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Driver’s licence health rules to become stricter

Jonathan Fairfield

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Surely this isn't a rather prompt reaction to the epileptic guy killing and injuring many in Pattaya.... as it now appears he was also high on Ya-ba.

If there are health criteria to renewal, surely a medical report would be required.

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If memory serves me correct there were 3 people killed as a result of drivers having epileptic seizures this year (reported in the news), but I do recall that people killed by bus drivers, reckless driving and a total lack of enforcement by the police was....well I lost count to be honest :coffee1:

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11 hours ago, DrTuner said:

And I suppose getting the certificate is the same, popping into any clinic and if you're still breathing, 150 baht, done & dusted.

I didn't even pop into the clinic..........Mrs. AFJ went down to the clinic, asked for a paper for her husband to get his car & motor bike license. Question.."Is he in good health?".......Reply...."Yes"........o.k.........150 Baht.........paper issued.........by the way.......touch wood, I am not suffering from any of the listed illnesses.....Except probably my mental state has took a severe bashing over the last several years.....:giggle:

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14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

What about adding Mental illness,if it was enforced ,i think 

quite a few drivers already on the roads would lose their

licenses,the one's that loose it when you sound your horn 

at them ,when they have nearly taken the front off your vehicle

 by cutting you off.

regards worgeordie

Do they understand mental illness as it hides behind blocks of  superiority confidence ,intelligence, self importance , lack of empathy , ect ect


Let alone driving drunk,

Lower the speed limit , get speed cameras enforce helmets would be a good start.

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I am all for improving road safety in Thailand but this is quite honestly another win for the stupid squad.


are they saying that a doctor (quack) signed off on this ????? Just like Diabetes - High Blood Pressure is in a range, as for Brain Disease - what on earth does that mean, maybe some of the officials coming up with this stuff should be checked to see if they actually have one


If anyone is deemed unfit to drive because of a medical issue then that should be up to the attending doctor to determine - who will then notify the DLT 

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14 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

epileptic seizures, high blood pressure, brain diseases, myocardial infarction and severe diabetes.....There are already five diseases that prohibit a person from obtaining a driver’s licence: elephantiasis, TB, leprosy, alcoholism and drug addiction.


So visual impairment or blindness not an issue then?

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I have medical backing that two of these are truly bogus. Elevated BP is a problem, but millions do fine with medication....what of them? And MI. if in a current event, sure fine, but if one has a history of one MI and have recovered well there would be no reason for thi, many many go on to live long happy lives. And by the by Leprosy is now treatable and curable. TB is also treated and those with it should only be monitored unless there is an actual danger...... catch up with the wonderfully world on modern medicne

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3 hours ago, BudRight said:

The only health check you need for a driver's license in my Western country of origin is a vision test.

I just re-newed my UK license at 70 yrs old. You only need to state that you can pass the vision and medical requirements, do not need to prove it with any certificate, which is rather stupid because eye tests for over 65s are free.

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15 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The Department of Land Transport (DLT) is preparing a ministerial regulation to prohibit those with five health issues from obtaining a driver’s licence.

Alrighty then... A small 'donation' to the local clinic should clear up any health issues!

Besides, the lack of a driving license has never been a deterrent in the land of carnage.

Maybe if there was active law enforcement? I hear the bark but where's the bite?

Edited by johnny49r
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as ever this is a nape-of-the-neck reaction with little or no research.


for instance what will the criteria for blood pressure be?

People will just OD with medication before going for a test or attempt to bribe a doctor.


most countries have a comprehensive list of reasons why someone may not drive - thy weren't suddenly introduced after a disaster like this. They are though through and enforcement and detection are seriously considered.



On the upside, It seems that in the Kingdom public opinion is in the process of a sea-change regarding road safety - but it is the authorities that have failed to years to understand the problem and therefore how to tackle it.


It is Science, but not rocket science - if the county adopts standard road safety approaches, it will eventually bring the massacre under control, but if they continue to ignore their own experts, ASEAN advisors and International bodies, Thai bodies will keep piling up.



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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I would have thought that any of these illnesses should have been just reason not to issue a driving license already. While this is a tiny step in the right direction, taking action against the healthy, but speeding, negligent and reckless drivers should be more of a priority if they ever really want to bring accidents and deaths down.

All of this will turn out to be a joke as long as the Police do not enforce the laws and stop taking bribes.

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While one understands the desire that people suffering from epileptic seizures and brain diseases be denied a driver's licence, as well as individuals suffering severe cases of myocardial infraction, morbid diabetes, severe alcoholism and certain severe drug addictions, and possibly severe untreatable TB; the logic of the other diseases listed escapes me.


The absence of individuals infected with severe aggressive behaviour syndrome (SABS) [I just invented it], it is my road, get out of my way syndrome (MRMYS) [another new invention] or the more common me me me first syndrome (MMMFS) [another new one] from the list of 10 diseases is surprising.


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While agreeing things need to be strictly enforced  on medicals concerning 

getting a driving license 

 High blood pressure seems a bit over the top as most of us  over 50 proberly taking medication as it is 

priority needs to be given now on those speeding and drinking which are the main causes of accidents 

heavier fines losing licenses impounding vehicles jail sentences  could go on 

need tougher action taken 

send out a message 


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Why can't the powers-that-be, use the experience of more modern countries?  CATCH UP for goodness sake!!

You want modern highways, bigger and faster transport, then have laws that match this century.

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26 minutes ago, JimHuaHin said:

While one understands the desire that people suffering from epileptic seizures and brain diseases be denied a driver's licence, as well as individuals suffering severe cases of myocardial infraction, morbid diabetes, severe alcoholism and certain severe drug addictions, and possibly severe untreatable TB; the logic of the other diseases listed escapes me.


The absence of individuals infected with severe aggressive behaviour syndrome (SABS) [I just invented it], it is my road, get out of my way syndrome (MRMYS) [another new invention] or the more common me me me first syndrome (MMMFS) [another new one] from the list of 10 diseases is surprising.


don't forget the IOKJ! syndrome    (I'm ok Jack'!)

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15 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

what about lame ducks as stated above, and the thousands of Thais who have bad eyesight but refrain from wearing optical glasses ?  The eyesight tests in the Traffic departments are a joke

I have had many eye tests done by qualified opticians in Australia yet none of them picked up my depth perception problems,the DLT test caught me out,failed 3 times. In real life I only have 2 problems with this, one with this device and two ,when hanging clothes on clothes lines'tend to have depth perception problems here. So on my 4th attempt at the DLT I timed the candidate ahead of me and used this method to pass the test

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"High blood pressure" is a tricky one... Specially given that the US has lowered the threashhold for high from 130 to 120, making millions of people suddenly be categorized sick with high blood pressure and as such, would not qualify for a drivers licence anymore...

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