to cosh the Swiss guy over the head later, according to the original story.

...according to the original story of the Swiss liar.  That doesn't count for much.

14 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Farang:  hello can u pls put ur engine off? Its noisy and stinking.

Thai :  Aw Arai?

Farang turn the key off and go sit.

Thai get weapon smack farang head from behind.

Didn't see a weapon in the CCTV, didn't see the Thai go to get one either.  Did you?

1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

The Thai may well have been reacting to what the Swiss moron said to him, defending him says a lot about you, too.

I agree that the Swiss did the wrong thing, but the Thai escalated a fight.

To call it an overreaction is an understatement.

And it seems that he came back with a wooden stick to finish the job.. Appalling..

Personally, i am open to any civil discussion, even to the occasional insulting word, but any physical fight is over the top, i would accept it only as self defense.

.. But i have learned to never argue with idiots, never sweat the small stuff.

4 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

...according to the original story of the Swiss liar.  That doesn't count for much.

He didn't get his bloody head from the girly slap the Thai gave him so unless you are suggesting he imposed it on himself then it's fair to suggest there was another altercation. 

12 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


No, regardless of what may have been said, if anything was said at all....  mauGR1 is correct, defending such a violent reaction does in fact say a lot about you....  


.....It suggests you find a violent response to unfavorable but non-violent interaction acceptable.




I read a few google translated comment by Thais on a fb page, not one of them was in support of the Thai guy.

Some of them where even saying that the Swiss are very aware of ecological issues, and all the world should practice ecological awareness.

That said, i think the Swiss is not a long time expat, and he doesn't even read Thaivisa, and he should have better mind his business.

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